eclipse创建android项目,无法正常预览布局文件,出现This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in...

eclipse创建android项目时,预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in,导致无法正常预览布局文件。问题根源:SDK版本过高,ADT版本过低。解决方法如下。


  • eclipse
  • ADT插件


  1. 找到eclipse文件夹,打开eclipse软件,创建android应用项目,点击help选择install new software。In the Work with field,键入:,选择Developer Tools / Android Development Tools.点击next。开始安装。(当时我是使用的此方法解决的)



  3. 3


时间: 2025-01-01 13:56:33

eclipse创建android项目,无法正常预览布局文件,出现This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in...的相关文章


eclipse创建android项目时,预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in,导致无法正常预览布局文件.问题根源:SDK版本过高,ADT版本过低.解决方法如下. 工具/原料 eclipse ADT插件 方法/步骤 1 找到eclipse文件夹,打开eclipse软件,创建a


一.问题描述 今天使用SDK Manager将Android SDK的版本更新到了Android 5.1的版本,eclipse创建android项目时,预览activity_main.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in,导致无法正常预览布局文件,现象如下图所示: 上网查了一下原因,问题根源

预览安卓xml布局文件提示 This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in,

eclipse创建android项目时,预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in,导致无法正常预览布局文件.问题根源:SDK版本过高,ADT版本过低.解决方法如下. 工具/原料 eclipse ADT插件 方法/步骤 找到eclipse文件夹,打开eclipse软件,创建and


eclipse创建android项目时,预览layout.xml文件时提示: This version of the rendering library is more recent than your version of ADT plug-in. Please update ADT plug-in,导致无法正常预览布局文件. 问题的根源在于SDK版本与ADT版本不匹配.问题解决办法如下: 方法一: 找到选择android版本按钮,改变android版本即可.如下图: 方法二: Help --

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the rendering library is more recent than your version of android studio

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