Fulltext Index Study8:Resouce Consumption

一,查看Disk Consumption

1,通过SSMS查看Full-Text Index 的 Disk Consumption

在Storage-》Full Text Catalogs,选择某一个Catalog,点击属性,查看Catalog Size,就是位于Catalog中的属于fulltext的internal tables的总大小。

2,Population Schedule

通过Population Schedule tab,创建schedule和Job,按照schedule对fulltext index进行reorganize。

ALTER FULLTEXT CATALOG [fulltext_catalog_name]


   [table] = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(table_id) + ‘.‘ + OBJECT_NAME(table_id),
   logical_size_MB = CONVERT(DECIMAL(12,2), SUM(data_size/1024.0/1024))
FROM sys.fulltext_index_fragments
-- WHERE table_id = OBJECT_ID(‘dbo.specific_table_name‘)
GROUP BY table_id;

data_size:Logical size of the fragment in bytes.

二,在Fulltext Index Population时,查看memory consumption

参考《Fulltext Index Study6:Monitor Population

通过sys.dm_fts_memory_buffers 查看memory buffers used by a full-text crawl,通过sys.dm_fts_memory_pools查看memory pools used by a full-text crawl.

--returns the total shared memory owned by the Microsoft Full-Text Gatherer component
SELECT SUM(buffer_size * buffer_count)/1024 AS total_memory_KB
FROM sys.dm_fts_memory_pools


sys.fulltext_index_fragments (Transact-SQL)

sys.dm_fts_memory_pools (Transact-SQL)

sys.dm_fts_memory_buffers (Transact-SQL)

时间: 2024-08-06 03:20:25

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