EXCEL VBA算写字楼的租赁情况

Sub Rental_Click()

'VarType = TypeName("fafafas")
    Sheet2ColumnCount = Sheet2.UsedRange.Columns.Count

    For i = 1 To Sheet2ColumnCount
        Sheet3.Cells(1, i).Value = Sheet2.Cells(1, i).Value            '把Sheet2的抬头拷贝到Sheet3里

    k = 1
    Sheet2RowCount = Sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For i = 2 To Sheet2RowCount
            strKHMC = Sheet2.Cells(i, 1).Value
            nRentMoney = Sheet2.Cells(i, 4).Value
            strRoomNum = Sheet2.Cells(i, 5).Value
            nSpace = Sheet2.Cells(i, 6).Value
            ' 计算Unit Rental[每天每平米的租金= Round(((nRentMoney * 12) / 365) / nSpace, 2)],是不考虑免租期的
            nUnitRental = Round(((nRentMoney * 12) / 365) / nSpace, 2)
            dFixedStartDate = Sheet2.Cells(i, 2).Value
            dFixedEndDate = Sheet2.Cells(i, 3).Value


            dStartDate = Sheet2.Cells(i, 2).Value
            dEndDate = Sheet2.Cells(i, 3).Value

            nCountMonth = 0 '计算月份循环次数
            nLoopCount = 0 '表示内循环的次数,  如果是第一次开始循环加一天就进入下个月的话,这种情况也特别对待
            Do While (dStartDate <= dEndDate)
                nLoopCount = nLoopCount + 1
                '刚进入此do while循环的时候,开始日期肯定是dFixedStartDate
                dStartDateTemp = dFixedStartDate
                dStartDate = dStartDate + 1
                If strKHMC = "上海玖忻商务咨询有限公司" Then
                    a = 2
                End If
                If nLoopCount = 1 And Month(dFixedStartDate) <> Month(dFixedStartDate + 1) Then '还有一种情况是上海玖忻商务咨询有限公司    2011/11/30  2013/12/28开始日期是一个月的最后一天
                    dStartDateTemp = dFixedStartDate  '结束和开始日期一样的
                    dEndDateTemp = dFixedStartDate
                    dCurrentMonthEndDate = dFixedStartDate

                    nCountMonth = nCountMonth + 1

                    k = k + 1
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 1).Value = strKHMC
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 2).Value = dStartDateTemp
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 3).Value = dEndDateTemp
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 4).Value = nRentMoney
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 5).Value = strRoomNum
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 6).Value = nSpace
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 12).Value = nUnitRental
                ElseIf Month(dStartDate) <> Month(dStartDate + 1) Or (dStartDate = dEndDate) Then
                    dCurrentMonthEndDate = dStartDate
                    nCountMonth = nCountMonth + 1
                    If nCountMonth = 1 Then
                        dStartDateTemp = dFixedStartDate
                        dEndDateTemp = dStartDate
                        dStartDateTemp = dNextMonthStartDate
                        dEndDateTemp = dStartDate
                    End If

                    k = k + 1
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 1).Value = strKHMC
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 2).Value = dStartDateTemp
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 3).Value = dEndDateTemp
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 4).Value = nRentMoney
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 5).Value = strRoomNum
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 6).Value = nSpace
                    Sheet3.Cells(k, 12).Value = nUnitRental
                End If

                dNextMonthStartDate = dCurrentMonthEndDate + 1

End Sub

Sub Rental2_Click()

    '免租期和改变租金的信息(千万注意:如果客户的租赁时间的开始一个月和结束的月份不是免租的而且不是足月天数的也需要在ChangedInfo里添加上相应的信息,同时把租金按照公式: (月租金*12/365)*该月的有效天数)
    'step 1,SplitInfo里面保存的是免租期跨月份的需要被拆分的信息,我先需要用此信息去把HandledData删除掉和此信息一样的那行记录,再做下面的2,3 步骤
    'step 2,如果在HandledData里找到和ChangedInfo一样的记录,则就用ChangedInfo里的FaceRental来替换HandledData里的FaceRental,注意这些信息包含(1,被拆分的 2,租户的开始和结束月份不是租月的)
    'step 3,如果在HandledData里找不到和ChangedInfo一样的记录,则就把ChangedInfo里的此条信息插入到HandledData里

