不同类型的接口的设备速度也是有很大差别的,像是并口的IDE的接口理论值为133MB/s,SCSI硬盘速度为640MB/s 。串口的SATA和SAS口的硬盘速度都是6Gbps,在转化为同一单位的情况下后者的速度还是远远优于前者。串口的USB速度也能达到480MB/s
二、 磁盘结构与术语:
硬盘的物理结构一般由磁头与盘片、电动机、主控芯片与排线等部件组成;当主电动机带动盘片旋转时,副电动机带动一组( 磁头)到相对应的盘片上并确定读取正面还是反面的碟面,磁头悬浮在碟面上画出一个与盘片同心的圆形轨道( 磁轨或称 柱面),这时由磁头的磁感线圈感应碟面上的磁性与使用硬盘厂商指定的读取时间或数据间隔定位 扇区,从而得到该扇区的数据内容;
磁道(track):当磁盘旋转时,磁头若保持在一个位置上,则每个磁头都会在磁盘表面划出一个圆形轨迹,这些圆形轨迹就叫做磁道。 磁盘上的磁道是一组记录密度不同的同心圆
扇区(sector):磁盘上的每个磁道被等分为若干个弧段,这些弧段便是硬盘的扇区。硬盘的第一个扇区,叫做引导扇区。 一个扇区的大小为512个字节。
1. 磁盘分区的优点:
(1) 优化I/O性能
2. 两种分区方式:MBR和GPT
MBR:(master boot recorder )传统的分区都是以MBA的方式分区的使用32位作为扇区数,分区大小不差过2T,分区是按照柱面来分区(CHS:cylinder,head,sector),在MBR中有LBA地址用来和CHS转换,LBA地址是统一的逻辑区块地址作为寻址方式,这种寻址模式取代了原先 操作系统必须面对存储设备硬件构造的方式。在硬盘上的0磁道0扇区共512个字节存放MBR硬盘分区分区表和主引导程序,其中前446个字节存放引导程序,64个字节存放4个大小为16个字节的分区表,最后还有两个字节(0x55AA)是分区结束标志。
(可以通过十六进制查看器查看,先通过dd命令将硬盘的前512个字节备份成一个二进制文件,在通过hexdump 查看)
[[email protected] ~]# dd if=/dev/sdc of=sdc count=512 bs=1 512+0 records in 512+0 records out 512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00509351 s, 101 kB/s [[email protected] ~]# hexdump -C sdc 00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| * 000001b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 91 83 ce 77 00 00 00 20 |...........w... | 000001c0 21 00 83 9d 11 4c 00 08 00 00 00 c0 12 00 00 9d |!....L..........| 000001d0 12 4c 83 db 29 72 00 c8 12 00 00 60 09 00 00 00 |.L..)r.....`....| 000001e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| 000001f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa |..............U.| 00000200
[[email protected] ~]# dd if=sdc_head of=/dev/sdc bs=1 count=64 skip=446 seek=446 //skip表示源文件跳过多少开始复制,seek表示目标跳过多少开始 64+0 records in 64+0 records out 64 bytes (64 B) copied, 0.0170671 s, 3.7 kB/s
[[email protected] ~]# fdisk /dev/sde Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2). Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. Be careful before using the write command. Device does not contain a recognized partition table Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0xf734a8be. Command (m for help): m Command action a toggle a bootable flag b edit bsd disklabel c toggle the dos compatibility flag d delete a partition //删除分区 g create a new empty GPT partition table //创建GPT分区表 G create an IRIX (SGI) partition table l list known partition types m print this menu //打印菜单 n add a new partition //新建分区 o create a new empty DOS partition table p print the partition table //打印分区表 q quit without saving changes //不保存退出 s create a new empty Sun disklabel t change a partition‘s system id u change display/entry units v verify the partition table w write table to disk and exit //保存退出 x extra functionality (experts only) Command (m for help): n Partition type: p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free) e extended Select (default p): p Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1 First sector (2048-41943039, default 2048): Using default value 2048 Last&n
1. 挂载命令mount使用:
(1)挂载: 将额外文件系统与根文件系统某现存的目录建立起关联关系,进而使得此目录做为其它文件访问入口的行为,挂载点下原有文件在挂载完成后会被临时隐藏
(2) 卸载:为解除此关联关系的过程,可使用设备,也可以使用挂载点
(3) 用法:
mount 设备 挂载点
1) 可以使用设备文件如/dev/sda;
2) 可以使用卷标如SDA_LABEL;
3) 可以使用UUID;
4) 伪文件系统;proc,sysfs……
5) dd创建的image文件使用loop选项
