UVALive 2963 Hypertransmission

2963 - Hypertransmission

Time limit: 6.000 seconds


The president of the Galactic Federation has recently decided that all planets of the galaxy must establish hyper-radio centers to broadcast their programs. To ensure the process,
the government has signed the contract with well known hyper-radio equipment manufacturer Trojan Horse Ltd. By the terms of this contract the company has to provide N hypertransmitters, one for each planet of the Federation.

It is known that there are two main political movements in the galaxy: industrialism and ecologism. On each planet of the galaxy one of these movements has the majority. It is clear
that after establishing the hyper-radio station on the planet, the political programs of the station will support the movement that has the majority on this planet.

All transmitters supplied by Trojan Horse Ltd will have the same range, so hyper-radio programs from each planet will be heard at the distance not exceeding R parsecs
from it. Since the company director is actually the agent of the Dark Empire, he wants to choose R in such a way, that it would destabilize the political situation in the Galactic Federation.

More precisely, for each planet A let N+(A) be the number of planets where the same political
movement as inA has the majority and hyper-radio programs from A are received, including A itself. Similarly, let N-(A) be
the number of planets where the other political movement has the majority and hyper-radio programs from A are received. The planet A is called destabilizing if N+(A)

Your task is to choose such R that the number D of destabilizing planets is maximal possible. Since increasing
transmitter‘s range requires more resources for its manufacturing, you must find the smallest possible R maximizing D.


Input consists of several datasets. The first line of each dataset contains N - the number of planets in the Galactic Federation (1N1000).
Next N lines contain four integer numbers xiyizi, and pi each and describe the
planets: xiyi, and zi specify the coordinates of the planet in space, pi = 0 if
the industrialists have the majority on the planet and pi = 1 if the ecologists have the majority. All coordinates do not exceed 10 000 by their absolute value. No two planets occupy the same point.


First output D - the maximal possible number of destabilizing planets. After that output non-negative real number R -
the minimal range that hyper-radio transmitters must have so that the number of destabilizing planets is DR must be accurate within 10-4 of the correct

Sample Input

0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1

Sample Output 


题意:每个星球都要造一座广播台,广播台主要有两种,让你选择一个距离d, 以每一个星球为圆心,以d为半径,圆范围内,跟它型号相同的星球数量记为N+(A),包括自己本身,跟它型号不同的记为N-(A), 如果一个星球的N+(A) < N-(A) , 那么这个星球就标记为不稳定的,现在问你最多能使多少个星球为不稳定,并且使d尽可能的小。



using namespace std;
const int N=1010;
int n, val[N];
struct node
	int x,y,z;
	int type;

struct Node
	int s, t;
	int dis;
	bool operator<(const Node &r) const {
		return dis < r.dis;

int fd(node a, node b)
	return (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)+(a.z-b.z)*(a.z-b.z);

int main()
	int i, j;
	while(~scanf("%d", &n))
		for(i = 0; i < n; i ++)
			scanf("%d%d%d%d", &p[i].x, &p[i].y, &p[i].z, &p[i].type);
		int tmp = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < n; i ++)
			val[i] = 1;
			for(j = i + 1; j < n; j ++)
				q[tmp].s = i;
				q[tmp].t = j;
				q[tmp].dis = fd(p[i], p[j]);
				tmp ++;
		sort(q, q + tmp);
		int cnt, ans, d;
		cnt = ans = d = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < tmp; )
			for(j = i; j < tmp && q[j].dis == q[i].dis; j ++)
				if(p[q[j].s].type != p[q[j].t].type)
					if(-- val[q[j].s] == -1)
                    if(-- val[q[j].t] == -1)
                    if(++ val[q[j].s] == 0)
                        cnt --;
                    if(++ val[q[j].t] == 0)
                        cnt --;
			if(cnt > ans)
                ans = cnt;
                d = q[i].dis;
            i = j;
		printf("%d\n%.4lf\n", ans, sqrt(d*1.0));
	return 0;
时间: 2024-07-30 07:11:46

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