/* * File: tictac.c * -------------- * This program plays a game of tic-tac-toe with the user. * The program is designed to emphasize the separation between * those aspects of the code that are common to all games and * those that are specific to tic-tac-toe. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "stdgen.h" #include "stdstr.h" /* * Constants: WinningPosition, NeutralPosition, LosingPosition * ----------------------------------------------------------- * These constants define a rating system for game positions. * A rating is an integer centered at 0 as the neutral score: * ratings greater than 0 are good for the cuurent player, * ratings less than 0 are good for the opponent. The * constants WinningPosition and LosingPosition are opposite * in value and indicate a position that is a forced win or * loss, respectively. In a game in which the analysis is * complete, no intermediate values ever arise. If the full * tree is too large to analyze, the EvaluatePosition function * returns integers that fall between the two extremes. */ #define WinningPosition 1000 #define NeutralPosition 0 #define LosingPosition (-WinningPosition) /* * Type: playerT * ------------- * This type is used to distinguish the human and computer * players and keep track of who has the current turn. */ typedef enum { Human, Computer } playerT; /* * Type: moveT * ----------- * For any particular game, the moveT type must keep track of the * information necessary to describe a move. For tic-tac-toe, * a moveT is simply an integer identifying the number of one of * the nine squares. */ typedef int moveT; /* * Type: stateT * ------------ * For any game, the stateT structure records the current state * of the game. For tic-tac-toe, the main component of the * state record is the board, which is an array of characters * using ‘X‘ for the first player, ‘O‘ for the second, and ‘ ‘ * for empty squares. Although the board array is logically * a two-dimensional structure, it is stored as a linear array * so that its indices match the numbers used by the human * player to refer to the squares, as follows: * * 1 | 2 | 3 * ---+---+--- * 4 | 5 | 6 * ---+---+--- * 7 | 8 | 9 * * Note that element 0 is not used, which requires allocation * of an extra element. * * In addition to the board array, the code stores a playerT * value to indicate whose turn it is. In this example, the * stateT structure also contains the total number of moves * so that functions can check this entry without counting * the number of occupied squares. */ typedef struct { char board[(3 * 3) + 1]; playerT whoseTurn; int turnsTaken; } *stateT; /* * Constant: MaxMoves * ------------------ * This constant indicates the maximum number of legal moves * available on a turn and is used to allocate array space for * the legal move list. This constant will change according * to the specifics of the game. For tic-tac-toe, there are * never more than nine possible moves. */ #define MaxMoves 9 /* * Constant: MaxDepth * ------------------ * This constant indicates the maximum depth to which the * recursive search for the best move is allowed to proceed. * The use of a very large number for this constant ensures * that the analysis is carried out to the end of the game. */ #define MaxDepth 10000 /* * Constant: FirstPlayer * --------------------- * This constant indicates whether the human or the computer * player goes first and should be one of the enumerated * constants: Human or Computer. */ #define FirstPlayer Computer /* * Private variable: winningLines * ------------------------------ * This two-dimensional array contains the index numbers of * the cells in each of the winning combinations. Although * it is easy for the program to compute these values as it * runs, storing them in advance speeds up the execution. */ static int winningLines[][3] = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 }, { 1, 4, 7 }, { 2, 5, 8 }, { 3, 6, 9 }, { 1, 5, 9 }, { 3, 5, 7 } }; static int nWinningLines = sizeof winningLines / sizeof winningLines[0]; /* Private function prototypes */ static moveT FindBestMove(stateT state, int depth, int *pRating); static int EvaluatePosition(stateT state, int depth); static stateT NewGame(void); static void DisplayGame(stateT state); static void DisplayMove(moveT move); static void GiveInstructions(void); static char PlayerMark(playerT player); static moveT GetUserMove(stateT state); static bool MoveIsLegal(moveT move, stateT state); static moveT ChooseComputerMove(stateT state); static int GenerateMoveList(stateT state, moveT moveArray[]); static void MakeMove(stateT state, moveT move); static void RetractMove(stateT state, moveT move); static void AnnounceResult(stateT state); static bool GameIsOver(stateT state); static int EvaluateStaticPosition(stateT state); static bool CheckForWin(stateT state, playerT player); static