Redis client Python usage

mport redis

r_server = redis.Redis(‘localhost‘) #this line creates a new Redis object and
                                    #connects to our redis server
r_server.set(‘test_key‘, ‘test_value‘) #with the created redis object we can
                                        #submits redis commands as its methods

print ‘previous set key ‘ + r_server.get(‘test_key‘) # the previous set key is fetched

‘‘‘In the previous example you saw that we introduced a redis
data type: the string, now we will set an integer and try to
increase its value using redis object built-in methods‘‘‘

r_server.set(‘counter‘, 1) #set an integer to a key
r_server.incr(‘counter‘) #we increase the key value by 1, has to be int
print ‘the counter was increased! ‘+ r_server.get(‘counter‘) #notice that the key is increased now

r_server.decr(‘counter‘) #we decrease the key value by 1, has to be int
print ‘the counter was decreased! ‘+ r_server.get(‘counter‘) #the key is back to normal

‘‘‘Now we are ready to jump into another redis data type, the list, notice
that they are exactly mapped to python lists once you get them‘‘‘

r_server.rpush(‘list1‘, ‘element1‘) #we use list1 as a list and push element1 as its element

r_server.rpush(‘list1‘, ‘element2‘) #assign another element to our list
r_server.rpush(‘list2‘, ‘element3‘) #the same

print ‘our redis list len is: %s‘% r_server.llen(‘list1‘) #with llen we get our redis list size right from redis

print ‘at pos 1 of our list is: %s‘% r_server.lindex(‘list1‘, 1) #with lindex we query redis to tell us which element is at pos 1 of our list

‘‘‘sets perform identically to the built in Python set type. Simply, sets are lists but, can only have unique values.‘‘‘

r_server.sadd("set1", "el1")
r_server.sadd("set1", "el2")
r_server.sadd("set1", "el2")

print ‘the member of our set are: %s‘% r_server.smembers("set1")

‘‘‘basically our redis client can do any command supported by redis, check out redis documentation for available commands for your server‘‘‘
时间: 2025-01-02 10:12:48

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【轮子狂魔】手把手教你自造Redis Client

为什么做Redis Client? Redis Client顾名思义,redis的客户端,主要是封装了一些对于Redis的操作. 而目前用的比较广泛的 ServiceStack.Redis 不学好,居然开始收费了. 作为轮子狂魔,是可忍孰不可忍啊.于是我决定自己造轮子了. Redis通信协议 先给个Redis官方的通信协议地址: 关键是我截图的部分,我们可以得到以下几个信息: 1.tcp协议 2.默认端口6379 3.

redis client protocol 实现

在官网中有许多已经实现好的redis client:有需要可以参考一下. 其实前一篇 redis client protocol 解析,我已经对RESP做主要的解析. 下面是解析RESP的所有函数,其中对外函数是RedisProtocol::Decode:

./redis-trib.rb 报错:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/redis-4.0.1/lib/redis/client.rb:119:in `call': ERR Slot 0 is already busy (Redis::CommandError)

错误提示是 slot插槽被占用了(这是 搭建集群前时,以前redis的旧数据和配置信息没有清理干净.) 解决方案是 用redis-cli 登录到每个节点执行  flushall  和 cluster reset  就可以了. 然后重新执行群集脚本命令: ./redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1 192.168.*.*:7001 192.168.*.*:7002 192.168.*.*:7003 192.168.*.*:7004 192.168.*.*:7005  1