install ipython-notebook


1. 环境


2. 操作步骤

a)  安装pip工具


sudo apt-get install python-pip

b) 安装ipython


sudo apt-get install ipython

there are a error!!!!!!!!!

[email protected]:~$ sudo apt-get install ipython
[sudo] password for csf:
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

google have answer!!!!!

Remove your /var/lib/dpkg/lock file and force package reconfiguration.

sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock
sudo dpkg --configure -a

c) 安装ipython[notebook]


sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook

d) 启动ipython[notebook]


ipython notebook
时间: 2024-10-10 18:05:12

install ipython-notebook的相关文章


环境:windows 8.1 professional 64位 方案一:python 2.7.9.amd64.msi+pip6.0.8 1. 下载安装python 2.7.9.amd.64.msi.下载地址: 2. 下载安装pip6.0.8.下载地址: 安装方法:

安装ipython notebook

从开始说起,因为要学习cs231n课程,需要安装ipython notebook,原本电脑中安装了ipython notebook,也能使用,但是可能是由于版本的原因,打不开assignment1中的ipynb文件,可能是版本太旧. 所以就重新安装ipython notebook,一系列尝试不知道为什么没有成功,如: pip install "ipython[notebook]" 又

使用ipython notebook查看编辑.ipynb文件

.ipynb文件 平时我们可能会遇到.ipynb文件,如何查看并编辑它呢?方法有很多,比如使用Jupiter notebook,google drive,ipython等等,今天介绍的是使用ipython notebook的方法来操作. 安装ipython notebook pip install ipython # 使用pip安装ipython pip install "ipython[notebook]" # 安装notebook 打开 .ipynb文件 ipython noteb

ubuntu web server ipython notebook install ipython notebook install

ipython notebook install

1.python install (ubuntut系统默认2.7.x) Github: 2.sudo apt-get install ipython 3. sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook 4.install pyzmq 1)download zeromq : ./configure install sudo make

Windows下基于Python3安装Ipython Notebook(即Jupyter)。python –m pip install XXX

1.安装Python3.x,注意修改环境变量path(追加上python安装目录,如:D:\Program Files\Python\Python36-32) 2.查看当前安装的第三方包:python –m pip list 3.安装IPython:python –m pip install ipython[all] 4.安装其它: python –m pip install pyzmq python -m pip install jinja2 python -m pip install tor

IPython notebook详细安装教程

IPython从4.0开始,为了项目的独立运行,便将notebook等一系列附加组件迁移至jupyter中,从而使得IPython专注于交互式python这一功能.让我们来看看官网上的解释: “IPython is a growing project, with increasingly language-agnostic components. IPython 3.x was the last monolithic release of IPython, containing the note

pyzmq missing when running ipython notebook

Q: I can run iPython, but when I try to initiate a notebook I get the following error: ~ ipython notebook Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/ipython", line 8, in <module> load_entry_point('ipython==2.1.0', 'console_scr

Windows环境下安装IPython NoteBook

本文的环境:64位windows8,32位python2.7.首先你要保证电脑上装有python,并且设置成环境变量. 1.windows命令行进入到python目录下的Scripts文件,或者在该目录下直接新建git bash. 2.下载安装 pyzmq, 在这里不建议使用pip, pip对pyzmq支持不太好,装不上.我尝试使用easy_install easy_install pyzmq 似乎中间报了一个错,不过最后还是提示安装成功, 接着同样的方法安装jinja2, tornado 3.

ipython notebook 安装及设置的一些后续问题

官方安装指南 注意: Rebuild the shim binaries. You should do this any time you install a new Python binary. (Examples: installing a new Python version, or installing a package that provides a binary.) https:/