playerT WhoseTurn(stateT state); static playerT Opponent(playerT player); /* * Main program * ------------ * The main program, along with the functions FindBestMove and * EvaluatePosition, are general in their design and can be * used with most two-player games. The specific details of * tic-tac-toe do not appear in these functions and are instead * encapsulated in the stateT and moveT data structures and a * a variety of subsidiary functions. */ main() { stateT state; moveT move; GiveInstructions(); state = NewGame(); while (!GameIsOver(state)) { DisplayGame(state); switch (WhoseTurn(state)) { case Human: move = GetUserMove(state); break; case Computer: move = ChooseComputerMove(state); DisplayMove(move); break; } MakeMove(state, move); } AnnounceResult(state); } /* * Function: FindBestMove * Usage: move = FindBestMove(state, depth, pRating); * -------------------------------------------------- * This function finds the best move for the current player, given * the specified state of the game. The depth parameter and the * constant MaxDepth are used to limit the depth of the search * for games that are too difficult to analyze in full detail. * The function returns the best move and stores its rating in * the integer variable to which pRating points. */ static moveT FindBestMove(stateT state, int depth, int *pRating) { moveT moveArray[MaxMoves], move, bestMove; int i, nMoves, rating, minRating; nMoves = GenerateMoveList(state, moveArray); if (nMoves == 0) Error("No moves available"); minRating = WinningPosition + 1; for (i = 0; i < nMoves && minRating != LosingPosition; i++) { move = moveArray[i]; MakeMove(state, move); rating = EvaluatePosition(state, depth + 1); if (rating < minRating) { bestMove = move; minRating = rating; } RetractMove(state, move); } *pRating = -minRating; return (bestMove); } /* * Function: EvaluatePosition * Usage: rating = EvaluatePosition(state, depth); * ----------------------------------------------- * This function evaluates a position by finding the rating of * the best move in that position. The depth parameter and the * constant MaxDepth are used to limit the depth of the search. */ static int EvaluatePosition(stateT state, int depth) { int rating; if (GameIsOver(state) || depth >= MaxDepth) { return (EvaluateStaticPosition(state)); } (void) FindBestMove(state, depth, &rating); return (rating); } /* * Function: NewGame * Usage: state = NewGame(); * ------------------------- * This function starts a new game and returns a stateT that * has been initialized to the defined starting configuration. */ static stateT NewGame(void) { stateT state; int i; state = New(stateT); for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { state->board[i] = ‘ ‘; } state->whoseTurn = FirstPlayer; state->turnsTaken = 0; return (state); } /* * Function: DisplayGame * Usage: DisplayGame(state); * -------------------------- * This function displays the current state of the game. */ static void DisplayGame(stateT state) { int row, col; if (GameIsOver(state)) { printf("\nThe final position looks like this:\n\n"); } else { printf("\nThe game now looks like this:\n\n"); } for (row = 0; row < 3; row++) { if (row != 0) printf("---+---+---\n"); for (col = 0; col < 3; col++) { if (col != 0) printf("|"); printf(" %c ", state->board[row * 3 + col + 1]); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } /* * Function: DisplayMove * Usage: DisplayMove(move); * ------------------------- * This function displays the computer‘s move. */ static void DisplayMove(moveT move) { printf("I‘ll move to square %d.\n", move); } /* * Function: GiveInstructions * Usage: GiveInstructions(); * -------------------------- * This function gives the player instructions about how to * play the game. */ static void GiveInstructions(void) { printf("Welcome to tic-tac-toe. The object of the game\n"); printf("is to line up three symbols in a row, vertically,\n"); printf("horizontally, or diagonally. You‘ll be %c and\n", PlayerMark(Human)); printf("I‘ll be %c.\n", PlayerMark(Computer)); } /* * Function: PlayerMark * Usage: mark = PlayerMark(player); * --------------------------------- * This function returns the mark used on the board to indicate * the specified player. By convention, the first player is * always X, so the mark used for each player depends on who * goes first. */ static char PlayerMark(playerT player) { if (player == FirstPlayer) { return (‘X‘); } else { return (‘O‘); } } /* * Function: GetUserMove * Usage: move = GetUserMove(state); * --------------------------------- * This function allows the user to enter a move and returns the * number of the chosen square. If the user specifies an illegal * move, this function gives the user the opportunity to enter * a legal one. */ static moveT GetUserMove(stateT state) { moveT move; printf("Your move.