
Terms and Concepts


A classis a description of a
set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships, and semantics. Graphically, a class is rendered as a rectangle.




Every class must have a name that distinguishes it from other classes. Aname
is a textual string. That name alone is known as a simple name;
the class name prefixed by the name of the package in which that class lives. A class may be drawn showing only its name, as Figure 4-2 shows.


Note:A class name may be text consisting of any number of letters, numbers, and certain punctuation
marks (except for marks such as the double colon, which is used to separate a class name and the name of its enclosing package) and may continue over several lines. In practice, class names are short nouns or noun phrases drawn from the vocabulary of the system
you are modeling. Typically, you capitalize the first letter of every word in a class name, as in
Customer orTemperatureSentor.




is a named property of a class that describes a range of values that instances of the property may hold. A class may have any number of attributes or no attributes at all. An attribute represents some property of the thing you are modeling that is shared by
all objects of that class. For example, every wall has a height, width, and thickness; you might model your customers in such a way that each has a name, address, phone number, and date of birth. An attribute is therefore an abstraction of the kind of data
or state an object of the class might encompass. At a given moment, an object of a class will have specific values for every one of its class’s
attributes. Graphically, attributes are listed in a compartment just below the class name. Attributes may be drawn showing only their name, as shown in Figure 4-3.


Note:An attribute name may be text, just like a class name. In practice, an attribute name is
a short noun or noun phrase that represents some property of its enclosing class. Typically, you capitalize the first letter of every word in an attributes name except the first letter, as inname


You can further specify an attribute by stating its class and possibly a default initial value, as shown Figure 4-4.




the implementation of a service that can be requested from any object of the class to affect behavior. In other words, an operation is an abstraction of something you can do to an object that is shared by all objects of that class. A class may have any number
of operations or no operations at all. For example, in a windowing library such as the one found in Java’sawt
package, all objects of the classRectangle can
be moved, resized, or queried for their properties. Often (but not always), invoking an operation on an object changes the object’s
data or state. Graphically, operations are listed in a compartment just below the class attributes. Operations may be drawn showing only their names, as in Figure 4-5.


Note:An operation name may be text, just like a class name. In practice, An operation name is
a short verb or verb phrase that represents some behavior of its enclosing class. Typically, you capitalize the first letter of every word in an operation name except the first letter, as inmove


You can specify an operation by stating its signature, which includes the name, type, and default value of all parameters and (in the case of functions) a return type, as shown
in Figure 4-6.



时间: 2024-08-06 16:10:50


【Java】Java Socket编程(1)基本的术语和概念

计算机程序能够相互联网,相互通讯,这使一切都成为可能,这也是当今互联网存在的基础.那么程序是如何通过网络相互通信的呢?这就是我记录这系列的笔记的原因.Java语言从一开始就是为了互联网而设计的,它为实现程序的相互通信提供了许多有用API,这类应用编程接口被称为套接字(Socket).在开始学习Java Socket之前我们需要先来了解一下基本的术语和概念. 1.计算机网络 计算机网络由一组通过通信信道(Communication channel)相互连接的机器组成.这些机器被称为:主机(host


JAVA进阶之旅(二)--认识Class类,反射的概念,Constructor,Fiald,Method,反射Main方法,数组的反射和实践 我们继续聊JAVA,这次比较有意思,那就是反射了 一.认识Class类 想要反射,你就必须要了解一个类--Class,我们知道,java程序中的各个java类都属于同一事物,我们通常用Classliability描述对吧,反射这个概念从JDK1.2就出来了,历史算是比较悠久了,这个Class可不是关键字哦,这个是一个类,他代表的是一类事物: 我们归根结底就


简述什么是协变性.逆变性.不变性 协变性,如:string->object (子类到父类的转换) 逆变性,如:object->string (父类到子类的转换) 不变性,基于上面两种情况,不可变.具体下面再做分析. 泛型委托的可变性 先使用框架定义的泛型委托Func和Action做例子(不了解的请戳) 协变:(string->object) Func<string> func1 = () => "农码一生"; Func<object> f

C# Socket编程(1)基本的术语和概念

计算机程序能够相互联网,相互通讯,这使一切都成为可能,这也是当今互联网存在的基础.那么程序是如何通过网络相互通信的呢?这就是我记录这系列的笔记的原因.C#语言从一开始就是为了互联网而设计的,它为实现程序的相互通信提供了许多有用API,这类应用编程接口被称为套接字(Socket).在开始学习C# Socket之前我们需要先来了解一下基本的术语和概念. 阅读目录: 1.计算机网络 2.分组报文 3.协议 3.1 IP协议 3.2 TCP协议 3.2 UDP协议 4.网络地址 4.1 回环地址 5.D


类和封装的概念 什么是类? 电脑一般而言是由CPU,内存,主板,键盘和硬盘等部件组合而成. 思考:学习电脑组装需要多少时间?学习电脑组装是都需要学习显示器,键盘,鼠标,主板等部件的设计与制造? 类的封装 我们可以把程序按某种规则分成很多"块",类与类之间可能会有联系,每个类都有一个可变部分(public)和一个不可变部分(private).我们需要把可变部分和不可变部分分离出来,将不可变的部分暴露给其他类,而将可变的部分隐藏起来,以便于随时可以让它修改.这项工作就是封装. 类分为以下两


(大部分为翻译) Concurrency vs. Parallelism 并发 vs 并行 并发并不一定同时运行,比如使用时间片,使得两个任务交替执行.而并行是执两个任务真正的同时执行. Asynchronous vs. Synchronous   同步 vs 异步   如果一个方法被调用后,调用者只能等到此方法返回值或抛出异常才能继续前进,那这个方法就被称为是"同步"的. 而"异步"调用,是指调用者在经历有限的步骤之后,可以继续前进.方法的完成可以通过其它的机制进


 Terms and Concepts 术语和概念 A note is a graphical symbol for rendering constraints or comments attached to an element or a collection of elements. Graphically, a note is rendered as a rectangle with a dog-eared corner, together with a textual or grap


对于不折不扣的汇编新手来说,第一部分中出现的很多概念可能不是很明白,于是我决定写更多有价值的文章.所以,让我们开始<我的汇编学习之路>的第二部分的学习. 术语和概念 当我写了第一篇之后,我从不同的读者那获得很多反馈,第一篇中有些部分不明白,这就是本文以及接下来几篇从一些术语的描述开始的原因. 寄存器(Register):寄存器是处理器内小容量的存储结构,处理器的主要功能是数据处理,处理器可以从内存中获得数据,但这是一种低速的操作,这就是为什么处理器为什么要有自己数据存储结构,称为"寄


一.spine术语和概念 1. Skinmesh 蒙皮 在最终的渲染结果中,蒙皮将完全显示出来,蒙皮实际上就是顶点.法线和纹理坐标等将被渲染的元素. 而其中,最关键的当然是顶点,顶点将直接被骨头牵扯运动,因而使得整个模型呈现骨骼所决定的样子. 2. Skeleton 骨骼 骨骼是一种抽象的概念,在最终的渲染结果中,它不可见.类如人体骨骼,骨骼是若干骨头(Bone)成树状的集合体,而每块骨头又分别与若干数量的蒙皮顶点关联. 当骨头运动的时候,与之关联的所有蒙皮顶点也会受骨骼的影响而运动. 骨头与蒙