
Dojo now supports modules written in the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) format, which makes code easier to author and debug. In this tutorial, we learn all about this new module format, and explore how to write an application using it.


This tutorial is a follow-up to the Introduction to AMD, so make sure you understand the basics of AMD first.

本章节是Introduction to AMD,的延续,所以请你确定你已经理解了AMD的一些基础知识。

Throughout this tutorial, we will be referring to a hypothetical application with a filesystem structure that looks like this:


1 /
2     index.html
3     js/
4         lib/
5             dojo/
6             dijit/
7             dojox/
8         my/
9         util/

As you can see, this structure is different from what we discussed in the previous tutorial, so we will explain how to configure the loader to make this work. But first let‘s revisit require and define with a few more details...


Delving Deeper into require


The require function accepts the following parameters:


  1. configuration (optional, default=undefined): an object with loader configuration options - this allows you to reconfigure the loader at run-time.


  2. dependencies (optional, default=[]): an array of module identifiers. If specified, these modules will be resolved before your code is evaluated. They will be loaded in the order they are listed and passed as parameters to your callback function, also in order.

  3. callback: a function containing the code you want to run that depends on the modules in dependencies. You need to wrap your code in a callback function in order to support asynchronous loading and to be able to use non-global references to the modules.


The configuration parameter can simply be omitted, no empty placeholder value is necessary.


We‘ll cover configuring the loader in more detail below; for now here‘s an example of using the configuration parameter of require:


1 require({
2     baseUrl: "/js/",
3     packages: [
4         { name: "dojo", location: "//" },
5         { name: "my", location: "my" }
6     ]
7 }, [ "my/app" ]);

Here, we’ve changed the configuration slightly to point the dojo package to the Google CDN. Cross-domain loading support is implicit in the AMD format.

在这儿,我们稍微改变了dojo包的一些配置,把包指向了google cdn。AMD模式默认是支持跨域的。

Note that not all configuration options can be set at runtime. In particular, async, tlmSiblingOfDojo, and pre-existing has tests cannot be changed once the loader is loaded. Additionally, most configuration data is shallow copied, which means that you couldn’t use this mechanism to, for example, add more keys to a custom configuration object—the object would be overwritten.

需要注意的是,所有的配置都可以在运行时设置。但,async, tlmSiblingOfDojo以及预先存在的has等模块,一旦通过加载器加载后,就不能再修改了。此外,大多数的配置数据都是浅拷贝,这意味着一个配置对象可能会有多个指针引用着该对象,该对象中的数据随时都与可能被覆写。

Delving Deeper into define 深入了解define函数

The define function accepts the following parameters:


  1. moduleId (optional, default=undefined): a module identifier. This parameter is largely a historical artifact of early AMD loaders or to support pre-AMD Dojo, and should not be provided.


  2. dependencies (optional, default=[]): an array of module identifiers that are dependencies of your module. If specified, these modules will be resolved before your module is evaluated and they will be passed as parameters to your factory function, in order.
  3. factory: the value of your module, or a "factory" function that will return the value


It‘s important to remember that when defining a module, the factory function is only ever invoked once—the returned value is cached by the loader. On a practical level, this means that modules can very easily share objects (similar to static properties in other languages) by loading the same module.


When defining a module, the value can be given as a plain object:


1 // in "my/nls/common.js"
2 define({
3     greeting: "Hello!",
4     howAreYou: "How are you?"
5 });

Keep in mind that if you do define a module without using a factory function, you won’t be able to reference any dependencies, so this type of definition is rare and usually only gets used by i18n bundles or simple configuration objects.


How does the loader work?

When you call require to load some modules, the loader has to find the code for the module and then pass it as a parameter to your callback function so you can use it.


  1. First the loader has to resolve the module identifier you passed. This involves putting together the baseUrl with the module identifier itself, plus taking into account any modifications required by other configuration options, such as map (discussed later in more detail).


  2. At this point the loader has a URL for the module and can load the actual file by creating a new script element on the page and setting the src attribute to the module‘s URL.

  3. Once the file is loaded and evaluated, its result is set as the value of the module.

  4. The loader maintains a reference to each module, so the next time the module is requested the loader will return the existing reference.


When an AMD module is loaded, the code is inserted into a new script element on the page which results in the define function being called. The same process as above happens to load any dependencies passed to define, then the loader‘s reference to your module is set to the value returned by the factory function you passed to define. (If you passed a value, rather than a function to define, then the loader‘s reference to your module is set to that value.)