\n"); while (TRUE) { printf("What square? "); move = GetInteger(); if (MoveIsLegal(move, state)) break; printf("That move is illegal. Try again.\n"); } return (move); } /* * Function: MoveIsLegal * Usage: if (MoveIsLegal(move, state)) . . . * ------------------------------------------ * This function returns TRUE if the specified move is legal * in the current state. */ static bool MoveIsLegal(moveT move, stateT state) { return (move >= 1 && move <= 9 && state->board[move] == ‘ ‘); } /* * Function: ChooseComputerMove * Usage: move = ChooseComputerMove(state); * ---------------------------------------- * This function chooses the computer‘s move and is primarily * a wrapper for FindBestMove. This function also makes it * possible to display any game-specific messages that need * to appear at the beginning of the computer‘s turn. The * rating value returned by FindBestMove is simply discarded. */ static moveT ChooseComputerMove(stateT state) { int rating; printf("My move.\n"); return (FindBestMove(state, 0, &rating)); } /* * Function: GenerateMoveList * Usage: n = GenerateMoveList(state, moveArray); * ---------------------------------------------- * This function generates a list of the legal moves available in * the specified state. The list of moves is returned in the * array moveArray, which must be allocated by the client. The * function returns the number of legal moves. */ static int GenerateMoveList(stateT state, moveT moveArray[]) { int i, nMoves; nMoves = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { if (state->board[i] == ‘ ‘) { moveArray[nMoves++] = (moveT) i; } } return (nMoves); } /* * Function: MakeMove * Usage: MakeMove(state, move); * ----------------------------- * This function changes the state of the game by making the * indicated move. */ static void MakeMove(stateT state, moveT move) { state->board[move] = PlayerMark(state->whoseTurn); state->whoseTurn = Opponent(state->whoseTurn); state->turnsTaken++; } /* * Function: RetractMove * Usage: RetractMove(state, move); * -------------------------------- * This function changes the state of the game by "unmaking" the * indicated move. */ static void RetractMove(stateT state, moveT move) { state->board[move] = ‘ ‘; state->whoseTurn = Opponent(state->whoseTurn); state->turnsTaken--; } /* * Function: AnnounceResult * Usage: AnnounceResult(state); * ----------------------------- * This function announces the result of the game. */ static void AnnounceResult(stateT state) { DisplayGame(state); if (CheckForWin(state, Human)) { printf("You win\n"); } else if (CheckForWin(state, Computer)) { printf("I win\n"); } else { printf("Cat‘s game\n"); } } /* * Function: GameIsOver * Usage: if (GameIsOver(state)) . . . * ----------------------------------- * This function returns TRUE if the game is complete. */ static bool GameIsOver(stateT state) { return (state->turnsTaken == 9 || CheckForWin(state, state->whoseTurn) || CheckForWin(state, Opponent(state->whoseTurn))); } /* * Function: EvaluateStaticPosition * Usage: rating = EvaluateStaticPosition(state); * ---------------------------------------------- * This function gives the rating of a position without looking * ahead any further in the game tree. Although this function * duplicates much of the computation of GameIsOver and therefore * introduces some runtime inefficiency, it makes the algorithm * somewhat easier to follow. */ static int EvaluateStaticPosition(stateT state) { if (CheckForWin(state, state->whoseTurn)) { return (WinningPosition); } if (CheckForWin(state, Opponent(state->whoseTurn))) { return (LosingPosition); } return (NeutralPosition); } /* * Function: CheckForWin * Usage: if (CheckForWin(state, player)) . . . * -------------------------------------------- * This function returns TRUE if the specified player has won * the game. The check on turnsTaken increases efficiency, * because neither player can win the game until the fifth move. */ static bool CheckForWin(stateT state, playerT player) { int i; char mark; if (state->turnsTaken < 5) return (FALSE); mark = PlayerMark(player); for (i = 0; i < nWinningLines; i++) { if (mark == state->board[winningLines[i][0]] && mark == state->board[winningLines[i][1]] && mark == state->board[winningLines[i][2]]) { return (TRUE); } } return (FALSE); } /* * Function: WhoseTurn * Usage: player = WhoseTurn(state); * --------------------------------- * This function returns whose turn it is, given the current * state of the game. */ static playerT WhoseTurn(stateT state) { return (state->whoseTurn); } /* * Function: Opponent * Usage: opp = Opponent(player); * ------------------------------ * This function returns the playerT value corresponding to the * opponent of the specified player. */ static playerT Opponent(playerT player) { switch (player) { case Human: return (Computer); case Computer: return (Human); } return 0; }
时间: 2024-12-24 06:43:05