global log local2 daemon maxconn 256 log local2 info defaults log global mode http timeout connect 5000ms timeout client 50000ms timeout server 50000ms option dontlognull listen stats :8888 stats enable stats uri /admin stats auth admin:1234 frontend oldboy.org bind option httplog option httpclose option forwardfor log global acl www hdr_reg(host) -i www.oldboy.org use_backend www.oldboy.org if www backend www.oldboy.org server weight 20 maxconn 3000
import os,re,sys from collections import defaultdict,OrderedDict conf = "haproxy.cfg" conf_new = "haproxy.cfg.new" backend_list = [] server_dict= {} show_dict = {} backend_name_dict = {} server_info= [] server_flag = False ###初始化server判断标志位### with open(conf,‘r‘) as ha: ###打开haproxy配置文件### for line in ha: line = line.strip(‘\n‘) if re.match(‘backend‘,line): ###匹配配置文件以backend开头的行### backend_name = re.split(‘\s+‘,line)[1] backend_list.append(backend_name) server_info1 = [] server_flag = True ###赋值标志位为真,用来与server关联### elif server_flag and re.match(‘\s+server‘,line): ###匹配配置文件以server开头的行### server_info = re.split(‘\s+‘,line) server_info.remove(‘‘) server_info1.append(server_info) server_dict[‘server‘] = server_info[1] server_dict[‘weight‘] = server_info[4] server_dict[‘maxconn‘] = server_info[5] backend_name_dict[backend_name] = "name" backend_name_dict[backend_name] = server_info1 else: server_flag = False #循环 options_list = ["1.查询backend","2.删除backend","3.新增backend","5.退出"] while True: for i in options_list: print(i) find = (input("\033[94m请选择操作条目序号:\033[0m")) if find.isdigit(): find = int((find)) #1是查询 if find == 1: for i, ele in enumerate(backend_list): print(i, ele) find1 = input("请输入您要查询的backend的序号:") find1 = int(find1) for j in range(1): print("==========%s============" %backend_list[find1]) for i in backend_name_dict[backend_list[find1]]: print("server %s weigt %s maxconn %s" %(i[1],i[3],i[5])) #2是删除 elif find == 2: for i, ele in enumerate(backend_list): print(i, ele) find3 = int(input("请选择您要删除backend的序号:")) server_show = [] for i, ele in enumerate(backend_name_dict[backend_list[find3]]): server_show.append("server %s weight %s maxconn %s" % (ele[1], ele[3], ele[5])) print(i, "server %s weight %s maxconn %s" % (ele[1], ele[3], ele[5])) server_show1= str(server_show[0]) print(server_show1) f = open(conf, "r") f1 = open(conf_new, "a+") for i in f: if server_show1 in i: i = i.replace(server_show1, "") f1.write(i) f1.flush() f.close() f1.close() os.remove(conf) os.rename(conf_new, conf) backend_list1 = [] backend_list1.append("backend %s" %(backend_list[find3])) backend_list2 = str(backend_list1[0]) f = open(conf, "r") f1 = open(conf_new, "a+") for i in f: if backend_list2 in i: i = i.replace(backend_list2, "") f1.write(i) f1.flush() f.close() f1.close() os.remove(conf) os.rename(conf_new, conf) print("删除成功!!!") #3是增加 elif find == 3: arg = [] backend_name1 = [] backend_list3 = [] input_back = input("\033[94m请输入backend(www.orgboy.org):\033[0m") arg.append("backend %s" %input_back) input_server = input("\033[94m请输入server(\033[0m") input_weight = input("\033[94m请输入weight(20):\033[0m") # arg["weight"] = input_weight input_maxconn = input("\033[94m请输入maxconn(3000):\033[0m") arg.append(" server %s weight %s maxconn %s" %(input_server,input_weight,input_maxconn)) backend_name1 = str(arg[0]) f = open(conf, "a+") f.write("%s \n" %backend_name1) f.flush() f.close() backend_list3 = arg[1] backend_list3 = str(backend_list3) f = open(conf, "a+") f.write("%s \n" %backend_list3) f.close() print("添加成功!!!") #5是退出 elif find == 5: exit() else: print("\033[91m请输入正确的序号\033[0m") continue
时间: 2025-01-04 17:53:57