AndroidManifest.xml - 【 manifest -> Application -> activity 】

<activity android:allowTaskReparenting=["true" | "false"]
          android:alwaysRetainTaskState=["true" | "false"]
          android:clearTaskOnLaunch=["true" | "false"]
          android:configChanges=["mcc", "mnc", "locale",
                                 "touchscreen", "keyboard", "keyboardHidden",
                                 "navigation", "screenLayout", "fontScale", "uiMode",
                                 "orientation", "screenSize", "smallestScreenSize"]
          android:enabled=["true" | "false"]
          android:excludeFromRecents=["true" | "false"]
          android:exported=["true" | "false"]
          android:finishOnTaskLaunch=["true" | "false"]
          android:hardwareAccelerated=["true" | "false"]
          android:icon="drawable resource"
          android:label="string resource"
          android:launchMode=["multiple" | "singleTop" | "singleTask" | "singleInstance"]
          android:multiprocess=["true" | "false"]
          android:noHistory=["true" | "false"]
          android:screenOrientation=["unspecified" | "user" | "behind" |
                                     "landscape" | "portrait" |
                                     "reverseLandscape" | "reversePortrait" |
                                     "sensorLandscape" | "sensorPortrait" |
                                     "sensor" | "fullSensor" | "nosensor"]
          android:stateNotNeeded=["true" | "false"]
          android:theme="resource or theme"
          android:uiOptions=["none" | "splitActionBarWhenNarrow"]
                                       "stateUnchanged", "stateHidden",
                                       "stateAlwaysHidden", "stateVisible",
                                       "stateAlwaysVisible", "adjustUnspecified",
                                       "adjustResize", "adjustPan"] >
    . . .









是否保留状态不变, 比如切换回home, 再从新打开, activity处于最后的状态


比如 P 是 activity, Q 是被P 触发的 activity, 然后返回Home, 从新启动 P, 是否显示 Q


当配置list发生修改时, 是否调用 onConfigurationChanged() 方法 比如 "locale|navigation|orientation".

Value Description
"mcc" The IMSI mobile country code (MCC) has changed — a SIM has been detected and updated the MCC.
"mnc" The IMSI mobile network code (MNC) has changed — a SIM has been detected and updated the MNC.
"locale" The locale has changed — the user has selected a new language that text should be displayed in.
"touchscreen" The touchscreen has changed. (This should never normally happen.)
"keyboard" The keyboard type has changed — for example, the user has plugged in an external keyboard.
"keyboardHidden" The keyboard accessibility has changed — for example, the user has revealed the hardware keyboard.
"navigation" The navigation type (trackball/dpad) has changed. (This should never normally happen.)
"screenLayout" The screen layout has changed — this might be caused by a different display being activated.
"fontScale" The font scaling factor has changed — the user has selected a new global font size.
"uiMode" The user interface mode has changed — this can be caused when the user places the device into a desk/car dock or when the the night mode changes. See UiModeManagerIntroduced in API Level 8.
"orientation" The screen orientation has changed — the user has rotated the device.

Note: If your application targets API level 13 or higher (as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes), then you should also declare the "screenSize" configuration, because it also changes when a device switches between portrait and landscape orientations.

"screenSize" The current available screen size has changed. This represents a change in the currently available size, relative to the current aspect ratio, so will change when the user switches between landscape and portrait. However, if your application targets API level 12 or lower, then your activity always handles this configuration change itself (this configuration change does not restart your activity, even when running on an Android 3.2 or higher device).

Added in API level 13.

"smallestScreenSize" The physical screen size has changed. This represents a change in size regardless of orientation, so will only change when the actual physical screen size has changed such as switching to an external display. A change to this configuration corresponds to a change in thesmallestWidth configuration. However, if your application targets API level 12 or lower, then your activity always handles this configuration change itself (this configuration change does not restart your activity, even when running on an Android 3.2 or higher device).

Added in API level 13.


activity 是否可以被实例化
















默认的模式是 "standard".

