1452: [JSOI2009]Count - BZOJ





Sample Output





 1 type
2 tree=array[0..300,0..300]of longint;
3 var
4 s:array[0..100]of tree;
5 a:array[0..300,0..300]of longint;
6 n,m,q:longint;
8 procedure add(var c:tree;x,y,w:longint);
9 var
10 i:longint;
11 begin
12 while x<=n do
13 begin
14 i:=y;
15 while i<=m do
16 begin
17 inc(c[x,i],w);
18 i:=i+(i and (-i));
19 end;
20 x:=x+(x and (-x));
21 end;
22 end;
24 function sum(var c:tree;x,y:longint):longint;
25 var
26 i:longint;
27 begin
28 sum:=0;
29 while x>0 do
30 begin
31 i:=y;
32 while i>0 do
33 begin
34 inc(sum,c[x,i]);
35 i:=i-(i and (-i));
36 end;
37 x:=x-(x and (-x));
38 end;
39 end;
41 procedure main;
42 var
43 i,j,x1,y1,x2,y2,c:longint;
44 begin
45 read(n,m);
46 for i:=1 to n do
47 for j:=1 to m do
48 begin
49 read(a[i,j]);
50 add(s[a[i,j]],i,j,1);
51 end;
52 read(q);
53 for i:=1 to q do
54 begin
55 read(j);
56 if j=1 then
57 begin
58 read(x1,y1,c);
59 add(s[a[x1,y1]],x1,y1,-1);
60 a[x1,y1]:=c;
61 add(s[c],x1,y1,1);
62 end
63 else
64 begin
65 read(x1,x2,y1,y2,c);
66 writeln(sum(s[c],x2,y2)+sum(s[c],x1-1,y1-1)-sum(s[c],x1-1,y2)-sum(s[c],x2,y1-1));
67 end;
68 end;
69 end;
71 begin
72 main;
73 end.

1452: [JSOI2009]Count - BZOJ,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-12-27 23:21:19

1452: [JSOI2009]Count - BZOJ的相关文章

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【BZOJ】1452: [JSOI2009]Count

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BZOJ 1452 [JSOI2009] Count

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1452: [JSOI2009]Count Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 2057  Solved: 1216[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Input Output Sample Input Sample Output 1 2 HINT Source 裸得不能再裸了 暴力100个二维即可 1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<stdlib.h> 3

[bzoj1452] [JSOI2009]Count

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BZOJ1452 [JSOI2009]Count Solution

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