Jmeter-Maven-Plugin高级应用:Remote Server Configuration

Remote Server Configuration

Pages 12

Remote Start And Stop Of Servers Via <remoteConfig>

Setting the <startServersBeforeTests> option will result in a --runremote command being send to JMeter which will start up any remote servers you have defined in your jmeter.propertieswhen your first test starts.

Setting the <stopServersAfterTests> option will result in a --remoteexit command being send to JMeter which will shut down all remote servers defined in after your last test has been run.

<startServersBeforeTests> and <stopServersAfterTests> can be used independantly so that it is possible to use another process to start and stop servers if required.


You can configure the plugin to perform a remote start and stop for each individual test by setting the <startAndStopServersForEachTest> variable to true. If you set this along with<startServersBeforeTests> and <stopServersAfterTests> the <startServersBeforeTests>and <stopServersAfterTests> settings will be ignored.


Instead of starting all remote servers, you can specify which ones to start by using the<serverList> option, this will accept a comma separated list of servers for JMeter to start (these must be defined in your, see the remote testing page in the JMeter manual).

时间: 2024-10-10 01:06:27

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