how it works

How it works


This is different from a standard MOOC.  The materials presented here correspond to the advanced summer school organized by Caltech and JPL, held on Sept. 2-12, 2014.  Here we are presenting the instruction materials, for your own self-guided study, on your own schedule.  There are no quizzes, exams, grading, or certificates; our goal is simply to be a learning resource that is open to anyone.
(共有九次课,按照portal page的时间做,不要根据courses上的时间)
The material is organized in 9 sets of lectures,
that correspond to the days of the actual summer school, in the order presented
there.  You can access it from the portal (入口)page.  Please do not try to do it from the
lectures listing that Coursera may lead you to.  Do it only from
the portal page.  
After each set of lectures, there are hands-on,
practical exercises to help you learn.  These are not graded, they are for
your own benefit and self-assessment.  You can study these materials in
any order you wish, although sometimes there is an obvious logical order to them. 
You can study all of them, or just those that interest you.  We will
likely be adding some useful links for a further study as we go along.
(如何使用discussion forums,可以问问题,也可以回答他人,可以提供其他资料)
You can use the discussion forums to
ask questions, or answer them, if you feel confident about it.  Sometimes,
an instructor may answer a question, but they will not necessarily do so, so
you should not wait for an answer from an instructor.  Please use
the appropriate forum threads - do not mix questions and comments pertaining to
different school days.  
You can post links to additional
resources that you have found useful, to share with the others.  You can
also report problems, technical, or with the content, and these will be tackled
on a best-effort basis.  We also welcome constructive suggestions for future
improvements or additions.  The usual rules of a polite and professional
discourse apply.  Rude or otherwise inappropriate comments will get you
(我们有一个facebook group,如果感兴趣可以加入)
We have also started a Facebook group; please request a membership if you are interested.
We hope that you find this set of lectures
useful.  Enjoy!

时间: 2024-08-14 18:33:55

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