
The Properties File

Quartz uses a properties file called (kudos on the originality) quartz.properties. This isn‘t necessary at first, but to use anything but the most basic configuration it must be located on your classpath.

Again, to give an example based on my personal situation, my application was developed using WebLogic Workshop. I keep all of my configuration files (including quartz.properties) in a project under the root of my application. When I package everything up into a .ear file, the config project gets packaged into a .jar which is included within the final .ear. This automatically puts quartz.properties on the classpath.

If you‘re building a web application (i.e. in the form of a .war file) that includes Quartz, you will likely want to place the quartz.properties file in the WEB-INF/classes folder in order for it to be on the classpath.


This is the big bit! Quartz is a very configurable application. The best way to configure Quartz is to edit a quartz.properties file, and place it in your application‘s classpath (see Installation section above).

There are several example properties files that ship within the Quartz distribution, particularly under the examples/ directory. I would suggest you create your own quartz.properties file, rather than making a copy of one of the examples and deleting the bits you don‘t need. It‘s neater that way, and you‘ll explore more of what Quartz has to offer.

Full documentation of available properties is available in the Quartz Configuration Reference.


时间: 2024-12-19 13:18:42



林炳文Evankaka原创作品.转载请注明出处http://blog.csdn.net/evankaka 一.   Quartz存储与持久化 Quartz提供两种基本作业存储类型.第一种类型叫做RAMJobStore,第二种类型叫做JDBC作业存储.在默认情况下Quartz将任务调度的运行信息保存在内存中,这种方法提供了最佳的性能,因为内存中数据访问最快.不足之处是缺乏数据的持久性,当程序路途停止或系统崩溃时,所有运行的信息都会丢失. 比如我们希望安排一个执行100次的任务,如果执行到50次时系


1.基本信息: Quartz是一个开源的作业调度框架,它完全由java写成,并设计用于J2Se和J2EE应用中.它提供了巨大的灵活性而不牺牲简单性.你能够用它 来为执行一个作业而创建简单的或复杂的调度.它有很多特征,如:数据库支持,集群,插件,EJB作业预构建,JavaMail及其它,支持cron- like表达式等等.其中集群配置一般比较复杂,那么在Quartz中如何配置它的集群特性呢? 2 Quartz的集群配置:      2.1 实现集群的基本原理           Quartz是通过

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Quartz.NET提供了集群的配置,这个集群并不能达到负载均衡的效果,而仅仅提供了故障转移的功能,主要场景是:两个节点的Quartz.NET任务服务器同时连接到另一个节点的数据库服务器,当一个任务服务器宕机时,另一个任务服务器会启动. 集群的主要配置如下: properties["quartz.jobStore.clustered"] = "true"; 总的代码如下: [PersistJobDataAfterExecution] [DisallowConcurr

Quartzs -- Quartz.properties 配置

Quartzs -- Quartz.properties 配置 文件加载位置 默认:优先顺序 Classpath:quartz.properties --> org/quartz/quartz.properties (quartz lib) 改变默认:设置一个系统属性"org.quartz.properties"指向对应的properties文件 程序中显示指定 在StdSchedulerFactory.getScheduler()之前使用StdSchedulerFactory.


配置 quartz.properties 文件 文件 quartz.properties 定义了 Quartz 应用运行时行为,还包含了许多能控制 Quartz 运转的属性.这个文件应该放在classpath所指的路径下,比如我们这个java工程,就将它和下面将介绍的jobs.xml一起放在项目根目录下就是.如果不清楚就查看.classpath文件,它里面就配置了你的项目的classpath. 我们来看看最基础的 quartz.properties 文件,并讨论其中一些设置.下面是一个修剪版的

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介绍 前面我们介绍Quartz.Net的基本用法,但在实际应用中,往往有更多的特性需求.   比如记录job执行的执行历史,发邮件等. 目录 1:Quartz.Net插件 2:TriggerListener,JobListener 3:Cron表达式 4:Quartz.Net 线程池 5:总结 Quartz.Net插件 Quartz.net 自身提供了一个插件接口(ISchedulerPlugin)用来增加附加功能. 我们来看下官方定义: public interface ISchedulerP

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Quartz Properties 文件

#=============================================================== #Configure Main Scheduler Properties #=============================================================== org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = QuartzScheduler org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId

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在第一篇中实现了,手动的,这篇实现自动用到了quartz maven在这里 spring用的4.2.8 就不粘出来了 <dependency> <groupId>org.quartz-scheduler</groupId> <artifactId>quartz</artifactId> <version>2.2.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <g