
学习notebook自带例程Classification with HDF5 data时遇到了一些问题,认真把模型文件看了一遍。



1 name:层名称 2 type:层类型 3 top:出口 4 bottom:入口

Each layer type defines three critical computations: setup, forward, and backward.

  • Setup: initialize the layer and its connections once at model initialization.
  • Forward: given input from bottom compute the output and send to the top.
  • Backward: given the gradient w.r.t. the top output compute the gradient w.r.t. to the input and send to the bottom. A layer with parameters computes the gradient w.r.t. to its parameters and stores it internally.

From: caffe_root/examples/hdf5_classification/train_val.prototxt

 1 #From: caffe_root/examples/hdf5_classification/train_val.prototxt
 2 #计算Logistic函数
 3 name: "LogisticRegressionNet"
 4 #训练数据层,put in HDF5Data
 5 layer {
 6   name: "data"
 7   type: "HDF5Data"
 8   top: "data"
 9   top: "label"
10   include {
11     phase: TRAIN
12   }
13   hdf5_data_param {
14     source: "examples/hdf5_classification/data/train.txt"
15     batch_size: 10
16   }
17 }
18 #测试数据层,put in HDF5Data
19 layer {
20   name: "data"
21   type: "HDF5Data"
22   top: "data"
23   top: "label"
24   include {
25     phase: TEST
26   }
27   hdf5_data_param {
28     source: "examples/hdf5_classification/data/test.txt"
29     batch_size: 10
30   }
31 }
32 #全连接层
33 layer {
34   name: "fc1"
35   type: "InnerProduct"
36   bottom: "data"
37   top: "fc1"
38   param {
39     lr_mult: 1        # learning rate multiplier for the filters
40     decay_mult: 1    # learning rate multiplier for the biases
41   }
42   param {
43     lr_mult: 2        # weight decay multiplier for the filters
44     decay_mult: 0    # weight decay multiplier for the biases
45   }
46   inner_product_param {
47     num_output: 2
48     weight_filler {
49       type: "gaussian"
50       std: 0.01
51     }
52     bias_filler {
53       type: "constant"
54       value: 0
55     }
56   }
57 }
58 #loss函数层
59 layer {
60   name: "loss"
61   type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"    #计算loss函数的方法
62   bottom: "fc1"
63   bottom: "label"
64   top: "loss"
65 }
67 layer {
68   name: "accuracy"
69   type: "Accuracy"
70   bottom: "fc1"
71   bottom: "label"
72   top: "accuracy"
73   include {
74     phase: TEST
75   }
76 }


1.HD5 Input:

1 HDF5 Input
3     LayerType: HDF5_DATA
4     Parameters
5         Required
6             source: the name of the file to read from
7             batch_size

2.Inner Product(全连接层,计算向量内积):

 1 Inner Product
 3     LayerType: INNER_PRODUCT
 4     CPU implementation: ./src/caffe/layers/inner_product_layer.cpp
 5     CUDA GPU implementation: ./src/caffe/layers/
 6     Parameters (InnerProductParameter inner_product_param)
 7         Required
 8             num_output (c_o): the number of filters
 9         Strongly recommended
10             weight_filler [default type: ‘constant‘ value: 0]
11         Optional
12             bias_filler [default type: ‘constant‘ value: 0]
13             bias_term [default true]: specifies whether to learn and apply a set of additive biases to the filter outputs
14     Input
15         n * c_i * h_i * w_i
16     Output
17         n * c_o * 1 * 1
19     Sample
21     layers {
22       name: "fc8"
23       type: INNER_PRODUCT
24       blobs_lr: 1          # learning rate multiplier for the filters
25       blobs_lr: 2          # learning rate multiplier for the biases
26       weight_decay: 1      # weight decay multiplier for the filters
27       weight_decay: 0      # weight decay multiplier for the biases
28       inner_product_param {
29         num_output: 1000
30         weight_filler {
31           type: "gaussian"
32           std: 0.01
33         }
34         bias_filler {
35           type: "constant"
36           value: 0
37         }
38       }
39       bottom: "fc7"
40       top: "fc8"
41     }
43 The INNER_PRODUCT layer (also usually referred to as the fully connected layer) treats the input as a simple vector and produces an output in the form of a single vector (with the blob’s height and width set to 1).


 1 Loss
 3 In Caffe, as in most of machine learning, learning is driven by a loss function (also known as an error, cost, or objective function). A loss function specifies the goal of learning by mapping parameter settings (i.e., the current network weights) to a scalar value specifying the “badness” of these parameter settings. Hence, the goal of learning is to find a setting of the weights that minimizes the loss function.
 5 The loss in Caffe is computed by the Forward pass of the network. Each layer takes a set of input (bottom) blobs and produces a set of output (top) blobs. Some of these layers’ outputs may be used in the loss function. A typical choice of loss function for one-versus-all classification tasks is the SOFTMAX_LOSS function, used in a network definition as follows, for example:
 6 /***********************************************************************/
 7 layers {
 8   name: "loss"
 9   type: SOFTMAX_LOSS
10   bottom: "pred"
11   bottom: "label"
12   top: "loss"
13 }
15 In a SOFTMAX_LOSS function, the top blob is a scalar (dimensions 1×1×1×1) which averages the loss (computed from predicted labels pred and actuals labels label) over the entire mini-batch.


 1 Accuracy and Top-k
 3 ACCURACY scores the output as the accuracy of output with respect to target – it is not actually a loss and has no backward step.
 4  Activation / Neuron Layers
 6 In general, activation / Neuron layers are element-wise operators, taking one bottom blob and producing one top blob of the same size. In the layers below, we will ignore the input and out sizes as they are identical:
 8     Input
 9         n * c * h * w
10     Output
11         n * c * h * w



时间: 2024-08-06 09:03:12



原文链接 创建caffe模型,首先要在protocol buffer 定义文件(prototxt)中定义结构. 在caffe环境中,图像的明显特征是其空间结构. Convolution: Documents: 1 Parameters (ConvolutionParameter convolution_param) 2 3 Required 4 num_output (c_o): 输出数(filter数)


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