[HTTP:101216]Servlet: "FICMaster" failed to preload on startup in Web application




<Jan 12, 2015 5:59:46 PM CST> <Warning> <Deployer> <BEA-149078> <Stack trace for message 149004

weblogic.application.ModuleException: [HTTP:101216]Servlet: "FICMaster" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "/OFSAA73".


at com.iflex.fic.common.Log4jLogger.initialize(Log4jLogger.java:116)

at com.iflex.fic.common.Log4jLogger.initializeLog4j(Log4jLogger.java:55)

at com.iflex.fic.ficml.FICMaster.init(FICMaster.java:127)


1. The Data Source for FICMASTER was not created (under JDBC), it was only created for Infodom.

2. The entry for Infodom on the Weblogic server did not match the corresponding entry from web.xml.

3. Deployment was created without having the infrastructure server up.

4. User didn‘t have full privileges on the deployment directories: the *.ear and *.war dirs.

5. The user who started Weblogic was ofsaa user and not the user who installed weblogic.



参考Cannot Start Weblogic for OFSAA On Solaris - Missing EJB STATELESSCACHEBEANBEAN (文档 ID 1240965.1)


1. Create a  DataSource and add a new entry for it in web.xml under WEB-INF.

Then, in the last deployment step: StateLessCacheBeanBean will show up under EJBs and also a link pointing to WEB-INF/lib/webcache.jar.

2. Re-create the Data Source entry for Infodom on the Weblogic server to match the entry from web.xml.

3. Start ./reveleusstartup.sh, re-create the deployment and then upload it again.

4. Grant full permissions on the deployment ear folder by running chmod 777 command.

5. Start Weblogic (startWeblogic.sh -d64) as the user who installed Weblogic.

时间: 2024-11-13 04:56:22

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