dog,doggie | 不像冬天 |
My family has a dog named Jake My little cousin Nina calls him "doggie" and chases him around the house. | 我家有只狗交杰克,我的小表妹Nina叫它狗狗,满屋子追着它跑. |
cat,kitty cat | 跟夏天似的 |
Global warming | 全球变暖 |
We also have a cat named Milly my little cousin Nina calls her "kitty cat" and draws pictures of her. | 我们还有一只猫,我的小表妹Nina叫它猫猫.还画它. |
sandwhich, sammie | 三名 |
When Nina visits us she asks us make her sammies which another cute name for sandwhiches. | Nina 来我家的时候会让我做Sammie.三明治的另外一个可爱的名字 |
时间: 2024-12-21 05:33:11