Launch Instruments

Launch Instruments

该仪器应用在Xcode应用程序,所以推出是在Xcode的最直接的方式。你也可以启动它间接地通过码头,启动,或命令行。The Instruments app lives inside the Xcode app, so the most direct way to launch it is from within Xcode. You can also launch it indirectly via the Dock, Launchpad, or the command line.

从Xcode启动仪器Launch Instruments from Xcode

启动仪器的最直接的方式是通过在Xcode Xcode菜单。The most direct way to launch Instruments is via the Xcode menu in Xcode.

从Xcode菜单启动仪器To launch Instruments from the Xcode menu

  1. Open Xcode.
  2. Choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Instruments.


您可以使用此方法启动许多其他有用的开发工具。You can use this method to launch a number of other useful development tools.

你也可以启动仪器以剖面的程序你都积极致力于在Xcode。You can also initiate Instruments in order to profile an app you are actively working on in Xcode.

打开Xcode项目简介To profile an opened Xcode project

  1. 启动Xcode打开你的项目。Launch Xcode and open your project.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Product > Profile.

    • Click and hold the Run button in the Xcode toolbar and choose Profile.

    • Press Command-I.

Xcode创建你的项目,仪器的推出,并会提示你选择一个仿形模板。Xcode builds your project, Instruments launches, and you’re prompted to select a profiling template.

如果你需要用相同的模板定期您的应用程序配置文件,你可以设置你的Xcode项目自动用它当你启动分析。If you need to profile your app with the same template regularly, you can set up your Xcode project to automatically use it whenever you initiate profiling.

建立一个Xcode项目使用特定的仪器分析模板To set up an Xcode project to use a specific Instruments profiling template

  1. 启动Xcode打开你的项目。Launch Xcode and open your project.
  2. Choose Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme.

    或者,在Xcode工具栏的格式弹出菜单,选择“编辑方案。Or, from the Scheme pop-up menu in the Xcode toolbar, choose Edit Scheme.

    Or, press Command–Less Than (<).

    The scheme editor dialog appears.

  3. Click Profile in the sidebar of the scheme editor dialog.

  4. 在“信息”下,单击“工具弹出”菜单并选择所需的分析模板。Under Info, click the Instrument pop-up menu and choose the desired profiling template.

    如果你chooseask发射,仪器显示其仿形模板选择对话框,在启动时。If you chooseAsk on Launch, Instruments displays its profiling template selection dialog when it starts up.

  5. Click Close.
  6. 启动分析。请打开Xcode项目简介。Initiate profiling. See To profile an opened Xcode project.

Xcode创建你的项目,仪器的推出,并开始分析您的应用程序与你的模板配置方案编辑。Xcode builds your project, Instruments launches, and it begins profiling your app with the template you configured in the scheme editor.

从码头发射仪器Launch Instruments from the Dock

仪器可在码头的Xcode图标启动。Instruments can be launched from the Xcode icon in the Dock.

从码头的Xcode图标启动仪器To launch Instruments from the Xcode icon in the Dock

  1. Open Xcode.
  2. Control-click the Xcode icon in the Dock, and then choose Options > Open Developer Tool > Instruments from the shortcut menu.

The Instruments app launches.

You can also add Instruments to your Dock for quick access. The quickest way to do this is to launch Instruments and then set it to stay in the Dock.

永久地添加仪器到您的码头To permanently add Instruments to your Dock

  1. Open Xcode.
  2. Choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Instruments.

    Instruments launches and its icon appears in your Dock.

  3. Control-click the Instruments icon in the Dock, and then choose Options > Keep in Dock from the shortcut menu.

Launch Instruments from Launchpad

启动自动显示驻留在您的应用程序文件夹的应用程序。由于仪器不在应用程序文件夹(至少不是直接在Xcode,它是在应用程序文件夹),它没有出现在Launchpad。但是,您可以通过为工具创建一个别名并将其放入应用程序文件夹中来添加它。Launchpad automatically displays apps that reside in your Applications folder. Because Instruments isn’t in the Applications folder (at least, not directly—it’s in Xcode, which is in the Applications folder), it doesn’t appear in Launchpad. However, you can add it by creating an alias to Instruments and putting it in your Applications folder.

To add Instruments to Launchpad

  1. Open Xcode.
  2. Choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Instruments.

    Instruments launches and its icon appears in your Dock.

  3. Control-click the Instruments icon in the Dock, and then choose Options > Show in Finder from the shortcut menu.

  4. Option-Command-drag the Instruments app icon in the Finder to your Applications folder.

    An alias of Instruments is created and added to your Applications folder.

  5. Remove the alias suffix from the filename of the Instruments alias.

    Instruments now appears in Launchpad.

Launch Instruments from the Command Line

You can use the open command to launch any app in OS X via Terminal.

To launch Instruments using the open command line tool

  1. Launch Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities/).
  2. Run the following command:

    open /Applications/

The Instruments app launches.


您还可以使用两个命令行实用工具来对应用程序进行概要分析,而不必实际显示仪器用户界面。You can also use either of two command-line utilities to profile an app without actually displaying the Instruments user interface.

  • 工具实用程序使用指定的模板描述应用程序。结果可以保存到一个文件中,然后在主仪表应用程序中手动打开以便查看和分析。有关使用信息,请参见带有仪器和仪表的配置文件(1)Mac开发人员工具手册页。instruments—This utility profiles an app using a specified template. The results can be saved to a file and then manually opened in the main Instruments app for viewing and analysis. For usage information, see Profile with instruments and instruments(1) Mac OS X Developer Tools Manual Page.
  • iprofiler这个工具监视应用程序使用活动监视器、拨款、计数器、事件探查器、泄漏,系统跟踪,和/或时间剖面。结果被保存到一个文件。地面可以打开仪器在观察和分析以后。使用信息收集和iprofiler看到iprofilerand数据视图(1)Mac OS X开发者工具手册页。iprofiler—This tool monitors an app using Activity Monitor, Allocations, Counters, Event Profiler, Leaks, System Trace, and/or Time Profiler. The results are saved into a .dtps file that can be opened in Instruments at a later time for viewing and analysis. For usage information, see Collect and view data with iprofilerand iprofiler(1) Mac OS X Developer Tools Manual Page.
时间: 2024-08-02 09:07:21

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