
WinForms Controls

The links below provide comprehensive information on using DevExpress WinForms products. They contain a detailed description of the products API and also provide many examples with step-by-step instructions, screenshot images and source code (C# and Visual Basic) on using these products in real-life applications.

Topics in this section:

The following libraries and controls are included in the DXperience WinForms Suite:


Common Concepts

WinForms Controls > Common Concepts 常见概念

DevExpress Windows Forms controls share many common features. They use the same approaches to control the look and feel settings, data binding, same approaches to format values and localize resources, etc. In this section, you will find documents that describe common features related to all DevExpress Windows Forms products.


This help system contains the following sections:




WinForms Controls > Common Concepts > Concepts

Topics in this section:

User Interface


Data Management


End-User Interaction

Publishing Options


Windows 8 UI - Getting Started

WinForms Controls > Common Concepts > Concepts > Application UIs > Windows 8 UI - Getting Started

This tutorial will guide you through 7 steps of creating Windows 8-inspired applications. You will find everything required: from general project settings and creating application hierarchy to customizing and creating animated tiles. Every following step is based on the previous one. After completing these short steps you will be able to start building your own stunning streamlined applications that completely match Windows 8 concepts.

If tiles are more than enough for you, use a Tile Control component. However, if you seek for a tool to build entire Windows 8-styled applications that are much more than just tiles, we recommend using the Document Manager component.


Step 1 - Creating a Project. General Settings

Windows 8UI开始

WinForms Controls > Common Concepts > Concepts > Application UIs > Windows 8 UI - Getting Started > Step 1 - Creating a Project. General Settings

Start Microsoft Visual Studio and create a new Windows Forms Application. Following Windows 8 concepts, our application should run in the full-screen mode, so set the main application form‘s FormBorderStyle property to None and the WindowState property to Maximized.

启动MS Visual Studio新建一窗体应用程序。沿行Windows  8概念,应用程序在全屏模式下运行,所以设置程序主窗口的FormBorder Style属性为None,Window State 属性为Maximized。

Add the DocumentManager component from the toolbox. By default, it appears with the Tabbed View applied. Change the current View to the Windows UI View. To do so, call the DocumentManager‘s smart tag and click the corresponding link.

从工具箱中添加DocumentManager组件(10.2版本没找到)。默认以Tabbed View标签视图形式显示。改变当前视图为Windows UI视图。

Now, call the Document Manager Designer via the same smart tag.

All the following steps are performed via this Designer (see the Designer topic to learn more). Switch to the Documents section and create 6 new Documents via the ‘Add New Document‘ button.

Documents are main DocumentManager‘s units. They can wrap any control or form to display your data within. You can learn more in the Documentstopic. The Documents we have just added are empty at this time, so the application will not run properly. We will set their content in Step 5. Now let‘s proceed to the next step - Tiles Customization.

时间: 2024-10-12 13:57:14



DevExpress控件学习总结 1.Navigation & Layout 1.1 Bar Manager 如果想在窗体或用户控件(user control)上添加工具条(bars)或弹出菜单(popup menus),我们需要把一个不可见的控件(component)BarManager(Navigation&Layout)拖放到这个窗体或用户控件上.这个控件维护工具条在窗体上的布局,处理用户的行为(processes an end-user's actions),提供一些定制功能等等.

DevExpress 控件使用笔记 - Common Controls

这段时间一直在研究DevExpress控件库,本文是我对DevExpress工具箱中分类"DX.13.1: Common Controls"下控件的使用笔记.这个类型的控件都在DevExpress.XtraEditors.v13.1.dll中定义. 分类"DX.13.1: Common Controls"下控件列表如下: 针对以上控件,我选了一些做了笔记,内容如下: 1)ColorPickEdit,颜色选择控件,类似VS中控件属性管理器中的颜色选择工具,包括自定义.


DevExpress是一个比较有名的界面控件套件,提供了一系列的界面控件套件的DotNet界面控件.本文主要介绍我在使用DevExpress控件过程中,遇到或者发现的一些问题解决方案,或者也可以所示一些小的经验总结.总体来讲,使用DevExpress控件,可以获得更高效的界面设计以及更美观的效果.本文主要通过给出相应的例子以及相关界面效果来说明问题,希望大家能够从中获得好的知识和思路. 1. 应用Office2007和Office2010的界面主题 开始使用DevExpress的时候,发现程序界


用的DevExpress控件时,有一些操作并不太方便,根据我自己需要的封装了一些控件的事件,调用的时候直接绑定控件的事件就可以了 例如: this.ComboBoxEdit.KeyDown += CtrlBase.ComboBoxEdit_KeyDown;            this.LookUpEdit.KeyDown +=CtrlBase.LookUpEdit_KeyDown;            this.TextEdit.KeyDown += CtrlBase.TextEdit_K

DevExpress控件使用之多重坐标图形的绘制 z

有时候,基于对一些年份.月份的统计,需要集成多个数值指标进行分析,因此就需要把多种数据放到一个图形里面展现,也成为多重坐标轴,多重坐标轴可以是多个X轴,也可以是Y轴,它们的处理方式类似.本文通过一个例子对这个方面进行介绍,希望给大家有一个很好的参考. 首先我们先来看一个图形例子,我们可以从里面图形的右边看到有多个Y轴,一个Y轴代表一个指标分析,X轴为月份. 上图是采用了DevExpress的ChartControl图表控件来实现的,这个控件提供了SecondaryAxisY对象来处理多重坐标的问


近期须要绘制纵断面图,而AE自带的又不是非常好,查找资料后使用DevExpress控件中的画图控件实现了纵断面的绘制.Dev控件是须要付费的.这里我们使用破解版的哈. 安装包及破解文件上传至我的网盘了,须要的可去下载: DevExpress 11.1.4:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWNitsC DevExpress 13.1.5:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnnGWH5 安装及破解方法:http://www.it165.net/pro/html/20

DevExpress控件库 开发使用经验总结3 制作项目安装包

2015-01-27 使用DevExpress控件包开发C/S项目完成后,部署前需要制作本地安装包.本文还是使用“SetupFactory”安装工厂来制作安装包.在以前的系列文章中详细介绍过该工具的使用,请参考http://www.cnblogs.com/SavionZhang/p/4106338.html. 实际情景:SetupFactory V9.0.3.DevExpress14.1.8.依赖程序.Net Framework 4.0. 由于项目中引用了很多DevExpress控件库中的DLL

DevExpress控件使用经验总结- GridView列表行号显示操作

DevExpress是一个比较有名的界面控件套件,提供了一系列的界面控件套件的DotNet界面控件.本文主要介绍我在使用DevExpress控件过程中,遇到或者发现的一些问题解决方案,或者也可以所示一些小的经验总结.总体来讲,使用DevExpress控件,可以获得更高效的界面设计以及更美观的效果.本文主要通过给出相应的例子以及相关界面效果来说明问题,希望大家能够从中获得好的知识和思路. 1. 应用Office2007和Office2010的界面主题 开始使用DevExpress的时候,发现程序界


DateEdit设置手录格式(yyyy-MM-dd) (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) /* * 设置DateEdit手动录入格式(yyyy-MM-dd yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm) * DateRegEx = @"((((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)\d{2})-(0?[13578]|1[02])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))|(((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)\d{2})-(0?[13456789]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|30))|(