January 01 2017 Week 1st Sunday

This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.


Hey Hey Hey.

I can see my time is coming.

I must be well-prepared for it.

The first thing, just build up a little more confidence in myself.

Believe in myslef, believe in my capability, and believe that I can handle my life in a perfect order.

I could be the greatest. I could be the best. I could be the King Kong banging on my chest.

I could beat the world. I could win the war. I could talk to the God, go banging on his door.

New Year: a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it.


Yes, I will write it as a new chapter and I think this year will be totally different.

No matter how the outside world will be, I must adapt quickly to the changes and also insist on doing a little things.

Don‘t forget our original wishes, keeep them fresh for as long as it takes to have them accomplished.

时间: 2024-08-04 22:25:06

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