6) 目录挂载至目录,使用bind或-B,fstab配置文件分区类型为none
(4) mount 常用选项:
-t 指定文件系统类型
-r 只读挂载
-w 读写挂载
-n 不更新/etc/mtab,通过mount看不到挂载的文件系统,只有cat /proc/mounts
-a 自动挂载所有支持自动挂载的设备。定义在/etc/fstab中且支持auto功能
-L 以卷标指定的设备挂载
-U 以UUID指定的挂载设备
-B --bind 绑定一个目录到另一个目录
[[email protected] mnt]# mount -B /root/ /mnt/root
[[email protected] smb]# tail -n1 /etc/fstab /root/ /mnt/root none bind,defaults 0 0 [[email protected] mnt]# mount |grep "root" /dev/sda2 on /mnt/root type xfs (rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,noquota)
[[email protected] mnt]# mount -o username=administrator,password=admin -t cifs // /mnt/smb
[[email protected]_8 /]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/testdir/loopdev bs=1M count=50 //dd创建一个文件 50+0 records in 50+0 records out 52428800 bytes (52 MB) copied, 2.04763 s, 25.6 MB/s [[email protected]_8 /]# mkfs.ext4 /testdir/loopdev //将改文件格式化为ext4 mke2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010) /testdir/loopdev is not a block special device. Proceed anyway? (y,n) y ====> 回答y开始格式化 Filesystem label= OS type: Linux Block size=1024 (log=0) Fragment size=1024 (log=0) Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks 12824 inodes, 51200 blocks 2560 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user First data block=1 Maximum filesystem blocks=52428800 7 block groups 8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group 1832 inodes per group Superblock backups stored on blocks: 8193, 24577, 40961 Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (4096 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done This filesystem will be automatically checked every 30 mounts or 180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override. [[email protected]_8 /]# mkdir /mnt/loopdev //创建挂载点 [[email protected]_8 /]# mount -o loop /testdir/loopdev /mnt/loopdev //手动挂载 [[email protected]_8 /]# mount |grep loop //检验是否成功 /testdir/loopdev on /mnt/loopdev type ext4 (rw,loop=/dev/loop0) [[email protected]_8 /]# umount /mnt/loopdev //卸载,尝试写入文件永久挂载 [[email protected]_8 /]# vim /etc/fstab [[email protected]_8 /]# tail -n1 /etc/fstab //配置文件添加的部分 /testdir/loopdev /mnt/loopdev ext4 loop,defaults 0 0 [[email protected]_8 /]# mount -a [[email protected]_8 /]# mount |grep loop //配置文件生效 /testdir/loopdev on /mnt/loopdev type ext4 (rw,loop=/dev/loop0) [[email protected]_8 /]# losetup -a /dev/loop0: [0803]:11 (/testdir/loopdev)
注释:通过losetup查看loop设备与分区的关联情况,也可以手工指定哪一个loop设备关联某一个分区,losetup /dev/loop2 /testdir/partfile就是关联loop2和分区关联。可以写loop设备到目录的挂载,分区其实是关联了一个loop设备,在rhel6中有8个loop设备,在rhel7中是动态建立的
[[email protected]_8 testdir]# mknod loopd b 7 67 [[email protected]_8 testdir]# ll loopd brw-r--r--. 1 root root 7, 67 Jul 27 19:46 loopd
-o 常用选项(多个选项之间用逗号分割,在配置文件/etc/fstab中defaults的位置写)
atime/moatime: 目录访问时间戳,例如web的目录时间戳没必要更新时可禁用
auto/noauto: 是否支持自动挂载,auto时mount -a 自动可挂载
exec/noexec: 是否支持在文件系统上运行应用程序
dev/nodev: 因为设备文件也是文件,dev表示支持在此目录上建立dev设备
suid/nosuid: 是否支持suid和sgid权限
remount :重新挂载
2. 查看与卸载命令:因为一个文件系统有可能不止一个用户访问,所以有可能不能卸载
findmnt 查看挂载情况;
[[email protected]_8 ~]# findmnt / TARGET SOURCE FSTYPE OPTIONS / /dev/sda2 ext4 rw,relatime,seclabel,barrier=1,data=ordered [[email protected]_8 ~]# findmnt /dev/sda1 TARGET SOURCE FSTYPE OPTIONS /boot /dev/sda1 ext4 rw,relatime,seclabel,barrier=1,data=ordered
