

service httpd start

Starting httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server‘s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName



修改ServerName localhost:80 为ServewName重启之后打开浏览器输入你虚拟机linux的ip地址救能看到apache的测试页面

时间: 2024-10-07 03:51:44



[[email protected] ~]# service httpd startStarting httpd: (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address listening sockets available, shutting downUnable to open logs [FAILED][[email protected] ~]# 临时办法: [[email pro

Centos6 下启动httpd报错 Could not reliably determine the server's解决方法

在启动httpd的时候报错: 修改/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 配置,去掉ServerName 前的#(或者手动添加ServerName localhost:80)然后重启httpd服务: Centos6 下启动httpd报错 Could not reliably determine the server's解决方法

启动wamp报错 You don't have permission to access / on this server

安装完wamp之后,安装网上的教程设置虚拟路径,出现了问题,同样的问题由不同的原因导致. 1.httpd.conf中添加Listen 相应的端口,我的是8080 2.httpd.conf去掉Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf前面的#. 3.然后调用localhost,就出现下面的错误: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /on this server. 解决方法:在conf\extra下面的httpd


windows平台在tomcat中启动cas报错: Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load library. Reasons: [no jansi in java.library.path, 系统找不到指定的路径.] 解决办法:将jansi.dll文件放到C:\Windows\System32目录下即可. 注意:jansi.dll文件在使用gradle编译打包cas时会下载到C:\Users\${用户名}\.gradle


rhel6.2启动cman报错 Waiting for quorum... Timed-out waiting for cluster 解决方法: 修改/etc/init.d/cman配置文件 vim /etc/init.d/cman CMAN_QUORUM_TIMEOUT=45 改为 CMAN_QUORUM_TIMEOUT=0 然后重启cman即可

Linux系统下启动MySQL报错:Neither host 'localhost.localdomain' nor 'localhost' could be looked up with

Linux系统下启动MySQL报错:Neither host 'localhost.localdomain' nor 'localhost' could be looked up with 摘要 Linux系统下安装完MySQL,启动MySQL报错:Neither host 'localhost.localdomain' nor 'localhost' could be looked up with... Linux系统下装完MySQL,然后重启动时报错: 解决方法:  查看cat /etc/h

启动Myeclipse报错“Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine”的解决办法

我安装的是Myeclipse 10.7.1.装上好久没用,今天启动突然报错:Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine. 检查Myeclipse安装好使用时好的啊,近期也没用,可能是近期升级了本地单独安装的jre版本导致的吧(Myeclipse使用自己的jre的). 整理了如下2个解决办法,可以选择一个使用,我选择的是第2个.经测试都ok. 方法一: 找到Myeclpise路径下的myeclipse.ini文件: 编辑将Xmx(JVM Heap最大允许的尺

ceph升级到10.2.3 版本启动服务报错:Unknown lvalue 'TasksMax' in section 'Service'

#### ceph软件包升级完成,执行命令重启服务 sudo systemctl restart [email protected]"$HOSTNAME" #### 故障现象 服务可以启动,启动后显示有报错信息: Nov 23 17:14:45 ceph-6-12 systemd[1]:        [/usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]:18] Unknown lvalue 'TasksMax' in section 'Service'

Linux系统下启动MySQL报错:Neither host 'localhost.localdomain' nor 'localhost' could be looked up with

Linux系统下启动MySQL报错:Neither host 'localhost.localdomain' nor 'localhost' could be looked up with 摘要 Linux系统下安装完MySQL,启动MySQL报错:Neither host 'localhost.localdomain' nor 'localhost' could be looked up with... Linux系统下装完MySQL,然后重新启动动时报错: 解决方法:  查看cat /etc