502 Server dropped connection

在本地电脑上开启了,全局VPN代理后,出现 502 报错。

502 Server dropped connection

The following error occurred while trying to access http://localhost/invo/:

502 Server dropped connection

时间: 2024-08-15 14:50:23

502 Server dropped connection的相关文章

启动项目报错:502 Server dropped connection The following error occurred while trying to access http://localhost:8080/TestDemo:

之前的项目一直是好的,可以启动,但最近启动出了问题,访问不了,于是找到原因发现是启用了访问国外网站的加速器, 更改了浏览器的代理模式,如下: 解决方法: 打开浏览器,进入到浏览器的网络设置中,将局域网设置中代理去掉即可.以 火狐为例,截图如下: 设置完成后,apache项目就可以启动了

zabbix监控告警Received empty response from Zabbix Agent Assuming that agent dropped connection

昨天想监控下tomcat,在网上找到,配置好后,重启了下Server,然后告警就来了 Received empty response from Zabbix Agent at []. Assuming that agent dropped connection 全是这种,还不是端口错误. 搞了好久,最后还是看日志搞定的. 日志里有这样 30305:20170426:123707.943 failed to accept an incoming connection: c

Server dropped: no data (ntpdate 同步时间服务器)

记录一下 /usr/sbin/ntpdate -d time.windows.com 29 Dec 22:15:42 ntpdate[3744]: ntpdate [email protected] Tue May 31 10:09:22 UTC 2016 (1) Looking for host time.windows.com and service ntp host found : transmit( transmit(52.169.

Server dropped: no data错误

Server dropped: no data no server suitable for synchronization found

ntp 服务:Server dropped: Strata too high

1.通过ntpdate -d 服务端IP,显示Server dropped: Strata too high vi /etc/ntp.conf 在ntpd服务端的配置中添加 server fudge stratum 8 重启ntpd服务就可以了 service ntpd restart 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tylzzh/p/9068393.html

Received empty response from Zabbix Agent at [agent]. Assuming that agent dropped connection because of access permission

情况:server端一直显示 更改server上agentd.conf配置文件 更改server的127.0.0.1为server的ip地址

Received empty response from Zabbix Agent at[]. Assuming that agent dropped connection because of access permissions

Centos7.5 Zabbix创建主机ZBX爆红 原因:/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf配置文件的Server写错了 解决方法: [root@db01 ~]# vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf # Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here. # If IPv6 support is enabled then '',

No input file specified. nginx服务器报错解决

配置虚拟域名的时候报No input file specified. 仔细观察一圈也没有发现任何错误,最终,我把注意力放到 \ 上.才发现问题. 以前我都是直接copy文件路径过去 文件里面 都是使用的 \  例如 这样 D:\phpStudy\WWW\think\public 在这之前这样使用没有任何问题. 但是标准的规范 应该是这样D:/phpStudy/WWW/think/public 使用 '/' 这样问题就解决了. 服务器访问时502 Server dropped connection


http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/tutorial.htmlThe general process for using HttpClient consists of a number of steps: Create an instance of HttpClient.    Create an instance of one of the methods (GetMethod in this case). The URL to connect to is