lsof 或fuser -v 查看访问指定文件系统的进程
[[email protected]_8 ~]#lsof /root 014657 /root lsof 3440 root cwd DIR 8,2 4096 3014657 /root [[email protected]_8 ~]# fuser -v /root USER PID ACCESS COMMAND /root: root 2292 ..c.. bash root 3357 ..c.. bash
终止所有正在访问指定文件系统的进程:fuser -km MOUNT_POINT
[[email protected]_8 ~]# umount /testdir //设备忙,无法卸载 umount: /testdir: device is busy. (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) [[email protected]_8 ~]# fuser -v /testdir //查看到user jack在使用 USER PID ACCESS COMMAND /testdir: jack 3535 ..c.. bash [[email protected]_8 ~]# fuser -km /testdir //强制杀掉在使用分区的进程 /testdir: 3535c [[email protected]_8 ~]# umount /testdir [[email protected]_8 ~]# //再次卸载已经成功
3. 永久挂载的配置文件/etc/fstab
/etc/fstab配置文件是在系统重启时文件系统挂载要读的配置文件,一旦写错可能致使操作系统无法启动,所以操作一定要小心!!!如在rhel6中挂载的设备名字写错,在检测的选项又设置了开机检测文件系统,那么此时在开机时将一直卡在输入ctrl+D或者输入root密码继续,此时可以输入密码重新挂载 / 文件系统,因为此时的 / 文件系统是只读的,需要重新挂载为可读可写的,然后编辑/etc/fstab 文件修改开机检测项为0,即不检测,然后继续,最后继续(ctrl +D)继续开机,等到开机检查哪一项除了问题,修改即可。rhel7不需要重新挂载 / 文件系统,可以直接编辑文件过程与rhel6类似,如果任然无法启动可以输入root密码,重新启动(systemctl reboot)
/etc/fstab 文件格式:
(2) 挂载点:设备要挂载的目录,一般要放在/mnt下面
(3) 文件系统类型:一般的文件系统类型,还有none(目录)
(5) 转储频率0表示不备份,1表示每天转储,2表示隔天转储
(6) 自检次序0表示不自检,1一般用来表示根文件系统自检顺序
4. 挂载的文件系统的查看:
df :查看文件系统的挂载情况,可以加-T选项,在设备名比较长可以对其显示,方便编写脚本对数据进行处理
cat /proc/mounts 可以看到系统实时文件系统生效的挂载项
free :可以看到所有内存交换分区信息
cat /proc/swaps 可以看到交换分区信息,包括使用哪个分作作为交换分区
1. usb设备的使用:
2. CD-ROM设备使用:
使用eject可以弹出光驱,eject -t弹入。linux中自带打包iso后缀文件的工具,如果是文件可以直接使用cp命令目标文件带有iso后缀即可,如果是目录,可以使用mkisofs 打包。iso文件挂载后可以使用
[[email protected]_8 image]# touch {a..f}.txt [[email protected]_8 image]# ls a.txt b.txt c.txt d.txt e.txt f.txt [[email protected]_8 image]# cd .. [[email protected]_8 ~]# mkisofs -r -o img.iso image //给image目录建立镜像文件,-r递归,-o是输入文件 I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings) Total translation table size: 0 Total rockridge attributes bytes: 631 Total directory bytes: 946 Path table size(bytes): 10 Max brk space used 0 175 extents written (0 MB) [[email protected]_8 ~]# ls img.iso image
[[email protected]_8 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb //开始新建分区 WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It‘s strongly recommended to switch off the mode (command ‘c‘) and change display units to sectors (command ‘u‘). Command (m for help): n Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) p Partition number (1-4): 2 First cylinder (15-2610, default 15): Using default value 15 Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (15-2610, default 2610): +100M Command (m for help): t Partition number (1-4): 2 Hex code (type L to list codes): 82 //改变分区hex dode为82swap分区 Changed system type of partition 2 to 82 (Linux swap / Solaris) Command (m for help): p Disk /dev/sdb: 21.5 GB, 21474836480 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2610 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x4340940f Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sdb1 1 14 112423+ fd Linux raid autodetect /dev/sdb2 15 28 112455 82 Linux swap / Solaris Command (m for help): w //保存退出 The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy. //磁盘报警,分区表不同步需要手动同步分区表 