    Call Step1

    Call Step2_3

    Call OrderBy

    Call Step4

   'Call IfHasException

    Call CalDiffRental

End Sub
Sub Step1()
    Sheet4RowCount = Sheet4.UsedRange.Rows.Count

    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For k = 2 To Sheet4RowCount
        strOuterCustomer = Sheet4.Cells(k, 1).Value
        dOuterStartDate = Sheet4.Cells(k, 2).Value
        dOuterEndDate = Sheet4.Cells(k, 3).Value
        strOuterRoomNum = Sheet4.Cells(k, 5).Value
        For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
            strInnerCustomer = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
            dInnerStartDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value
            dInnerEndDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value
            strInnerRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
            If strOuterCustomer = strInnerCustomer And dOuterStartDate = dInnerStartDate And dOuterEndDate = dInnerEndDate And strOuterRoomNum = strInnerRoomNum Then
            End If

End Sub
Sub Step2_3()

    'step2 step3
    Sheet5RowCount = Sheet5.UsedRange.Rows.Count

    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    strFoundFlag = "NO"  '标记是否在HandledData里找到和ChangedInfo一样的记录相应的记录,默认是找到

    For k = 2 To Sheet5RowCount
        strFoundFlag = "NO"
        strOuterCustomer = Sheet5.Cells(k, 1).Value
        dOuterStartDate = Sheet5.Cells(k, 2).Value
        dOuterEndDate = Sheet5.Cells(k, 3).Value
        nOuterFaceRental = Sheet5.Cells(k, 4).Value
        strOuterRoomNum = Sheet5.Cells(k, 5).Value
        nOuterSpace = Sheet5.Cells(k, 6).Value
        nOuterUnitRental = Sheet5.Cells(k, 8).Value

        For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
            strInnerCustomer = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
            dInnerStartDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value
            dInnerEndDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value
            strInnerRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
            If strOuterCustomer = strInnerCustomer And dOuterStartDate = dInnerStartDate And dOuterEndDate = dInnerEndDate And strOuterRoomNum = strInnerRoomNum Then
                strFoundFlag = "YES"
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value = Sheet5.Cells(k, 4).Value
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value = Sheet5.Cells(k, 8).Value
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Interior.ColorIndex = 6  '黄色
                'Sheet3.Rows(p - 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 3  ' 背景的颜色为3 红色
            End If
        If strFoundFlag = "NO" Then  '需要把sheet5的此条记录copy到Sheet3的末尾
            Sheet3CurrRowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1

            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 1).Value = strOuterCustomer
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 2).Value = dOuterStartDate
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 3).Value = dOuterEndDate
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 4).Value = nOuterFaceRental
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 5).Value = strOuterRoomNum
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 6).Value = nOuterSpace
            Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3CurrRowCount, 12).Value = nOuterUnitRental

            Sheet3.Rows(Sheet3CurrRowCount).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
        End If

End Sub

Sub Step4()

' facerental 已经在拆分里算好了。(月租金*12/365)*当月的天数

'增加相关字段Period like 201406
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 1 To Sheet3RowCount
        If p = 1 Then
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 7).Value = "Period"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 8).Value = "Year"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 9).Value = "Month"
            strCurYear = CStr(Year(Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value))
            strCurMonth = CStr(Month(Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value))
            If Len(strCurMonth) = 1 Then
                strCurMonth = "0" & strCurMonth
            End If
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 7).Value = strCurYear & strCurMonth
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 8).Value = strCurYear
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 9).Value = strCurMonth
        End If


    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 1 To Sheet3RowCount
        If p = 1 Then
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value = "EffetiveDays"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 11).Value = "EffetiveRental"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value = "UnitRental"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 13).Value = "Category"               '直接是round(cells(12),0)
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 14).Value = "CategoryRange"     'UnitRental是和sheet:CategoryRange里的值通过一定的算法而得到的
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value = "DiffRental"     'EffetiveRental-FaceRental得到的

            Sheet3.Cells(p, 16).Value = "ColumnP"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value = "ColumnQ"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 18).Value = "ColumnR"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 19).Value = "ColumnS_Current"
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 20).Value = "ColumnT_None_Current"

            Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value - Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value + 1
        End If

    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        nStartDate = Day(Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value)
        nEndDate = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value
        nOldMonth = Month(nEndDate)
        nNewMonth = Month(nEndDate + 1)
        nDays = Sheet3.Cells(p, 3).Value - Sheet3.Cells(p, 2).Value + 1

    j = 1
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    nTotalRowsOfEachKHMC = 0
    nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC = 0
    nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC = 0

    nStartPos = 2
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        strKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
        strNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 1).Value
        strRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
        strNextRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 5).Value
        strKeyKHMC = strKHMC + CStr(strRoomNum)
        strNextKeyKHMC = strNextKHMC + CStr(strNextRoomNum)

