

346.What is the impact of the results of the output of the following command?
RMAN> report unrecoverable database;
Report of files that need backup due to unrecoverable operations
File Type of Backup Required Name 4 full or incremental C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\USERS01.DBF
A. There are no backup sets with any backups of the users01.dbf datafile.
B. The users01.dbf datafile has had unrecoverable operations occur in it. It will need to be backed up or some data loss is possible during a recovery.
C. The users01.dbf datafile is corrupted.
D. The users01.dbf datafile backup exceeds the retention criteria.
E. The last backup of the users01.dbf datafile failed and must be rerun.


347.What does the output on this report indicate?
RMAN> report need backup;
RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command
RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy 1
Report of files with less than 1 redundant backups
File #bkps Name
A. The my_data_01.dbf datafile is corrupted and needs to be restored.
B. The my_data_01.dbf datafile has not yet been backed up. This report does not imply that the data in the datafile can not be recovered.
C. The my_data_01.dbf datafile has not yet been backed up. This report implies that the data in the datafile can not be recovered.
D. The my_data_01.dbf datafile no longer meets the retention criteria for backups.
E. Datafile 5 is missing.


348.What does the minimize load database parameter mean when backing up a database?
A. RMAN will attempt to make the backup run as fast as possible without any IO limitations.
B. RMAN will automatically restrict the number of channels in use to one.
C. RMAN will spread the backup IO over the total duration stated in the backup command.
D. RMAN will skip any datafile that currently is involved in an IO operation.
RMAN will retry backing up the datafile later and an error will be raised at the end of the backup if the datafile cannot be backed up.
E. Datafiles will be backed up; those having the lowest current number of IO operations will be backed up first.


349.What is the result of this command?
RMAN> Report need backup days 3;
A. Lists all datafiles created in the last three days that are not backed up.
B. Lists all datafiles not recoverable based on the current retention criteria.
C. Lists all datafiles not backed up in the last three days. The datafile is not recoverable.
D. Lists all datafiles that need to be backed up due to unrecoverable operations.
E. Lists all datafiles not backed up in the last three days. It does not imply that the datafile is not recoverable.


350.Why would you execute the report obsolete command?
A. To list all backups that were no longer available for restore operations
B. To list all backups that had aged beyond the RMAN retention criteria
C. To list all backup set pieces listed in control-file or recovery-catalog metadata that are not on the backup media
D. To list all datafiles that are no longer part of the database and thus do not need to be backed up
E. To list all archived redo logs that are no longer needed for any database recovery
时间: 2024-10-21 16:54:19



386. 386.You have just performed a FLASHBACK TABLE operation using the following command: flashback table employees to scn 123456; The employees table has triggers associated with it. Which of the following statements is true regarding the state of t


391. 391.When setting up the Flashback Data Archive, which of these key parameters are required? (Choose all that apply.) A. Tablespace name B. Storage quota C. Retention D. Table name E. Create a default archive 392. 392.To clean up old records that


356. 356.Which of the following commands will perform an active database duplication of the ORCL database to the ORCL2 database? A. Set oracle_sid=orcl rman target=sys/robert auxname=sys/Robert@orcl2 create duplicate target database to neworcl from a


371. 371.In what state are the datafiles of a tablespace after a TSPITR has been successfully completed? A. The datafiles have an ONLINE status. B. The datafiles have an OFFLINE status. C. The datafiles have an ONLINE status and are in hot backup mod


376. 376.A user named Arren is executing this query: select table_name, operation, undo_sql from flashback_transaction_query t, (select versions_xid as xid from employees versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue where employee_id = 123) e where t.x


366. 366.If you are going to run a TSPITR recovery, which view will help you to determine which objects will be lost during the TSPITR? A. TS_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPED B. TS_PTTR_OBJECT_DROPPED C. TS_PITR_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPED D. TS_OBJECTS_DROPPED E. TS


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