Python的with open file as 自我了解解释

#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-with open (‘1.txt‘) as f1:    f1.line = f1.readlines()    print (f1.line)

with  open(‘2.txt‘) as f2:    f2.line = f2.readlines()    print (f2.line)

#写在一块  中间用,分开,注意最后:结尾,     类似循环语句的结尾with open (‘1.txt‘) as f1,open(‘2.txt‘) as f2:    f1.line = f1.readlines()    f2.line = f2.readlines()    print (f1.line)    print (f2.line)
时间: 2025-01-02 00:42:21

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