        If strKeyKHMC = strNextKeyKHMC Then
            nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC = nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC + Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value
            nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC = nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC + Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value
            nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC = nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC + Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value
            nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC = nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC + Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value
            nCurTempPos = p
            nAverageMoney = nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC / nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC
            For k = nStartPos To nCurTempPos
                Sheet3.Cells(k, 11).Value = Round(nAverageMoney * Sheet3.Cells(k, 10).Value, 2)

            nTotalEffectiveDaysOfEachKHMC = 0
            nTotalRentalMoneyOfEachKHMC = 0
            nStartPos = nCurTempPos + 1
        End If

    ' 计算Category的分类
    '1, source value: random value from Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value
    '2, we have another Excel have the target value we need to be showed in our BI dashboard sorted ascending
    'Use the  1 compare with the 2 ,find the first larger one from the 2 as the target value. If I can't find the larger value from 2, then just use the value from 1 as the target value

    'source value           expected value    target value
    ' 3.1                    2.4               4.3
    ' 4.3                    4.3               4.3
    ' 7.8                    6.5               8.0
    ' 19                     8.0               19

    Sheet1RowCount = Sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    boolFlag = "NO"  '是否从sheet1中找到符合条件的值

    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        'Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value = Round((Sheet3.Cells(p, 11).Value / Sheet3.Cells(p, 6).Value) / Sheet3.Cells(p, 10).Value, 4)
        Sheet3.Cells(p, 13).Value = Round(Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value)

        boolFlag = "NO"
        For k = 1 To Sheet1RowCount
            If Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value <= Sheet1.Cells(k, 1).Value Then
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 14).Value = Sheet1.Cells(k, 1).Value
                boolFlag = "YES"
                Exit For
            End If

        If boolFlag = "NO" Then
            Sheet3.Cells(p, 14).Value = Round(Sheet3.Cells(p, 12).Value, 2)
        End If
End Sub

Sub IfHasException()

   '查找一个客户的第五个FaceRental和倒数第二个FaceRental,如果 倒数第二个FaceRental/第五个FaceRental>15%就显示红色
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    nCountPosByCustomer = 0
    nStartFaceRentalValue = 0
    nLast2ndFaceRentalValue = 0

    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        strKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
        strNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 1).Value
        If strKHMC = strNextKHMC Then
            nCountPosByCustomer = nCountPosByCustomer + 1
            If nCountPosByCustomer = 5 Then
                nStartFaceRentalValue = Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value
            End If
            nLast2ndFaceRentalValue = Sheet3.Cells(p - 2, 4).Value
            If nCountPosByCustomer > 5 Then  '因为有客户的租期小于5个月
                If (nLast2ndFaceRentalValue - nStartFaceRentalValue) / nStartFaceRentalValue > 0.15 Then
                    Sheet3.Rows(p - 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 3  ' 背景的颜色为3 红色
                End If
            End If

            nCountPosByCustomer = 0
            nStartFaceRentalValue = 0
            nLast2ndFaceRentalValue = 0
        End If
End Sub
Sub CalDiffRental()
    Dim p As Integer

    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        'Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value = "DiffRental"     'EffetiveRental-FaceRental得到的
        Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value = Round(Sheet3.Cells(p, 11).Value - Sheet3.Cells(p, 4).Value, 2)


    '按照 customer+roomnum来统计,因为这样客户才是唯一的。
    'S列:if R列<=0 then S列=abs(Q列值),T列=0  else S列=abs(P列值),T列= abs(Q)-abs(P)

    Call Cal_Q_Column_Value

    nStartPos = 2
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        strKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
        strNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 1).Value
        strRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
        strNextRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 5).Value

        strKeyKHMC = strKHMC + CStr(strRoomNum)
        strNextKeyKHMC = strNextKHMC + CStr(strNextRoomNum)

        If strKeyKHMC = strNextKeyKHMC Then

            Dim j As Integer

            For j = 12 To 1 Step -1
                If MyRecursion(p, j) = True Then
                    Exit For
                End If
        End If

    Call Cal_Q_S_T_Column_Value

End Sub
'nSheet3RowsNum sheet3光标所在的行号
'iInnerLoopRowsCount 同一个客户后面还有的行数,是用来算P列的值
Function MyRecursion(nSheet3RowsNum As Integer, iInnerLoopRowsCount As Integer) As Boolean

    strTempKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + iInnerLoopRowsCount, 1).Value
    strTempNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + iInnerLoopRowsCount + 1, 1).Value
    strTempRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + iInnerLoopRowsCount, 5).Value
    strTempNextRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + iInnerLoopRowsCount + 1, 5).Value

    strTempKeyKHMC = strTempKHMC + CStr(strTempRoomNum)
    strTempNextKeyKHMC = strTempNextKHMC + CStr(strTempNextRoomNum)

    If strTempKeyKHMC = strTempNextKeyKHMC Then
        nTempValue = 0
        Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum, 16).Value = 0 '赋0值,免得下面会计算出错

