blue curve is the lower bounded one conjugate gradient to solve the optimization problem. Fisher information matrix, natural policy gradient To write down an op
^ is the square root of epsilon a simplified version of hard version a more smooth way to find correct solution the first term is the REINFORCE term, and the seconde term is our grad log probability of our loss b is a stochastic node more form
high bias if the robot has learnt something (no changes appear with iterations) however, in the real world tasks, the task could change a little bit, then the robot will failed to generalize. no matter how well we train the robot in situations, there
model free: high variance. model based: high bias within 1h of human demonstration of each task, VR!!! 原文地址:
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Visual Object Tracking in Videos 论文笔记 arXiv 摘要:本文提出了一种 DRL 算法进行单目标跟踪,算是单目标跟踪中比较早的应用强化学习算法的一个工作. 在基于深度学习的方法中,想学习一个较好的 robust spatial and temporal representation for continuous video data 是非常困难的. 尽管最近的 CNN based tracke
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