《Pro Android Graphics》读书笔记之第三节

Android Frame Animation: XML, Concepts and Optimization

Frame Animation Concepts: Cels, Framerate, and Resolution


cel-base animation

raster animation


commonly called bitmap animation

not currently support Animated GIF

Optimizing Frame Animation: Color Depth and Frame Rate

three primary ways to optimize

reduce the resolution

reduce the color depth

and reduce the framerate


If you don’t need to composite your animation over other graphics, you can also consider using the lossy JPEG format to get a far smaller per-frame data foot print by throwing away some of the image data and resulting quality.

应该考虑硬件条件, 处理器及内存

Creating Frame Animation in Android Using XML Markup

Frame animation uses the drawable resource folder

animation (covered in Chapter 4) uses the /res/anim folder


Android <animation-list> Tag: The Parent Frame Container

Android‘s <item> Tag: Specifying Your Animation Frames

Creating a Frame Animation for our GraphicsDesign App

Instantiating the Frame Animation Definition Using Java

AnimationDrawable drawable = (AnimationDrawable) imageView.getDrawable();


《Pro Android Graphics》读书笔记之第三节

时间: 2024-11-08 01:03:21

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