        If Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum, 17).Value < 0 Then
            For nInnerLoop = 1 To iInnerLoopRowsCount
                If Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + nInnerLoop, 15).Value > 0 Then
                    nTempValue = nTempValue + Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + nInnerLoop, 15).Value
                    Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum, 16).Value = nTempValue
                End If
            For nInnerLoop = 1 To iInnerLoopRowsCount
                If Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + nInnerLoop, 15).Value < 0 Then
                    nTempValue = nTempValue + Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum + nInnerLoop, 15).Value
                    Sheet3.Cells(nSheet3RowsNum, 16).Value = nTempValue
                End If
        End If

        MyRecursion = True
        MyRecursion = False
    End If
End Function

Sub Cal_Q_Column_Value()

    nStartPos = 2  '每一个新客户的在EXCEL中的开始位置
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
        strKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p, 1).Value
        strNextKHMC = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 1).Value
        strRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p, 5).Value
        strNextRoomNum = Sheet3.Cells(p + 1, 5).Value
        strKeyKHMC = strKHMC + CStr(strRoomNum)
        strNextKeyKHMC = strNextKHMC + CStr(strNextRoomNum)

        If strKeyKHMC = strNextKeyKHMC Then
            If p = nStartPos Then
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value = Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value
                Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value = Sheet3.Cells(p, 15).Value + Sheet3.Cells(p - 1, 17).Value
            End If
            nCurTempPos = p
            nStartPos = nCurTempPos + 1
        End If
End Sub

    'S列:if R列<=0 then S列=abs(Q列值),T列=0  else S列=abs(P列值),T列= abs(Q)-abs(P)

Sub Cal_Q_S_T_Column_Value()
    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For p = 2 To Sheet3RowCount
       Sheet3.Cells(p, 18).Value = Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value) - Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 16).Value)

       If Sheet3.Cells(p, 18).Value <= 0 Then
          Sheet3.Cells(p, 19).Value = Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value)
          Sheet3.Cells(p, 20).Value = 0
          Sheet3.Cells(p, 19).Value = Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 16).Value)
          Sheet3.Cells(p, 20).Value = Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 17).Value) - Abs(Sheet3.Cells(p, 16).Value)
       End If
End Sub

Sub OrderBy()
' orderby 宏

    Sheet3RowCount = Sheet3.UsedRange.Rows.Count

    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("HandledData").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
        "A2:A" & Sheet3RowCount), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("HandledData").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
        "E2:E" & Sheet3RowCount), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("HandledData").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
        "B2:B" & Sheet3RowCount), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("HandledData").Sort
        .SetRange Range("A1:O" & Sheet3RowCount)
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
End Sub
时间: 2024-10-09 21:35:01

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Excel VBA 从一个工作簿查找另一个一个工作簿中的一些内容复制到另外一个工作簿

帮朋友来写个Excel VBA 以前写过ASP,所以对vb略微熟悉,但VBA 没有仔细研究过. 以前只研究过 vba 写一个 计算个人所得税的程序. 这次写的功能也算是简单,但也耗费了两天的功夫. 需求: 1 从[操作]表中,查找最后一行的数据,每一列 都为关键字 2 遍历这些关键字,从[总表]中查询这个关键字,把这一行后面的内容复制到 [预算]表中去 3 把[操作]中制定内容复制到[信息统计]中 Function Get操作NullLine() ' '从 操作表 获取最后一个有数据下面的空行

我的Excel VBA精通路线

到目前为止,我也编写过不少比较综合的管理系统(进销存.人事管理.固定资产管理.餐饮管理等),老实说,Excel VBA中好多知识我都不知道或者没用过,我对于Excel VBA的看法就是:要用的,就那么点,学那么高深,费劲不? 很多小伙伴都想学好VBA,但往往坚持不下去,感觉东西太特么多了!!所以,我一直在努力精炼.划分,争取让更多的零基础小伙伴也能快速轻松地掌握这门很刁的技术. 别问这个与那个的区别是什么?别问我这个写法与那个写法到底用哪个更好?一直纠结这些区别.概念,是永远学不会VBA的,你只

2.Excel VBA术语

Excel VBA名词术语 在这一章中,让我们了解常用的Excel VBA术语.这些术语将在进一步模块学习中使用,因此理解它们是非常关键的. 模块 1.模块是其中代码被写入的区域.这是一个新的工作簿,因此不会有任何模块. 2.要插入导航模块Insert >> Module.一旦模块被插入“module1”创建.在该模块中,我们可以编写VBA代码和代码编写过程.程序/Sub过程是一系列的VBA语句指示怎么做. 过程 过程组被作为一个整体,指示Excel中如何执行特定任务执行的语句.执行的任务可以