字符串(多串后缀自动机):HDU 4436 str2int


Time Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 2082    Accepted Submission(s): 744

Problem Description

In this problem, you are given several strings that contain only digits from ‘0‘ to ‘9‘, inclusive.
An example is shown below.
The set S of strings is consists of the N strings given in the input file, and all the possible substrings of each one of them.
It‘s boring to manipulate strings, so you decide to convert strings in S into integers.
can convert a string that contains only digits into a decimal integer,
for example, you can convert "101" into 101, "01" into 1, et al.
If an integer occurs multiple times, you only keep one of them.
For example, in the example shown above, all the integers are 1, 10, 101, 2, 3, 12, 23, 123.
Your task is to calculate the remainder of the sum of all the integers you get divided by 2012.


There are no more than 20 test cases.
The test case starts by a line contains an positive integer N.
Next N lines each contains a string consists of one or more digits.
It‘s guaranteed that 1≤N≤10000 and the sum of the length of all the strings ≤100000.
The input is terminated by EOF.


An integer between 0 and 2011, inclusive, for each test case.

Sample Input







Sample Output



 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <cstring>
 3 #include <cstdio>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 const int mod=2012;
 6 const int maxn=200010;
 7 int cnt,last,n,ans,sum[maxn];
 8 int wv[maxn],sa[maxn],tot[maxn];
 9 int ch[maxn][12],fa[maxn],len[maxn];
10 struct SAM{
11     void Init(){
12         memset(ch,0,sizeof(ch));
13         memset(fa,0,sizeof(fa));
14         memset(len,0,sizeof(len));
15         last=cnt=1;
16     }
17     void Insert(int c){
18         int p=last,np=last=++cnt;len[np]=len[p]+1;
19         while(p&&!ch[p][c])ch[p][c]=np,p=fa[p];
20         if(!p)fa[np]=1;
21         else{
22             int q=ch[p][c];
23             if(len[p]+1==len[q])
24                 fa[np]=q;
25             else{
26                 int nq=++cnt;len[nq]=len[p]+1;
27                 memcpy(ch[nq],ch[q],sizeof(ch[q]));
28                 fa[nq]=fa[q];fa[q]=fa[np]=nq;
29                 while(p&&ch[p][c]==q)
30                     ch[p][c]=nq,p=fa[p];
31             }
32         }
33     }
35     void Extend(char *s){
36         int l=strlen(s);last=1;
37         for(int i=0,c;i<l;i++){
38             c=s[i]-‘0‘;
39             if(!ch[last][c]||len[ch[last][c]]!=i+1)
40                 Insert(c);
41             else
42                 last=ch[last][c];
43         }
44     }
45 }sam;
47 char s[maxn];
49 int main(){
50     while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF){
51         sam.Init();
52         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
53             scanf("%s",s),sam.Extend(s);
55         memset(wv,0,sizeof(wv));
56         memset(sa,0,sizeof(sa));
57         for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++)
58             wv[len[i]]++;
59         for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++)
60             wv[i]+=wv[i-1];
61         for(int i=cnt;i>=1;i--)
62             sa[--wv[len[i]]]=i;
63         memset(tot,0,sizeof(tot));
64         memset(sum,0,sizeof(sum));
65         tot[1]=1;ans=0;
66         for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++){
67             int x=sa[i];
68             for(int j=0;j<=9;j++){
69                 if(x==1&&j==0)continue;
70                 (tot[ch[x][j]]+=tot[x])%=mod;
71                 (sum[ch[x][j]]+=(sum[x]*10+tot[x]*j))%=mod;
72             }
73             (ans+=sum[x])%=mod;
74         }
75         printf("%d\n",ans);
76     }
77 }
时间: 2025-01-02 02:44:31

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这道题直接看代码吧. 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstring> 3 #include <cstdio> 4 using namespace std; 5 const int maxn=2000010; 6 int fa[maxn],len[maxn],rit[maxn],w[maxn],sa[maxn]; 7 int n,Q,cnt,lst,ch[maxn][26],vis[maxn]; 8 char s[maxn]; 9 s


*在学习后缀自动机之前需要熟练掌握WA自动机.RE自动机与TLE自动机* 什么是后缀自动机 后缀自动机 Suffix Automaton (SAM) 是一个用 O(n) 的复杂度构造,能够接受一个字符串所有后缀的自动机. 它最早在陈立杰的 2012 年 noi 冬令营讲稿中提到. 在2013年的一场多校联合训练中,陈立杰出的 hdu 4622 可以用 SAM 轻松水过,由此 SAM 流行了起来. 一般来说,能用后缀自动机解决的问题都可以用后缀数组解决.但是后缀自动机也拥有自己的优点. 1812.