[转]application windows are expected to have a root view controller错误



产生这个提示的操作:在xcode4.6中创建一个名字为appTest空工程,create一个ios-application-empty application,直接编译运行

错误提示:虽然编译通过,也能运行,但是底下有错误提示“application windows are expected to have a root view controller”

原因:在较新的xcod上都会出现这种错误。在iOS5之前的版本,应用加载时,需要一个root view controller,在iOS5以下的版本会有MainWindow作为启动文件,iOS5以后的版本没有了。需要手动创建一个root view controller


①创建一个类file - new file - object-c class,名字myViewController,继承于UIViewController


@property (strong, nonatomic) myViewController* viewController


self.viewController = [[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"myViewController" bundle:nil];

self.window.rootViewController = self.viewController;


[转]application windows are expected to have a root view controller错误

时间: 2024-11-04 02:22:03

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