Use Cases Launch Mode Multiple Instances? Comments
Normal launches for most activities "standard" Yes Default. The system always creates a new instance of the activity in the target task and routes the intent to it.
"singleTop" Conditionally If an instance of the activity already exists at the top of the target task, the system routes the intent to that instance through a call to itsonNewIntent() method, rather than creating a new instance of the activity.
Specialized launches
(not recommended for general use)
"singleTask" No The system creates the activity at the root of a new task and routes the intent to it. However, if an instance of the activity already exists, the system routes the intent to existing instance through a call to its onNewIntent()method, rather than creating a new one.
"singleInstance" No Same as "singleTask", except that the system doesn‘t launch any other activities into the task holding the instance. The activity is always the single and only member of its task.


activity 能否运行在启动他的组件里













The value can be any one of the following strings:

"unspecified" The default value. The system chooses the orientation. The policy it uses, and therefore the choices made in specific contexts, may differ from device to device.
"user" The user‘s current preferred orientation.
"behind" The same orientation as the activity that‘s immediately beneath it in the activity stack.
"landscape" Landscape orientation (the display is wider than it is tall).
"portrait" Portrait orientation (the display is taller than it is wide).
"reverseLandscape" Landscape orientation in the opposite direction from normal landscape.Added in API level 9.
"reversePortrait" Portrait orientation in the opposite direction from normal portrait. Added in API level 9.
"sensorLandscape" Landscape orientation, but can be either normal or reverse landscape based on the device sensor. Added in API level 9.
"sensorPortrait" Portrait orientation, but can be either normal or reverse portrait based on the device sensor. Added in API level 9.
"sensor" The orientation is determined by the device orientation sensor. The orientation of the display depends on how the user is holding the device; it changes when the user rotates the device. Some devices, though, will not rotate to all four possible orientations, by default. To allow all four orientations, use "fullSensor".
"fullSensor" The orientation is determined by the device orientation sensor for any of the 4 orientations. This is similar to "sensor" except this allows any of the 4 possible screen orientations, regardless of what the device will normally do (for example, some devices won‘t normally use reverse portrait or reverse landscape, but this enables those). Added in API level 9.
"nosensor" The orientation is determined without reference to a physical orientation sensor. The sensor is ignored, so the display will not rotate based on how the user moves the device. Except for this distinction, the system chooses the orientation using the same policy as for the "unspecified" setting.




activity的亲属关系, 默认情况同一个应用程序下的activity有相同的关系


activity的样式主题, 如果没有设置,则activity的主题样式从属于应用程序



Value Description
"none" No extra UI options. This is the default.
"splitActionBarWhenNarrow" Add a bar at the bottom of the screen to display action items in the ActionBar, when constrained for horizontal space (such as when in portrait mode on a handset). Instead of a small number of action items appearing in the action bar at the top of the screen, the action bar is split into the top navigation section and the bottom bar for action items. This ensures a reasonable amount of space is made available not only for the action items, but also for navigation and title elements at the top. Menu items are not split across the two bars; they always appear together.



<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustResize" . . . >
Value Description
"stateUnspecified" The state of the soft keyboard (whether it is hidden or visible) is not specified. The system will choose an appropriate state or rely on the setting in the theme.

This is the default setting for the behavior of the soft keyboard.

"stateUnchanged" The soft keyboard is kept in whatever state it was last in, whether visible or hidden, when the activity comes to the fore.
"stateHidden" The soft keyboard is hidden when the user chooses the activity — that is, when the user affirmatively navigates forward to the activity, rather than backs into it because of leaving another activity.
"stateAlwaysHidden" The soft keyboard is always hidden when the activity‘s main window has input focus.
"stateVisible" The soft keyboard is visible when that‘s normally appropriate (when the user is navigating forward to the activity‘s main window).
"stateAlwaysVisible" The soft keyboard is made visible when the user chooses the activity — that is, when the user affirmatively navigates forward to the activity, rather than backs into it because of leaving another activity.
"adjustUnspecified" It is unspecified whether the activity‘s main window resizes to make room for the soft keyboard, or whether the contents of the window pan to make the currentfocus visible on-screen. The system will automatically select one of these modes depending on whether the content of the window has any layout views that can scroll their contents. If there is such a view, the window will be resized, on the assumption that scrolling can make all of the window‘s contents visible within a smaller area.

This is the default setting for the behavior of the main window.

"adjustResize" The activity‘s main window is always resized to make room for the soft keyboard on screen.
"adjustPan" The activity‘s main window is not resized to make room for the soft keyboard. Rather, the contents of the window are automatically panned so that the current focus is never obscured by the keyboard and users can always see what they are typing. This is generally less desirable than resizing, because the user may need to close the soft keyboard to get at and interact with obscured parts of the window.
时间: 2024-10-18 14:29:05

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