如何在JNI_ONLOAD下断点,参考安卓逆向学习笔记(5) - 在JNI_Onload 函数处下断点避开针对IDA Pro的反调试。最好使用模拟器调试,确保 Attach to process后,对应进程在DDMS中出现小红蜘蛛。
我们在这里下断点,具体调试的步骤和在JNI_ONLOAD下断点调试是一样的,参考安卓逆向学习笔记(5) - 在JNI_Onload 函数处下断点避开针对IDA Pro的反调试。网上有很多其他方法在init_array下断点,例如Android安全–linker加载so流程,在.init下断点。我还是觉得上面的方法比较方便。
#include "com_example_jnidemo_JniGg.h" int switch1(int a, int b, int i, int j, int k,int q){ char *w = "i am winner in this year"; switch (i){ case 1: return a + b + j + k; break; case 2: return a - b; break; case 3: return a * b; break; case 4: return a / b; break; default: return a + b; break; } } JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_example_jnidemo_JniGg_ggPrintHello (JNIEnv * env, jobject this) { return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "Current Coin is -- "); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_example_jnidemo_JniGg_getCoin (JNIEnv * env, jobject this) { return switch1(1,2,1,4,5,6); }
.text:00000E38 EXPORT Java_com_example_jnidemo_JniGg_getCoin .text:00000E38 Java_com_example_jnidemo_JniGg_getCoin .text:00000E38 .text:00000E38 var_10 = -0x10 .text:00000E38 var_C = -0xC .text:00000E38 .text:00000E38 PUSH {LR} .text:00000E3A SUB SP, SP, #0xC .text:00000E3C MOVS R3, #5 .text:00000E3E STR R3, [SP,#0x10+var_10] .text:00000E40 MOVS R3, #6 .text:00000E42 STR R3, [SP,#0x10+var_C] .text:00000E44 MOVS R0, #1 .text:00000E46 MOVS R1, #2 .text:00000E48 MOVS R2, #1 .text:00000E4A MOVS R3, #4 .text:00000E4C BL switch1 .text:00000E50 ADD SP, SP, #0xC .text:00000E52 POP {PC} .text:00000E52 ; End of function Java_com_example_jnidemo_JniGg_getCoin
.text:00000DEC .text:00000DEC EXPORT switch1 .text:00000DEC switch1 ; CODE XREF: Java_com_example_jnidemo_JniGg_getCoin+14p .text:00000DEC .text:00000DEC arg_0 = 0 .text:00000DEC .text:00000DEC PUSH {R4,LR} .text:00000DEE ; 6: v5 = a3 - 1; .text:00000DEE SUBS R2, #1 .text:00000DF0 ; 7: v6 = a1; .text:00000DF0 MOVS R4, R0 .text:00000DF2 ; 8: result = a1 + a2; .text:00000DF2 ADDS R0, R0, R1 .text:00000DF4 ; 9: if ( (unsigned int)v5 <= 3 ) .text:00000DF4 CMP R2, #3 ; switch 4 cases .text:00000DF6 BHI def_DFA ; jumptable 00000DFA default case .text:00000DF8 ; 11: result = v5; .text:00000DF8 MOVS R0, R2 .text:00000DFA ; 12: switch ( v5 ) .text:00000DFA BL __gnu_thumb1_case_uqi ; switch jump .text:00000DFA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00000DFE jpt_DFA DCB 2 ; jump table for switch statement .text:00000DFF DCB 0xA .text:00000E00 DCB 7 .text:00000E01 DCB 0xC .text:00000E02 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00000E02 ; 15: result = v6 + a2 + a4 + a5; .text:00000E02 .text:00000E02 loc_E02 ; CODE XREF: switch1+Ej .text:00000E02 LDR R2, [SP,#8+arg_0] ; jumptable 00000DFA case 0 .text:00000E04 ADDS R4, R4, R1 .text:00000E06 ADDS R3, R4, R3 .text:00000E08 ; 16: break; .text:00000E08 ADDS R0, R3, R2 .text:00000E0A .text:00000E0A def_DFA ; CODE XREF: switch1+Aj .text:00000E0A ; switch1+24j ... .text:00000E0A POP {R4,PC} ; jumptable 00000DFA default case .text:00000E0C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00000E0C ; 18: result = a2 * v6; .text:00000E0C .text:00000E0C loc_E0C ; CODE XREF: switch1+Ej .text:00000E0C MOVS R0, R1 ; jumptable 00000DFA case 2 .text:00000E0E MULS R0, R4 .text:00000E10 ; 19: break; .text:00000E10 B def_DFA ; jumptable 00000DFA default case .text:00000E12 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00000E12 ; 21: result = v6 - a2; .text:00000E12 .text:00000E12 loc_E12 ; CODE XREF: switch1+Ej .text:00000E12 SUBS R0, R4, R1 ; jumptable 00000DFA case 1 .text:00000E14 ; 22: break; .text:00000E14 B def_DFA ; jumptable 00000DFA default case .text:00000E16 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00000E16 ; 24: result = v6 / a2; .text:00000E16 .text:00000E16 loc_E16 ; CODE XREF: switch1+Ej .text:00000E16 MOVS R0, R4 ; jumptable 00000DFA case 3 .text:00000E18 BLX __divsi3 .text:00000E1C ; 25: break; .text:00000E1C ; 26: default: .text:00000E1C B def_DFA ; jumptable 00000DFA default case .text:00000E1C ; End of function switch1
在这个函数中由于使用了R4作为局部变量,所以在开始时要把R4放入堆栈,为了返回后程序可以继续运行,所以把LR也压入了堆栈。这样堆栈地址就减去了8个字节。所以取第一个参数要使用指令LDR R2, [SP,#8+arg_0]。
时间: 2024-12-20 02:35:59