

有个计划表1, 记录物料的年度计划量


create table plan(OBJ varchar2(10),YEAR number(4),PLAN_COUNT number(10));
create table actual(OBJ varchar2(10),YEAR number(4),SEASON number(10),USED number(10));


with t1 as (
select distinct a.obj,p.plan_count,a.year,
case when a.season=1 then sum(a.used) over (partition by a.obj,a.season) else null end as s1,
case when a.season=2 then sum(a.used) over (partition by a.obj,a.season) else null end as s2,
case when a.season=3 then sum(a.used) over (partition by a.obj,a.season) else null end as s3,
case when a.season=4 then sum(a.used) over (partition by a.obj,a.season) else null end as s4,
sum(a.used) over (partition by a.obj) as sum_count
from actual a left join plan p on a.obj=p.obj order by 1,4
select temp.obj,nvl(temp.plan_count,0),temp.year,temp.q1,temp.q2,temp.q3,temp.q4,nvl(temp.sum_count,0),(nvl(temp.plan_count,0)-nvl(temp.sum_count,0)) as diff
select distinct t1.obj,t1.plan_count,t1.year,
sum(s1) over (partition by t1.obj) as Q1,
sum(s2) over (partition by t1.obj) as Q2,
sum(s3) over (partition by t1.obj) as Q3,
sum(s4) over (partition by t1.obj) as Q4,t1.sum_count from t1
union all
select pl.obj,pl.plan_count,pl.year,null,null,null,null,null from plan pl where pl.obj not in (select distinct obj from actual)
) temp
order by 1

用到了nvl,case when,not in,over partition,sum,union,left join,with as等写法,常年写SQL的应该有更加效率的写法,有待发现之后补充到此进行完善。

时间: 2024-10-11 23:07:30



--统计sql语句执行效率SELECT (total_elapsed_time / execution_count)/1000 N'平均时间ms' ,total_elapsed_time/1000 N'总花费时间ms' ,total_worker_time/1000 N'所用的CPU总时间ms' ,total_physical_reads N'物理读取总次数' ,total_logical_reads/execution_count N'每次逻辑读次数' ,total_logical_reads

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-- sql语句耗时百分比 declare @tmptb table(id int,name varchar(50),total_worker_time bigint,rate varchar(50),execute_count bigint) ;with cte1 as(select a.*,t.*from sys.dm_exec_query_stats across apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.plan_handle) twhere t.dbid >= 5 ),

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