English trip V1 - B 4.How Do You Make a Salad? 请给我一间房? Teacher:Julia Key:imperatives 祈使句

In this lesson you will learn to give instructions. 这节课你将将学会给出指示。


词汇(Key Word )

bell pepper  灯笼椒   # bell n. 铃,钟;钟声,铃声;钟状物

vinegar 醋

onion 洋葱    #   green onion 葱花,叶用葱

garlic 大蒜

ginger 姜

ring bell  响铃


Here‘s how to make a salad. Write the correct instructions under the pictures.

First,wash the lettuce and cut it up     #    lettuce 生菜; cut it up 切了它

Then slice a cucumber.    # cucumber 黄瓜 ;slice 切

Next, chop up carrots.    # chop up  砍/剁了;  carrots 胡萝卜

After that, prepare some red peppers.    # prepare 准备好;  peppers 胡椒

Then slice some tomatoes    # then   adv. 然后;那么;于是;当时;此外

Pour on some vinegar.    # Pour on 把... 倾泻在... 上  ; vinegar 醋

Slice some onions

Mix all the ingredients together    # Mix 混合 ;ingredients  佐料;材料

Sprinkle a little salt on it    # sprinkle 撒



时间: 2024-08-29 14:27:23

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