1. “游戏客户端”调用“SDK客户端”的登录功能向“SDK服务端”进行身份认证
2. 验证通过后,“游戏客户端”可得到用户信息,根据游戏逻辑可将用户信息传给“游戏服务器”进行验证
3. “游戏服务器”通过客户端传来的用户信息,一般还需要向“SDK服务器”请求验证用户信息
4. 验证通过后,“游戏服务器”从数据库中查询用户信息,不存在的话直接插入新的用户信息,然后将验证结果和用户信息返回给“游戏客户端”
5. 如果使用了登录会话管理,用户登录后会生成一个新的会话token字符串,把这个token传给“游戏客户端”即可,使用这个token即可查出对应的用户信息
6. 在使用第三方账号登录时,需要为每个第三方账号ID建立一个新的玩家ID,使这两个ID产生关联即可
public void authenticate(final AuthenticationInterface authenticationInterface, final AuthenticationRequest request) { // save the request m_authenticationInterface = authenticationInterface; m_request = request; // call third party login method OppoClientHelper m_oppoSdk = OppoClientHelper.getInstance(); m_oppoSdk.setLoginCallback(new OppoLoginCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(String userId, String accessToken) { doAuthenticate(userId, accessToken); } @Override public void onFailure() { m_authenticationInterface.onAuthenticationCancel(); } }); m_oppoSdk.sdkLogin(); }
public class Authenticate extends HttpServlet { public static class RequiredParameters{ public String gameId; public String deviceId; public String userId; public String token; } public static class OppoUserInfo { @JsonIgnoreProperties({ "sex", "profilePictureUrl", "emailStatus", "email" }) public static class BriefUser { public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { this.id = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } private String id; private String name; } @JsonProperty("BriefUser") public BriefUser getBriefUser() { return briefUser; } public void setBriefUser(BriefUser briefUser) { this.briefUser = briefUser; } private BriefUser briefUser; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String authenticateTypeName = "oppo"; protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // check request parameters RequiredParameters parameters = new RequiredParameters(); Map<String, String[]> parameterMap = request.getParameterMap(); if (parameterMap.get("userId") == null || parameterMap.get("token") == null){ AuthenticationUtilities.sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal error"); AuthenticationUtilities.logWarning(authenticateTypeName, "wrong parameters:" + parameterMap.toString()); return; } else{ parameters.userId = parameterMap.get("userId").toString(); parameters.token = parameterMap.get("token").toString(); } try { // query userInfo from third party SDK String gcUserInfo = "{{jsonstring}}"; // check returned JSON string from SDK ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); OppoUserInfo userInfo = mapper.readValue(gcUserInfo, OppoUserInfo.class); if (!parameters.userId.equals(userInfo.getBriefUser().getId())){ AuthenticationUtilities.sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal error"); AuthenticationUtilities.logWarning(authenticateTypeName, "verify userId failed:" + parameters.userId.toString()); return; } try{ // do with database and get a returned token String authenticationToken = ""; boolean databaseResult = false; if (!databaseResult){ AuthenticationUtilities.sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal_error"); AuthenticationUtilities.logSevere(authenticateTypeName, "database returned R_failure_internal_error."); return; } // if success, send response to client response.getWriter().print("authenticationToken=" + authenticationToken); } catch (final Exception exception){ AuthenticationUtilities.sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal_error"); AuthenticationUtilities.logSevere(authenticateTypeName, exception.toString()); return; } } catch (Exception e) { AuthenticationUtilities.sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "internal error"); AuthenticationUtilities.logSevere(authenticateTypeName, e.getMessage()); return; } } }
public class AuthenticationUtilities { private static final Logger ms_logger = Logger.getLogger("spacetime-authentication"); public static void sendError(final HttpServletResponse response, final int responseCode, final String errorMessage) throws IOException{ response.setStatus(responseCode); response.getWriter().print(errorMessage); } public static void logInfo(final String authenticationTypeName, final String message){ ms_logger.info(authenticationTypeName + ":" + message); } public static void logWarning(final String authenticationTypeName, final String message){ ms_logger.warning(authenticationTypeName + ":" + message); } public static void logSevere(final String authenticationTypeName, final String message){ ms_logger.severe(authenticationTypeName + ":" + message); } }
CREATE TABLE authentication_token ( token UUID NOT NULL, account_id UUID NOT NULL, authentication_time TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), PRIMARY KEY (token) ); CREATE INDEX authentication_token_index_account_id ON authentication_token (account_id); CREATE INDEX authentication_token_index_authentication_time ON authentication_token (authentication_time); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE auth_account ( account_id UUID NOT NULL, creation_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (account_id) ); ALTER TABLE authentication_token ADD CONSTRAINT authentication_token_account_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (account_id) REFERENCES auth_account (account_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE spacetime_account_oppo ( oppo_account_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, account_id UUID NOT NULL, creation_time TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), PRIMARY KEY(oppo_account_id) ); ALTER TABLE spacetime_account_oppo ADD CONSTRAINT spacetime_account_oppo_account_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (account_id) REFERENCES auth_account (account_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE spacetime_account_oppo ADD CONSTRAINT spacetime_account_oppo_account_id_unique UNIQUE(account_id); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_new_auth_account_id_0007 ( v_account_id OUT UUID ) RETURNS UUID AS $$ BEGIN <<retry>> LOOP v_account_id := public.uuid_generate_v4(); BEGIN INSERT INTO auth_account (account_id) VALUES (v_account_id); EXIT retry; EXCEPTION WHEN UNIQUE_VIOLATION THEN END; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION cleanup_expired_authentication_tokens_0001 ( ) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN DELETE FROM authentication_token WHERE authentication_time < now() - interval ‘10 minutes‘; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION create_authentication_token_0001 ( v_account_id IN UUID, v_token OUT UUID ) RETURNS UUID AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM cleanup_expired_authentication_tokens_0001(); v_token := public.uuid_generate_v4(); UPDATE authentication_token SET token = v_token, authentication_time = now() WHERE account_id = v_account_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN BEGIN INSERT INTO authentication_token (token, account_id) VALUES (v_token, v_account_id); EXCEPTION WHEN UNIQUE_VIOLATION THEN UPDATE authentication_token SET token = v_token, authentication_time = now() WHERE account_id = v_account_id; END; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_authentication_token_oppo_0008 ( v_oppoId IN VARCHAR, v_result OUT INTEGER, v_token OUT UUID ) RETURNS RECORD AS $$ DECLARE t_account_id UUID; BEGIN SELECT account_id INTO t_account_id FROM spacetime_account_oppo WHERE oppo_account_id = v_oppoId; IF NOT FOUND THEN t_account_id := get_new_auth_account_id_0007(); BEGIN INSERT INTO spacetime_account_oppo (oppo_account_id, account_id) VALUES (v_oppoId, t_account_id); EXCEPTION WHEN UNIQUE_VIOLATION THEN BEGIN RAISE EXCEPTION ‘spacetime_account_oppo: oppo_account_id [%] or account_id [%] already exist‘, v_oppoId, t_account_id; END; END; END IF; v_result := 0; -- R_success v_token := (SELECT f.v_token FROM create_authentication_token_0001(t_account_id) f); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
时间: 2024-11-10 11:02:56