What next? ---class, def, pickle, dictionary, make a address book

<A Byte of Python> Chapter 16. What next?

Problem: create your own command-line address-book program using which you can add, modify, delete or search for your contacts such as friends, family and colleagues and their information such as email address and/or phone number. Details must be stored for later retrieval.

Hint.  Create a class to represent the person‘s information. Use a dictionary to store person objects with their name as the key. Use the cPickle module to store the objects persistently on your hard disk. Use the dictionary built-in methods to add, delete and modify the persons.

ab = {‘Xiaopeng Yang‘: (18000001219, ‘[email protected]‘)}
del ab[‘Xiaopeng Yang‘]

class AddressBook:
    ‘‘‘Represents any information.‘‘‘
    def __init__(self, name, phonenumber):
        self.name = name
        self.phonenumber = phonenumber
        print ‘(Initialized AddressBook: %s)‘ %self.name
    def tell(self):
        ‘‘‘Tell my details.‘‘‘
        print ‘Name:"%s" Phone number:"%s"‘ % (self.name, self.phonenumber),

class Friend(AddressBook):
    ‘‘‘Represents a teacher.‘‘‘
    def __init__(self, name, phonenumber, emailaddress):
        AddressBook.__init__(self, name, phonenumber)
        self.emailaddress = emailaddress
        print ‘(Initialized Friend: %s)‘ % self.name

    def tell(self):
        print ‘Email address: "%s"‘ %self.emailaddress
        ab[self.name] = (self.phonenumber, self.emailaddress) # add friend information to dictionary

class Family(AddressBook):
    def __init__(self, name, phonenumber):
        AddressBook.__init__(self, name, phonenumber)
        print ‘(Initialized Family: %s)‘ % self.name

    def tell(self):
        ab[self.name] = (self.phonenumber,[])
        print #print s blank line

class Colleague(AddressBook):
    def __init__(self, name, phonenumber, emailaddress):
        AddressBook.__init__(self, name, phonenumber)
        self.emailaddress = emailaddress
        print ‘(Initialized Colleague: %s)‘ % self.name

    def tell(self):
        print ‘Email address: "%s"‘ %self.emailaddress
        ab[self.name] = (self.phonenumber, self.emailaddress)
        print #print s blank line

f = Friend(‘Qiping Kong‘, 1590100007, ‘[email protected]‘)
a = Family(‘Haixia Li‘, 13522000000)
c = Colleague(‘Maggie Zhang‘, 13000000827,‘[email protected]‘)
print #print s blank line

members = [f, a, c]
for member in members:
    member.tell() # works for Friend, Family and Colleague
if ‘Qiping Kong‘ in ab:
    print ‘I am Qiping Kong, my phone numberis %d email is %s‘ % ab[‘Qiping Kong‘]

for name, (phone, email) in ab.items():
    print ‘Contact %s phone number is %d, email address is %s‘ % (name, phone, email)

import cPickle as p
#import pickle as p

AddressListfile = ‘AddressList.data‘ # the name of the file where we store the information

AddressList = ab

# Write to the file
f = file(AddressListfile, ‘w‘)
c = p.dump(AddressList, f) #dump the object to a file

del AddressList # remove the AddressList

#Read back from the storage
d = file(AddressListfile)
shoredlist = p.load(d)
print shoredlist


================ RESTART: /Users/zhouxin/Desktop/What next.py ================
(Initialized AddressBook: Qiping Kong)
(Initialized Friend: Qiping Kong)
(Initialized AddressBook: Haixia Li)
(Initialized Family: Haixia Li)
(Initialized AddressBook: Maggie Zhang)
(Initialized Colleague: Maggie Zhang)

Name:"Qiping Kong" Phone number:"1590100007" Email address: "00000[email protected]"
Name:"Haixia Li" Phone number:"13522000000"
Name:"Maggie Zhang" Phone number:"13000000827" Email address: "[email protected]"

I am Qiping Kong, my phone numberis 1590100007 email is [email protected]
Contact Maggie Zhang phone number is 13000000827, email address is [email protected]
Contact Qiping Kong phone number is 1590100007, email address is [email protected]
Contact Haixia Li phone number is 13522000000, email address is []
{‘Maggie Zhang‘: (13000000827L, ‘[email protected]‘), ‘Qiping Kong‘: (1590100007, ‘[email protected]‘), ‘Haixia Li‘: (13522000000L, [])}

时间: 2024-12-10 07:30:10

What next? ---class, def, pickle, dictionary, make a address book的相关文章


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python的pickle模块实现了基本的数据序列和反序列化.通过pickle模块的序列化操作我们能够将程序中运行的对象信息保存到文件中去,永久存储:通过pickle模块的反序列化操作,我们能够从文件中创建上一次程序保存的对象. 基本接口: pickle.dump(obj, file, [,protocol]) 注解:将对象obj保存到文件file中去. protocol为序列化使用的协议版本,0:ASCII协议,所序列化的对象使用可打印的ASCII码表示:1:老式的二进制协议:2:2.3版本引

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http://blog.csdn.net/pipisorry python的pickle模块实现了基本的数据序列和反序列化.通过pickle模块的序列化操作我们能够将程序中运行的对象信息保存到文件中去,永久存储:通过pickle模块的反序列化操作,我们能够从文件中创建上一次程序保存的对象. 基本接口: pickle.dump(obj, file, [,protocol]) 注解:将对象obj保存到文件file中去. protocol为序列化使用的协议版本,0:ASCII协议,所序列化的对象使用可


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