poj 1741 Tree(树的点分治)

poj 1741 Tree(树的点分治)




#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

const int maxn=1e4+5;

struct Graph{
    struct Edge{
        int to, next, v; Graph *bel;
        Edge& operator ++(){
            return *this=bel->edge[next]; }
    int cntedge, fir[maxn];
    void addedge(int x, int y, int v){
        Edge &e=edge[++cntedge];
        e.to=y; e.next=fir[x]; e.v=v;
        fir[x]=cntedge; e.bel=this;
    Edge& getlink(int x){ return edge[fir[x]]; }
    void RESET(){ cntedge=0; memset(fir, 0, sizeof(fir)); }

int n, k, size[maxn], w[maxn], dep[maxn];
int cnt[maxn], tail;
bool done[maxn];

int getsize(int now, int par, int num){
    size[now]=0; w[now]=0;
    Graph::Edge e=g.getlink(now);
    for (; e.to; ++e){
        if (e.to==par||done[e.to]) continue;
        size[now]+=getsize(e.to, now, num);
        w[now]=max(w[now], size[e.to]);
    ++size[now]; w[now]=max(w[now], num-size[now]);
    return size[now];

int getroot(int now, int par){
    Graph::Edge e=g.getlink(now);
    int root=now, tmp=now;
    for (; e.to; ++e){
        if (e.to==par||done[e.to]) continue;
        tmp=getroot(e.to, now);
        if (w[tmp]<w[root]) root=tmp; //mdzzle
    return root;

void getdep(int now, int par, int step){
    Graph::Edge e=g.getlink(now);
    for (; e.to; ++e)
        if (e.to!=par&&!done[e.to])
        getdep(e.to, now, step+e.v);

int getans(int k, int tail){
    sort(cnt, cnt+tail);
    --tail; int ans=0;
    for (int l=0; l<tail; ++l){
        while (cnt[l]+cnt[tail]>k&&l<tail) --tail;
    return ans;

int solve(int now, int num){
    getsize(now, 0, num); //获取当前树的子树大小
    if (size[now]==1) return 0;
    now=getroot(now, 0); //凭借子树大小找到重心
    tail=0; //把深度数组复原
    getdep(now, 0, 0); //获取每个结点的深度,构建深度数组
    int ans=getans(k, tail);
    done[now]=true; //堵住当前点
    Graph::Edge e=g.getlink(now);
    for (; e.to; ++e) if (!done[e.to]){
        tail=0; getdep(e.to, 0, 0);
        ans-=getans(k-e.v*2, tail);
        ans+=solve(e.to, size[e.to]);
    return ans;

int main(){
    while (~scanf("%d%d", &n, &k)&&n&&k){
        int t1, t2, t3; g.RESET();
        for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) done[i]=false;
        for (int i=1; i<n; ++i){
            scanf("%d%d%d", &t1, &t2, &t3);
            g.addedge(t1, t2, t3);
            g.addedge(t2, t1, t3);
        printf("%d\n", solve(1, n));
    return 0;


时间: 2024-08-06 21:37:31

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