

 1 /**
 2   * @brief  Displays a line.
 3   * @param Xpos: specifies the X position.
 4   * @param Ypos: specifies the Y position.
 5   * @param Length: line length.
 6   * @param Direction: line direction.
 7   *   This parameter can be one of the following values: Vertical or Horizontal.
 8   * @retval None
 9   */
10 void LCD_DrawLine(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Length, uint8_t Direction)
11 {
12   DMA2D_InitTypeDef      DMA2D_InitStruct;
14   uint32_t  Xaddress = 0;
15   uint16_t Red_Value = 0, Green_Value = 0, Blue_Value = 0;
17   Xaddress = CurrentFrameBuffer + 2*(LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH*Ypos + Xpos);
19   Red_Value = (0xF800 & CurrentTextColor) >> 11;
20   Blue_Value = 0x001F & CurrentTextColor;
21   Green_Value = (0x07E0 & CurrentTextColor) >> 5;
23   /* Configure DMA2D */
24   DMA2D_DeInit();
25   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_Mode = DMA2D_R2M;
26   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_CMode = DMA2D_RGB565;
27   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputGreen = Green_Value;
28   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputBlue = Blue_Value;
29   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputRed = Red_Value;
30   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputAlpha = 0x0F;
31   DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputMemoryAdd = Xaddress;
33   if(Direction == LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL)
34   {
35     DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputOffset = 0;
36     DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_NumberOfLine = 1;
37     DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_PixelPerLine = Length;
38   }
39   else
40   {
41     DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputOffset = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1;
42     DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_NumberOfLine = Length;
43     DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_PixelPerLine = 1;
44   }
46   DMA2D_Init(&DMA2D_InitStruct);
47   /* Start Transfer */
48   DMA2D_StartTransfer();
49   /* Wait for CTC Flag activation */
50   while(DMA2D_GetFlagStatus(DMA2D_FLAG_TC) == RESET)
51   {
52   }
54 }



/* Configure the line Offset */
DMA2D->OOR &= ~(uint32_t)DMA2D_OOR_LO;
DMA2D->OOR |= (DMA2D_InitStruct->DMA2D_OutputOffset);



if(Direction == LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL)
DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputOffset = 0;
DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_NumberOfLine = 1;
DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_PixelPerLine = Length;
DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_OutputOffset = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1;
DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_NumberOfLine = Length;
DMA2D_InitStruct.DMA2D_PixelPerLine = 1;


else是画的竖线,所以每行只画一个点,画length条线,所以每行只画一个点,offset的值就是:LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1

时间: 2024-10-11 08:50:35

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