摘自:http://unasm.com/2016/11/644/ 在通过 /_cluster/state 命令查看es 状态的时候,发现es 处于一个yellow的状态, 这个很奇怪,按照官方的解释,就是所有主分片都是处于可用状态,但是有复制分片不可用.为什么有复制分片不可用呢? 通过/_cat/shards 查看,发现有从分配处于一个未分配的状态,该命令该出的数据奇怪的地方是,我的集群明明有三台机器,但是shareds里面只给出了两台. data 2 r STARTED 449516 1.6g
Yellow box warnings in react native can be intrusive. We will use console.disableYellowBox to disable the yellow box entirely. We'll also use console.ignoredYellowBox to selectively disabled warnings. Disable all the yellow box warning: console.disab
This is a boy. His name is Tom. His T-shirt is blue. His shorts are black.短裤 His trainers are white.运动鞋 His socks are grey.袜子 He has a ball. The ball is yellow. Tom is going to the football field. Look, this is a football field. This is a tree. The t
集群非green状态都是非健康状态,是需要处理的 集群 red 状态原因: 表示所有的主分片都未必健康可用,一般是由于某个索引的主分片为 unassigned 状态引起的处理方法: 找出分片为 unassigned 状态的索引,手工分配即可. 官方文档的详细说明请添加链接描述 通过curl GET http://{ESIP}:9200/_cluster/health?level=indices 找出是哪个索引状态为 red ,如果索引重要则修复,如果不重要则delete掉,方法见下面 "修复 r