12 extremely useful hacks for JavaScript

In this post I will share 12 extremely useful hacks for JavaScript. These hacks reduce the code and will help you to run optimized code. So let’s start hacking!

1) Converting to boolean using !! operator

Sometimes we need to check if some variable exists or if it has a valid value, to consider them as true value. For do this kind of validation, you can use the !! (Double negation operator) a simple !!variable, which will automatically convert any kind of data to boolean and this variable will return false only if it has some of these values: 0null""undefined or NaN, otherwise it will return true. To understand it in practice, take a look this simple example:

In this case, if an account.cash value is greater than zero, the account.hasMoney will be true.

function Account(cash) {
    this.cash = cash;
    this.hasMoney = !!cash;
var account = new Account(100.50);
console.log(account.cash); // 100.50
console.log(account.hasMoney); // true

var emptyAccount = new Account(0);
console.log(emptyAccount.cash); // 0
console.log(emptyAccount.hasMoney); // false

2) Converting to number using + operator

This magic is awesome! And it’s very simple to be done, but it only works with string numbers, otherwise it will return NaN (Not a Number). Have a look on this example:

function toNumber(strNumber) {
    return +strNumber;
console.log(toNumber("1234")); // 1234
console.log(toNumber("ACB")); // NaN

This magic will work with Date too and, in this case, it will return the timestamp number:

console.log(+new Date()) // 1461288164385

3) Short-circuits conditionals

If you see a similar code:

if (conected) {

You can shorten it by using the combination of a variable (which will be verified) and a function using the&& (AND operator) between both. For example, the previous code can become smaller in one line:

conected && login();

You can do the same to check if some attribute or function exists in the object. Similar to the below code:

user && user.login();

4) Default values using || operator

Today in ES6 there is the default argument feature. In order to simulate this feature in old browsers you can use the || (OR operator) by including the default value as a second parameter to be used. If the first parameter returns false the second one will be used as a default value. See this example:

function User(name, age) {
    this.name = name || "Oliver Queen";
    this.age = age || 27;
var user1 = new User();
console.log(user1.name); // Oliver Queen
console.log(user1.age); // 27

var user2 = new User("Barry Allen", 25);
console.log(user2.name); // Barry Allen
console.log(user2.age); // 25

5) Caching the array.length in the loop

This tip is very simple and causes a huge impact on the performance when processing large arrays during a loop. Basically, almost everybody writes this synchronous for to iterate an array:

for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

If you work with smaller arrays – it’s fine, but if you process large arrays, this code will recalculate the size of array in every iteration of this loop and this will cause a bit of delays. To avoid it, you can cache thearray.length in a variable to use it instead of invoking the array.length every time during the loop:

var length = array.length;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {

To make it smaller, just write this code:

for(var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {

6) Detecting properties in an object

This trick is very useful when you need to check if some attribute exists and it avoids running undefined functions or attributes. If you are planning to write cross-browser code, probably you will use this technique too. For example, let’s imagine that you need to write code that is compatible with the old Internet Explorer 6 and you want to use the document.querySelector(), to get some elements by their ids. However, in this browser this function doesn’t exist, so to check the existence of this function you can use the in operator, see this example:

if (‘querySelector‘ in document) {
} else {

In this case, if there is no querySelector function in the document object, we can use thedocument.getElementById() as fallback.

7) Getting the last item in the array

The Array.prototype.slice(begin, end) has the power to cut arrays when you set the begin and endarguments. But if you don’t set the end argument, this function will automatically set the max value for the array. I think that few people know that this function can accept negative values, and if you set a negative number as begin argument you will get the last elements from the array:

var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
console.log(array.slice(-1)); // [6]
console.log(array.slice(-2)); // [5,6]
console.log(array.slice(-3)); // [4,5,6]

8) Array truncation

This technique can lock the array’s size, this is very useful to delete some elements of the array based on the number of elements you want to set. For example, if you have an array with 10 elements, but you want to get only the first five elements, you can truncate the array, making it smaller by setting thearray.length = 5. See this example:

var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
console.log(array.length); // 6
array.length = 3;
console.log(array.length); // 3
console.log(array); // [1,2,3]

9) Replace all

The String.replace() function allows using String and Regex to replace strings, natively this function only replaces the first occurrence. But you can simulate a replaceAll() function by using the /g at the end of a Regex:

var string = "john john";
console.log(string.replace(/hn/, "ana")); // "joana john"
console.log(string.replace(/hn/g, "ana")); // "joana joana"

10) Merging arrays

If you need to merge two arrays you can use the Array.concat() function:

var array1 = [1,2,3];
var array2 = [4,5,6];
console.log(array1.concat(array2)); // [1,2,3,4,5,6];

However, this function is not the most suitable to merge large arrays because it will consume a lot of memory by creating a new array. In this case, you can use Array.push.apply(arr1, arr2) which instead creates a new array – it will merge the second array in the first one reducing the memory usage:

var array1 = [1,2,3];
var array2 = [4,5,6];
console.log(array1.push.apply(array1, array2)); // [1,2,3,4,5,6];

