
(转)3x3 convolution kernels with online demo

3x3 convolution kernels with online demo

  • Which are the most used 3x3 convolution kernels/matrices?
  • Which kernel is used for averaging, applying blur or smooth effect, do sharpening or for the emboss effect?
  • Which kernels can be used to detect edges, calculate the gradient or the smoothed gradient?
  • Can I try somewhere the two dimensional convolution in an interactive application?

The frequently used 3x3 convolution kernels are listed below with some short description. At the end of this post there is an interactive demo, where you can try and play with different 3x3 kernels. For the mathematical background of the usage of these kernels, please read the previous post on two dimensional convolution.

Average (blur, smooth) 3x3 convolution kernel

This kernel is used for noise reduction and blurring the image. Must be normalized, otherwise the result may not fit the (0, 255) range.

Sharpen 3x3 convolution kernel

This kernel is used to enhance the small differences and edges in the image.

Edge detection 3x3 convolution kernels

These kernels are sensitive to the edges. Kernel E is for detecting in both directions, while EH and EV are sensitive for the horizontal and vertical edges respectively.

Gradient detection 3x3 convolution kernels

Kernels GH and GV are to calculate the magnitude of the horizontal and the vertical gradient.

Sobel operator 3x3 convolution kernels

Sobel operators are similar to the gradient kernels approximating the smoothed gradient of the image in horizontal and vertical directions. It can be seen from the decomposing, that this operator is a combination of a gradient detector and a smoothing kernel.

Emboss 3x3 convolution kernel

This kernel creates an embossing effect, can be rotated to modify the direction of this operator.

Demo application

This program demonstrates using 3x3 convolution kernels on classic image processing source images. Please click on the label to load the application. It shall run in every modern browser, including IE9+.

Demo APP见原文

You can use the currently filtered image as source by clicking the Use filtered image button. Some predefined kernels can be chosen, but values are directly selectable too. Setting Filter normalization divides the convolution result by the summary of the elements in the kernel. It is important to mention, that on the result image the absolute output values are shown.

时间: 2024-12-27 13:20:09



声明: 1. 我和每一个应该看这篇博文的人一样,都是初学者,都是小菜鸟,我发布博文只是希望加深学习印象并与大家讨论. 2. 我不确定的地方用了"应该"二字 首先,通俗说一下,CNN的存在是为了解决两个主要问题: 1. 权值太多.这个随便一篇博文都能解释 2. 语义理解.全连接网络结构处理每一个像素时,其相邻像素与距离很远的像素无差别对待,并没有考虑图像内容的空间结构.换句话说,打乱图像像素的输入顺序,结果不变. 然后,CNN中的卷积核的一个重要特点是它是需要网络自己来学习的.这一点很简


卷积操作是使用一个二维卷积核在在批处理的图片中进行扫描,具体的操作是在每一张图片上采用合适的窗口大小在图片的每一个通道上进行扫描. 权衡因素:在不同的通道和不同的卷积核之间进行权衡 在tensorflow中的函数为例: conv2d: 任意的卷积核,能同时在不同的通道上面进行卷积操作. 卷积核的卷积过程是按照 strides 参数来确定的,比如 strides = [1, 1, 1, 1] 表示卷积核对每个像素点进行卷积,即在二维屏幕上面,两个轴方向的步长都是1.strides = [1, 2,


2.1为什么要进行实例探究 (1)就跟学编程一样,先看看别人怎么写的,可以模仿. (2)在计算机视觉中一个有用的模型,,用在另一个业务中也一般有效,所以可以借鉴. (3)本周会介绍的一些卷积方面的经典网络经典的包括:LeNet.AlexNet.VGG:流行的包括:ResNet.Inception,如下图: 2.2经典网络 (1)LeNet-5网络结构如下图所示: (2)在LeNet-5中的一些注意点:网络输入单通道的,大概有6万个参数,池化用的是平均池化而不是最大值池化,还没有用到padding


1*1的卷积核在NIN.Googlenet中被广泛使用,但其到底有什么作用也是一直困扰的问题,这里总结和归纳下在网上查到的自认为很合理的一些答案,包括1)跨通道的特征整合2)特征通道的升维和降维  3)减少卷积核参数(简化模型) 1 - 引入 在我学习吴恩达老师Deeplearning.ai深度学习课程的时候,老师在第四讲卷积神经网络第二周深度卷积网络:实例探究的2.5节网络中的网络以及1×1卷积对1×1卷积做了较为详细且通俗易懂的解释.现自己做一下记录. 2 - 1×1卷积理解 假设当前输入张


1 private static Properties prop = new Properties(); 2 3 private static String confFilePath = "conf" + File.separator + "config.properties";// 配置文件目录 4 static { 5 // 加载properties 6 InputStream is = null; 7 InputStreamReader isr = null;


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