IBM 2005-H16光钎交换机密码重置








1. Connect console cable to yourlaptop and SAN Switch

2. Open HyperTerm or Putty and connect to COM1and restore Port Setting to default

3. Power recycle the SAN Swithch switch offand switch on

4. Press ESC when POST messages are displayed

5. The Boot PROM Menu will be shown as below:

1) Start System

2) Recover Password

3) Enter command shell

6. Choose 3 and press enter to open command shell

7. Type printenv

8. Look for the line started with OSLoader http://e.g *OSLoader=MEM()0xF0000000;*MEM()0xF08000000

9. Copy the text between = and ; which isMEM()0xF0000000

10. Type boot MEM()0xF0000000 –s

11. Type mount -o remount,rw,noatime /

12. Type mount /dev/hda2 /mnt

13. Type /sbin/passwddefault

14. You will be informed passwords are set todefault

15. Type reboot -f and switch will be rebooted

16. Wait for Swith to be normally rebooted andlog in as root. Default password in my case is fibranne

17. You will be prompted to change passwordfor root, factory and admin account and do so as prompted

18. Document the password somewhere safe anddisconnect console connection



时间: 2024-10-12 22:06:14

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