Configuring the loader配置加载器

For legacy compatibility reasons, Dojo‘s loader runs by default in synchronous mode. To put the "A" in "AMD", we need to explicitly configure the loader to run asynchronously. This is done by setting the async configuration property to true:


1 <script data-dojo-config="async: true" src="js/lib/dojo/dojo.js"></script>

You should get in the habit of enabling this as a standard practice - only disable it when you know you need synchronous behavior. The next thing we need to do is configure the loader with information about where our modules are located:


 1 var dojoConfig = {
 2     baseUrl: "/js/",
 3     tlmSiblingOfDojo: false,
 4     packages: [
 5         { name: "dojo", location: "lib/dojo" },
 6         { name: "dijit", location: "lib/dijit" },
 7         { name: "dojox", location: "lib/dojox" },
 8         { name: "my", location: "my", main: "app" }
 9     ]
10 };

Keep in mind you must set the dojoConfig variable before loading dojo.js. Read the Configuring Dojo tutorial if you haven‘t already.


Let‘s examine the configuration options we‘re using:


baseUrl (default = the path of the folder dojo.js was loaded from): defines the base URL for loading packages. For example, if you try to load the module "my/widget/Person", the loader will try to load it from:


1 /js/my/widget/Person.js

This allows us to place our files wherever is most convenient in the filesystem (in this case, the "js" folder) and still use only the relevant parts of the path in module ids - we don‘t need to require(["js/my/widget/Person"]), we can simply require(["my/widget/Person"]) because we have configured the loader to use "/js/" as a base to prepend to all module ids when actually loading the source file.


tlmSiblingOfDojo (default = true): by default, the loader expects to find modules in folders that are siblings of the folder the loader was loaded from (remember, with Dojo the loader is loaded when your script element loads dojo.js). If your file structure is like this:


1 /
2     js/
3         dojo/
4         dijit/
5         dojox/
6         my/
7         util/

Then you don‘t need to configure baseUrl or tlmSiblingOfDojo — your top-level modules are siblings of the folder dojo.js was loaded from, so tlmSiblingOfDojo is true.


packages: an array of package configuration objects. At the most fundamental level, packages are simply collections of modules. dojo, dijit, and dojox are all examples of packages. Unlike a simple collection of modules in a directory, however, packages are imbued with some extra features that significantly enhance module portability and ease-of-use. A portable package is self-contained and also can be installed through tools like cpm. A package configuration allows you to specify:


  • name: the name of the package. This should match the name of the folder that contains the modules.


  • location: the location of the package; can either be a path relative to baseUrlor an absolute path. We would like to be able to load modules from the dojo package as "dojo/dom" rather than "lib/dojo/dom" (take another look at the file structure at the beginning of this tutorial), so we specify the location property of the dojo package to be "lib/dojo". This informs the loader that an attempt to load the "dojo/dom" module should load the file "/js/lib/dojo/dom.js" (remember, because of baseUrl "js" will be prepended).

  • main (optional, default = main.js): used to discover the correct module to load if someone tries to require the package itself. For example, if you were to try to require "dojo", the actual file that would be loaded is "/js/dojo/main.js". Since we’ve overridden this property for the "my" package, if someone required "my", they would actually load "/js/my/app.js".


  • If we tried to require "util", which is not a defined package, the loader would try to load "/js/util.js". You should always define all of your packages in the loader configuration。


Using portable modules 使用轻便的模块

One of the most important features of the new AMD loader is the ability to create fully portable packages. For instance, if you had an application that needed to use modules from two different versions of Dojo, the new loader makes this very easy.

Suppose you have an application built on an older version of Dojo and you want to update to the latest and greatest 1.10 release, but there are some updates to Dojo that render your older code non-functional. You can still update to the current release of Dojo for new code, while using a legacy release of Dojo for you older code. This can be accomplished with the map configuration property:



 1 dojoConfig = {
 2     packages: [
 3         { name: "dojo16", location: "lib/dojo16" },
 4         { name: "dijit16", location: "lib/dijit16" },
 5         { name: "dojox16", location: "lib/dojox16" },
 6         { name: "dojo", location: "lib/dojo" },
 7         { name: "dijit", location: "lib/dijit" },
 8         { name: "dojox", location: "lib/dojox" },
 9         { name: "myOldApp", location: "myOldApp" },
10         { name: "my", location: "my" }
11     ],
12     map: {
13         myOldApp: {
14             dojo: "dojo16",
15             dijit: "dijit16",
16             dojox: "dojox16"
17         }
18     }
19 };
时间: 2024-12-04 19:50:11



Getting Started Dojo Start 原文 翻译 Hello Dojo!原文 翻译 Modern Dojo 原文 翻译 Configuring Dojo with dojoConfig 原文 翻译 Fundamentals Classy JavaScript with dojo/_base/declare 原文 翻译 Creating Templte-based Widgets 原文 翻译 Using dojo/query 原文 翻译 NodeList Extensions 原文


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