ojective-c convert to pascal pattern

ojective-c convert to pascal pattern


Case I. Simple Class



// Protocol

@protocol mycalcEvent

- (void) oncalcEventA : (int) inx ext1:(int) extInx1;

- (void) oncalcEventB : (int) inx ext1:(int) extInx1;


// ObjC Class : mycalc -------

@interface mycalc : NSObject {

BOOL busy;


id <mycalcEvent> delegate;


- (void) setDelegate:(id) delegate;

- (int) calc : (int) value;

@property (nonatomic, assign) id delegate;


// User Protocol -----------------------------------------------

mycalcEvent = interface(IObjectiveC)

procedure oncalcEventA(inx :Integer; ext1 : Integer); cdecl;

procedure oncalcEventB(inx :Integer; ext1 : Integer); cdecl;



TmycalcEvent = class(TOCLocal,mycalcEvent)



procedure oncalcEventA(inx :Integer; ext1 : Integer); cdecl;

procedure oncalcEventB(inx :Integer; ext1 : Integer); cdecl;


 // mycalc Class  --------------------------------------------

mycalc = interface(NSObject)

function  calc        ( value : integer) : integer; cdecl;

procedure setDelegate ( adelegate : pointer ); cdecl;



MycalcClass  = interface(NSObjectClass) end;

TMycalc = class(TOCGenericImport<MyCalcClass, mycalc>) end;

时间: 2024-12-14 03:45:37

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