11) Converting NodeList to Arrays

If you run the document.querySelectorAll("p") function, it will probably return an array of DOM elements, the NodeList object. But this object doesn’t have all array’s functions, like: sort()reduce(),map()filter(). In order to enable these and many other native array’s functions you need to convert NodeList into Arrays. To run this technique just use this function: [].slice.call(elements):

var elements = document.querySelectorAll("p"); // NodeList
var arrayElements = [].slice.call(elements); // Now the NodeList is an array
var arrayElements = Array.from(elements); // This is another way of converting NodeList to Array

12) Shuffling array’s elements

To shuffle the array’s elements without using any external library like Lodash, just run this magic trick:

var list = [1,2,3];
console.log(list.sort(function() { Math.random() - 0.5 })); // [2,1,3]


Now you learned some useful JS hacks which are largely used to minify JavaScript code and some of these tricks are used in many popular JS frameworks like Lodash, Underscore.js, Strings.js, among others. If you want to go even deeper and learn more about how you can minify your code even more and even protect it from prying eyes talk to us. I hope you enjoyed this post and if you know other JS hacks, please leave your comment on this post!

This entry was posted in JavaScriptTutorials and tagged hacksjavascript by Caio Ribeiro Pereira. Bookmark the permalink.

时间: 2024-10-01 22:44:00

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来源:http://www.cnblogs.com/huangxincheng/archive/2011/12/04/2275988.html,感谢! 做前端开发少不了各种利器.比如我习惯用的还是Google浏览器和重型武器Fiddller. 一: 原始情况 首先大家看看如下的代码: 1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" In


1.== Javascript有两组相等运算符,一组是==和!=,另一组是===和!==.前者只比较值的相等,后者除了值以外,还比较类型是否相同. 请尽量不要使用前一组,永远只使用===和!==.因为==默认会进行类型转换,规则十分难记.如果你不相信的话,请回答下面五个判断式的值是true还是false: false == 'false' false == undefined false == null null == undefined 0 == '' 前三个是false,后两个是true.


1. == Javascript有两组相等运算符,一组是==和!=,另一组是===和!==.前者只比较值的相等,后者除了值以外,还比较类型是否相同. 请尽量不要使用前一组,永远只使用===和!==.因为==默认会进行类型转换,规则十分难记.如果你不相信的话,请回答下面五个判断式的值是true还是false: false == 'false' false == undefined false == null null == undefined 0 == '' 前三个是false,后两个是true.


在这篇文章中将给大家分享12个有关于JavaScript的小技巧.这些小技巧可能在你的实际工作中或许能帮助你解决一些问题. 使用!!操作符转换布尔值 有时候我们需要对一个变量查检其是否存在或者检查值是否有一个有效值,如果存在就返回true值.为了做这样的验证,我们可以使用!!操作符来实现是非常的方便与简单.对于变量可以使用!!variable做检测,只要变量的值为:0.null." ".undefined或者NaN都将返回的是false,反之返回的是true.比如下面的示例: func


作者: 阮一峰 这几天,我在读<Javascript语言精粹>. 这本书很薄,100多页,正好假日里翻翻. 该书的作者是Douglas Crockford,他是目前世界上最精通Javascript的人之一,也是Json格式的创造者. 他认为Javascript有很多糟粕.因为1995年Brendan Eich设计这种语言的时候,只用了三个月,很多语言特性没有经过深思熟虑,就推向了市场.结果等到人们意识到这些问题的时候,已经有100万程序员在使用它了,不可能再大幅修改语言本身了.所以,Dougl


转自阮一峰: 最近写的一些小东西,总是出各种各样的问题,用了angular.js反应居然比我的jQuery还慢,客户吐槽了,我又把一个小操作,改成了jQuery.浏览一下大神的的博客.转载一点东西: <Javascript语言精粹> 该书的作者是Douglas Crockford,他是目前世界上最精通Javascript的人之一,也是Json格式的创造者. 他认为Javascript有很多糟粕.因为1995年Brendan Eich设计这种语言的时候,只用了三个月,很多语言特性没有经过深思熟虑


在这篇文章中将给大家分享12个有关于JavaScript的小技巧.这些小技巧可能在你的实际工作中或许能帮助你解决一些问题. 使用!!操作符转换布尔值 有时候我们需要对一个变量查检其是否存在或者检查值是否有一个有效值,如果存在就返回true值.为了做这样的验证,我们可以使用!!操作符来实现是非常的方便与简单.对于变量可以使用!!variable做检测,只要变量的值为:0.null." ".undefined或者NaN都将返回的是false,反之返回的是true.比如下面的示例: func


提示:该文章是整理别人别人的文章,作者比较多,很难分辨原创作者是谁. 1)使用!!将变量转换成布尔类型 有时,我们需要检查一些变量是否存在,或者它是否具有有效值,从而将他们的值视为true.对于这样的检查,你可以使用!!(双重否定运算符),他能自动将任何类型的数据转化为布尔值,只有0.null."".undefined或NaN才会返回false,其他的都会返回true.看一个简单的例子: function Account(cash){ this.cash = cash; this.ha


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