[Training Video - 4] [Groovy] Constructors in groovy, this keyword

Bank.log = log

Bank b1 = new Bank()
b1.name = "BOA"
b1.minbalance = 100

Bank b2 = new Bank()
b2.name = "HSBC"
b2.minbalance = 100

Bank b3 = new Bank("A",100,"X")
log.info b3.name
Bank b4 = new Bank("B",1200,"X1")
Bank b5 = new Bank("C",1300,"X2")
log.info b5.minbalance

class Bank{
	def static log
	def name
	def minbalance
	def city

	public Bank(){      // no return type, same name with class name
		log.info "inside constructor"

//	public Bank(bankName,bankMinBal,bankCity){
//		name = bankName
//		minbalance = bankMinBal
//		city = bankCity
//	}

	public Bank(name,minbalance,city){
		this.name = name
		this.minbalance = minbalance
		this.city = city

Run result:

Tue Oct 06 19:51:29 CST 2015:INFO:inside constructor
Tue Oct 06 19:51:29 CST 2015:INFO:inside constructor
Tue Oct 06 19:51:29 CST 2015:INFO:A
Tue Oct 06 19:51:29 CST 2015:INFO:1300
时间: 2025-01-16 16:23:44

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有朋友公司在用groovy开发,于是推荐我学习一下,搜到了这本书: 花了一个月时间读完了这本书!写的很棒,几乎没有废话,全书都是很重要的知识点和很好的讲解,确实像封面说的那样,使用的好可以提高开发效率 唯一不足的可能是版本太旧了,而且java也在高速进步,12已经发布了,其实java并没有书里说的那么不堪,哈哈,java的lambda就很牛逼了, 虽然groovy的闭包更牛逼,想学习Groovy的童鞋,这本书一定要看,知识点很多! java知识分享网就可以下载高清pdf! 另外,这是我读书的时候