0. 前言
相关文章:Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and Blocking Concurrent Queue Algorithms
1. 基本原理
2. C简单实现
#include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> typedef struct QNode { void * pValue; struct QNode * pNext; } QNode; typedef struct Queue { QNode * pHead; QNode * pTail; pthread_mutex_t headLock; pthread_mutex_t tailLock; } TQueue; TQueue * InitTQueue() { TQueue * pQueue = malloc(sizeof(*pQueue)); assert(pQueue); QNode *pEmptyNode = malloc(sizeof(*pEmptyNode)); assert(pEmptyNode); pEmptyNode->pNext = NULL; pQueue->pHead = pQueue->pTail = pEmptyNode; pthread_mutex_init(&pQueue->headLock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&pQueue->tailLock, NULL); return pQueue; } void EnQueue(TQueue *pQueue, void *pValue) { assert(pQueue); QNode *pNewNode = malloc(sizeof(*pNewNode)); pNewNode->pValue = pValue; pNewNode->pNext = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&pQueue->tailLock); pQueue->pTail->pNext = pNewNode; pQueue->pTail = pNewNode; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pQueue->tailLock); } void * DeQueue(TQueue *pQueue) { void *pValue = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&pQueue->headLock); QNode *pPopNode = pQueue->pHead; if (NULL == pPopNode->pNext) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&pQueue->headLock); return NULL; } pValue = pPopNode->pNext->pValue; pQueue->pHead = pPopNode->pNext; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pQueue->headLock); free(pPopNode); return pValue; } void * Producer(void *pArg) { TQueue * pQueue = (TQueue*)pArg; const int nMsgNums = 10; for (int i = 1; i <= nMsgNums; ++i) { EnQueue(pQueue, (void*)i); } EnQueue(pQueue, 0); } void * Consumer(void *pArg) { TQueue * pQueue = (TQueue*)pArg; while (1) { int nMsg = (int)DeQueue(pQueue); if (nMsg == 0) { break; } printf("%u msg[%d]\n", pthread_self(), nMsg); } } #define MAX_PTHREADS 3 int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { TQueue * pQueue = InitTQueue(); assert(pQueue); pthread_t producerId[MAX_PTHREADS]; pthread_t consumerId[MAX_PTHREADS]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PTHREADS; ++i) { pthread_create(&producerId[i], NULL, Producer, (void*)pQueue); pthread_create(&consumerId[i], NULL, Consumer, (void*)pQueue); } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PTHREADS; ++i) { pthread_join(producerId[i], NULL); pthread_join(consumerId[i], NULL); } return 0; }
时间: 2024-12-16 01:33:54