Rails sanitize

The SanitizeHelper module provides a set of methods for scrubbing text of undesired HTML elements. These helper methods extend Action View making them callable within your template files.

只允许 sanitize 方法中指定的标签和属性输出到页面,防止注入

sanitize(html, options = {})

Sanitizes HTML input, stripping all tags and attributes that aren‘t whitelisted.

It also strips href/src attributes with unsafe protocols like javascript:, while also protecting against attempts to use Unicode, ASCII, and hex character references to work around these protocol filters.

The default sanitizer is Rails::Html::WhiteListSanitizer. See Rails HTML Sanitizers for more information.

Custom sanitization rules can also be provided.

Please note that sanitizing user-provided text does not guarantee that the resulting markup is valid or even well-formed. For example, the output may still contain unescaped characters like <>, or &.

  • :tags - An array of allowed tags.
  • :attributes - An array of allowed attributes.
  • :scrubber - A Rails::Html scrubber or Loofah::Scrubber object that defines custom sanitization rules. A custom scrubber takes precedence over custom tags and attributes.
module AnnouncementsHelper
  def safe_content(content)
    sanitize(content, tags: %w(b br))
  <strong><%= t ‘content‘ %></strong>
  <%= safe_content @announcement.content %>


时间: 2025-01-31 07:22:48

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