

your favorite book
a story in your childhood
a character in film or TV

词汇 含义 备注
trend 趋势
individuality 个性
negative 消极的
hostile 不友好的
aggressive 好攻击的
imitate 模仿
accessories 配件
fable 寓言
entertainment 娱乐
cartoon 卡通
heroic deed 英雄主义
follow suit 照着别人的方式去做
watch cartoons 看卡通片
get education 受教育
life philosophy 生活哲学
successful businessmen 成功的商人
traditional virtues 传统的美德
negative feelings 消极的感受
sports field 运动区
entertainment field 娱乐区
imitate their idols 模仿他们的偶像
buy the clothes 买衣服
entertainment ways 娱乐方式
leisure activities 休闲活动
make a deep impression 给人印象深刻的
comic books 连环画
picture books 图画书
retell the story 复述故事
widen their sights 拓宽视野
nature and science 自然和科学
have patience 有耐心的
category 类别
traditional way 传统方式
sore eyes 疼痛的眼睛
share ideas 分享意见


Do you have a computer?
Yes, I do.
He has that book, doesn‘t he?
No, he doesn‘t.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
No, I‘m a single son.
Does your computer have modem?
Do you have shampoo here?
What a beautiful garden you have?
Any tickets left?
Do you have glue? I need some here.
I have some left.
If you have more, please give me some.
Do you have my pencil?
Yes, I have your eraser, too.


唐代 \(\bullet\) 岑参



时间: 2024-08-03 19:38:08



<登幽州台歌>·陈子昂 陈子昂(公元659-公元700年),唐代文学家,初唐诗文革新人物之一. Num 诗句 1 前不见古人, 2 后不见来者. 3 念天地之悠悠, 4 独怆然而涕下! The power is off. 停电 The power is off. 停电(默认情况下) The power is gone. There will be a power outage tomorrow. 这三句都是停电, 但是前二句是比较口语的说法, 例如看到电灯突然熄掉了, 老美的第一个反应就是Oh


简单词汇 1. chair [t?e?(r)] n. 椅子 chair = ch + air拼读的时候ch发音以及air发音 [ ] sit on a chair 坐在椅子上 [ ] a table and chairs 一套桌椅 2. baby [?be?bi] n. 婴儿 baby = ba + by拼读的时候ba发音以及by发音 [1] babies (复数) [2] baby monkeys (小猴子) [3] Don't be a baby! 不要发小孩子脾气了! [4] a cute


词汇 音频 1. apartment [??pɑ:tm?nt] n. 公寓 a big / small apartment 一个大的/小的公寓 in an apartment 在公寓 2. arm [ɑ:m] n. 手臂 on the arm 在手臂上 in the arms 抱着 arms 手臂(复数):武器 He is not armed. 他没有携带武器. 3. army [?ɑ:mi] n.军队 in the army 在服军役 Her husband is in the army. 她


1. 词汇-杂技 acrobatics noun [ U ] UK /??k.r??b?t.?ks/ US /??k.r??b?t?.?ks/ the skills of an acrobat 杂技 He had spent the last ten years in a Peking Opera school, studying martial arts and acrobatics. 过去10年里,他一直在一所京剧学校里学习武术和杂技. acrobatic adjective UK /??k


词汇-building(建筑) entertainment Olympic-sized swimming pool tennis court basketball field football pitch resting area foot massage body shape leisure activities physical exercises go rock-climbing shopping mall stressful life bridge church prison struc


服饰 clothes or jewelry your favorite clothes or jewelry jewelry necklace bracelet earrings gold diamond bead brooch bangle crystal fashion fashionable suit trend stylish boutique unique personality interest uniform occupation individuality casual wear


一名IT从业者的英语口语能力成长路径 来源: 微信公众号  发布时间: 2014-03-12 22:53  阅读: 6134 次  推荐: 24   原文链接   [收藏] 这篇文章是我最近十天口语系列文章的合辑,文章比较长,一万五千余字.但是系统化地归纳了自己十多年的英语尤其是口语方面的学习经历与总结思考.我不是个纯粹的英语专业学生,我甚至不是任何英语相关专业的学生,但是我和英语却有着很多的故事,我对这门语言的学习与训练有着没由来的纯粹兴趣.虽然我从学校接受的教育与学术训练主要在计算机科学与技


前几天突发奇想做了个很水的应用,名字叫chinese 800(汉语口语800句),现在让别人传上去了(正在传). 今天又改了一下变成了英语口语800句.加了广告条 ui 没有优化,我随便整的两个图片,有人会ps的可以再优化一下ui 应用含800个音频文件.音频文件我就不传了,我写了个脚本,可以在苹果机上一条命令产生800个音频文件.file:///d:/PROGRA~1/360BRO~1/360se6/USERDA~1/Temp/4064_1~1.JPG<ignore_js_op> 效果图2&

英语口语练习(Don&#39;t get me wrong, that explanation makes no difference, I&#39;m still mad at you. Come on, be reasonable!)

绿色:连读:                  红色:略读:               蓝色:浊化:               橙色:弱读     下划线_为浊化 口语蜕变(2017/7/11) 英文原文: Don’t get me wrong, that explanation makes no difference, I'm still mad at you. Come on, be reasonable! 英式音标: [d?n] [ti?] [get] [mi?] [r??] , [ð