

(gvim:3760): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::sm-connect after class was initialised
(gvim:3760): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::show-crash-dialog after class was initialised
(gvim:3760): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::display after class was initialised
(gvim:3760): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::default-icon after class was initialised


remove vim-gnome and install vim-gtk

时间: 2024-08-13 16:58:58



启动kibana时会有几个warning信息,具体如下: 针对xpack这几个相关的,在kibana.yml文件中新增如下三个配置即可: # 注意:参数值至少32位,否则启动会报错提示 xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey: encryptedSavedObjects12345678909876543210 xpack.security.encryptionKey: encryptionKeysecurity12345678909876543210

Ubuntu 14.04 安装配置备忘录

完全在 Linux 下工作,大概有3年时间了. 之前都是用 Windows, 而把 Linux 装在虚拟机里,现在反过来,把 Windows 装在了虚拟机里,只是因为偶尔还要用网银的缘故. 以我这几年的使用经验, 一句话: Linux 用过之后就回不去了. 以下记录我的 Ubuntu 14.04 Linux 安装配置, 算是备忘录. 需要说明的一点是: 我从来不觉得使用 Debian, CentOS, 或者 Arch, Gentoo 的人很牛, 只能说明你们不珍惜时间,就爱瞎折腾, 当然如果你是

ubuntu 14.04 安装gvim 后报出warning

(gvim:3572): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::sm-connect after class was initialised (gvim:3572): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::show-crash-dialog after class was initialised (gvim:3572):

redis启动后出现"WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel"问题

问题描述:启动redis后出现:WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as


安装完hadoop后启动hadoop 会报一个Warning.解决办法 vi  /etc/profile 进入编辑模式,添加下面这行 export HADOOP_HOME_WARN_SUPPRESS=1 保存退出 立即生效:source /etc/profile 重新启动hadoop 消除警告成功! 去除hadoop启动过程中的警告信息,布布扣,bubuko.com

linux下apache启动问题(dummy-host.example.com does not exist, Could not.. for ServerName)

一.Apache常见的启动错误及解决方法. 1.在配置虚拟主机时apache启动错误解决办法: Warning: DocumentRoot [/application/apache2.2.27/docs/dummy-host.example.com] does not exist 其实出现这个错误的主要原因报错已近很明显了,是你的httpd-vhosts.conf中多了一个如下配置: <VirtualHost *:80>    ServerAdmin [email protected]   

WARNING you have Transparen Huge Pages..

redis启动警告: WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root


本文中介绍的操作是在 64 bit Win7 操作系统上实现的.在 Vim 的官网:http://www.vim.org/ 上有一篇由 Pritesh Ugrankar 写的文章<Simple Steps to Help You Install gVim on Windows 7>,在 Vim 官网上的链接是:http://www.vim.org/ugrankar.pdf .本文在写作时参考了这篇文章. ---------------------------------------------


GVIM安装手记 1. 安装GIT及GVIM Downloa Git URL : https://gitforwindows.org/ Downloa GVim URL : https://www.vim.org/download.php 2. 安装cURL cURL是一个利用URL语法在命令行下工作的文件传输工具,1997年首次发行.它支持文件上传和下载,所以是综合传输工具,但按传统,习惯称cURL为下载工具.cURL还包含了用于程序开发的libcurl. cURL支持的通信协议有FTP.FT