The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8) Syncing disks. [[email protected]_8 ~]# partx -a /dev/sdb //通知内核新增分区 BLKPG: Device or resource busy error adding partition 1 [[email protected]_8 ~]# mkswap -L new_swap1 /dev/sdb2 //设定label,格式化分区 Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 112448 KiB LABEL=new_swap1, UUID=15c17561-d356-42f4-a5ba-b05d62d6260a [[email protected]_8 ~]# vim /etc/fstab //添加配置信息永久添加swap [[email protected]_8 ~]# tail -n1 /etc/fstab UUID=15c17561-d356-42f4-a5ba-b05d62d6260a swap swap defaults,pri=100 0 0 [[email protected]_8 ~]# mount -a [[email protected]_8 ~]# free -h total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 980M 294M 686M 216K 30M 119M -/+ buffers/cache: 143M 836M Swap: 2.0G 0B 2.0G 注:buffer存放元数据,cache存放普通缓冲数据 [[email protected]_8 ~]# swapon -a //激活所有swap分区 [[email protected]_8 ~]# free -h total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 980M 294M 685M 216K 30M 119M -/+ buffers/cache: 144M 836M Swap: 2.1G 0B 2.1G [[email protected]_8 ~]# cat /proc/swaps //可以看到指定的优先级100生效 Filename Type Size Used Priority /dev/sda5 partition 2097148 0 -1 /dev/sdb2 partition 112448 0 100 [[email protected]_8 ~]# swapoff /dev/sdb2 //关闭新建的交换分区 [[email protected]_8 ~]# cat /proc/swaps Filename Type Size Used Priority /dev/sda5 partition 2097148 0 -1 [[email protected]_8 ~]# vim /etc/fstab //删除添加的表项 [[email protected]_8 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It‘s strongly recommended to switch off the mode (command ‘c‘) and change display units to sectors (command ‘u‘). Command (m for help): d //删除交换分区的分区 Partition number (1-4): 2 Command (m for help): w The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy. The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8) Syncing disks. [[email protected]_8 ~]# partx -d /dev/sdb //通知内核同步分区 error deleting partition 1: BLKPG: Device or resource busy error deleting partitions 3-256: BLKPG: No such device or address [[email protected]_8 ~]# lsblk /dev/sdb //已经彻底删除分区 NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sdb 8:16 0 20G 0 disk └─sdb1 8:17 0 109.8M 0 part └─md0 9:0 0 217M 0 raid5 [[email protected]_8 ~]# swapon -s //通过swapon -s查看交换分区信息 Filename Type Size Used Priority /dev/sda5 partition 2097148 0 -1
[[email protected]_8 ~]# mkdir /mnt/home //创建临时挂载点,提供将原来/home数据复制至新建的分区 [[email protected]_8 ~]# mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/home //挂载临时挂载点 [[email protected]_8 ~]# cp -Rp /home/* /mnt/home/ //递归保留权限复制数据 [[email protected]_8 ~]# ll /mnt/home/ total 8 drwx------. 4 jack jack 4096 Jul 25 17:22 jack drwx------. 4 rose rose 4096 Jul 25 17:24 rose [[email protected]_8 ~]# vim /etc/fstab [[email protected]_8 ~]# tail -n1 /etc/fstab UUID="424b6201-3ee2-4a3b-a288-75e91f52f71b" /home ext4 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 0 0 //fstab文件配置 [[email protected]_8 ~]# mount -a //挂载分区 [[email protected]_8 ~]# mount |grep "sdb2" /dev/sdb2 on /home type ext4 (rw,usrquota,grpquota) [[email protected]_8 ~]# mount |grep "sdb2" /dev/sdb2 on /home type ext4 (rw,usrquota,grpquota) [[email protected]_8 ~]# quotacheck -cug /home/ quotacheck: Mountpoint (or device) /home not found or has no quota enabled. quotacheck: Cannot find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with quota option. //提示挂载选项没有生效 [[email protected]_8 ~]# mount -o remount /home //重新挂载 [[email protected]_8 ~]# mount |grep sdb2 /dev/sdb2 on /home type ext4 (rw,usrquota,grpquota) [[email protected]_8 ~]# quotacheck -cug /home //重新生成配额数据库文件 quotacheck: Cannot create new quotafile /home/aquota.user.new: Permission denied //因为selinux的原因创建数据库文件失败 quotacheck: Cannot initialize IO on new quotafile: Permission denied quotacheck: Cannot create new quotafile /home/aquota.group.new: Permission denied quotacheck: Cannot initialize IO on new quotafile: Permission denied [[email protected]_8 ~]# setenforce 0 //临时关闭selinux [[email protected]_8 ~]# vim /etc/selinux/config //永久改变selinux状态 [[email protected]_8 ~]# grep disable /etc/selinux/config # disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded. SELINUX=disabled //selinux配置文件修改项 [[email protected]_8 ~]# quotacheck -cug /home [[email protected]_8 ~]# ll /home //查看用户和组数据库文件,是否已经建立 total 24 -rw-------. 1 root root 7168 Jul 28 01:16 aquota.group -rw-------. 1 root root 7168 Jul 28 01:16 aquota.user drwx------. 4 jack jack 4096 Jul 25 17:22 jack drwx------. 4 rose rose 4096 Jul 25 17:24 rose [[email protected]_8 ~]# quotaon /home //启用磁盘配额功能,如需关闭quotaoff [[email protected]_8 ~]# edquota jack //编辑jack的quota限制,此处进入配后有两个状态值 是不能修改的分别是blocks和inodes 本别表示当前系统 使用了多少k(此处的blocks是以kb为单位!切记)和使用 了多少iNode,iNodes设置为0 0表示没有设置iNode限制 [[email protected]_8 ~]# edquota -p jack rose //可以使用jack为模板为rose设置quota,也可以使用setquota 加用户名设置 [[email protected]_8 ~]# setquota user1 100000 200000 0 0 /home [[email protected]_8 ~]# quota jack //查看jack的quota设置 Disk quotas for user jack (uid 500): Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace /dev/sdb2 40 50000 100000 11 0 0 [[email protected]_8 ~]# repquota /home //查看/home分区设置的用户磁盘限制 *** Report for user quotas on device /dev/sdb2 Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days Block limits File limits User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace ---------------------------------------------------------------------- root -- 4 0 0 1 0 0 jack -- 40 50000 100000 11 0 0 rose -- 32 50000 100000 8 0 0 user1 -- 32 100000 200000 8 0 0 [[email protected]_8 ~]# su - jack [[email protected]_8 ~]$ cd /home/home //进入jack家目录做测试 [[email protected]_8 ~]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=jack_zero bs=1M count=50 sdb2: warning, user block quota exceeded. //超过50M报警 50+0 records in 50+0 records out 52428800 bytes (52 MB) copied, 1.22038 s, 43.0 MB/s [[email protected]_8 ~]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=jack_zero2 bs=1M count=50 sdb2: write failed, user block limit reached. //再次创建50M提示失败 dd: writing `jack_zero2‘: Disk quota exceeded 48+0 records in 47+0 records out 49930240 bytes (50 MB) copied, 0.685798 s, 72.8 MB/s [[email protected]_8 ~]$ quota jack //查看jack的quota,宽限期已经变为6天 Disk quotas for user jack (uid 500): Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace /dev/sdb2 100000* 50000 100000 6days 13 0 0 [[email protected]_8 ~]$ du -sh //jack的家目录一共有的数据 98M .