
Helgrind是Valgrind的一个重点功能 本节主要针对与多线程基本安全问题进行检测:【所有的代码环境都是在POSIX_THREAD模式下】

写线程代码时 经常碰到如下问题
1)  资源不安全访问 【就是多个线程在没有同步的情况下写某个资源体】
2) 死锁问题
3)  POSIX pthreads API的错误使用
4)  在前面几个基础上都能安全无误的情况下 多于多线程程序就是要能够能好将同步块尽量缩到最小  【这是一个很大的课题】
    ?问题1:   调用Helgrind能够很好的解决掉  已基本例子为例:

  1. #include <pthread.h>
  2. int var = 0;
  3. void* child_fn ( void* arg ) {
  4. var++;
  5. return NULL;
  6. }
  7. int main ( void ) {
  8. pthread_t child;
  9. pthread_t child2;
  10. pthread_create(&child,NULL, child_fn, NULL);
  11. pthread_create(&child2,NULL,child_fn,NULL);
  12. pthread_join(child,NULL);
  13. pthread_join(child2,NULL);
  14. return 0;
  15. }

明显var是共享的 不安全访问,调用Helgrind看看怎么能够检测出来
gcc -g thread_helgrind.c  -o thread_helgrind -lpthread
valgrind --tool=helgrind ./thread_helgrind

==25516== Helgrind, a thread error detector

==25516== Copyright (C) 2007-2013, and GNU GPL‘d, by OpenWorks LLP et al.

==25516== Using Valgrind-3.9.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info

==25516== Command: ./thread_helgrind


==25516== ---Thread-Announcement------------------------------------------


==25516== Thread #3 was created

==25516==    at 0x415B3C8: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==25516== ---Thread-Announcement------------------------------------------


==25516== Thread #2 was created

==25516==    at 0x415B3C8: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==25516== ----------------------------------------------------------------


==25516== Possible data race during read of size 4 at 0x804A028 by thread #3

==25516== Locks held: none

==25516==    at 0x804851F: child_fn (thread_helgrind.c:12)

==25516==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==25516==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==25516==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==25516== This conflicts with a previous write of size 4 by thread #2

==25516== Locks held: none

==25516==    at 0x8048527: child_fn (thread_helgrind.c:12)

==25516==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==25516==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==25516==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==25516== ----------------------------------------------------------------


==25516== Possible data race during write of size 4 at 0x804A028 by thread #3

==25516== Locks held: none

==25516==    at 0x8048527: child_fn (thread_helgrind.c:12)

==25516==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==25516==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==25516==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==25516== This conflicts with a previous write of size 4 by thread #2

==25516== Locks held: none

==25516==    at 0x8048527: child_fn (thread_helgrind.c:12)

==25516==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==25516==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==25516==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/



==25516== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v

==25516== Use --history-level=approx or =none to gain increased speed, at

==25516== the cost of reduced accuracy of conflicting-access information

==25516== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

可以看出绿色就显示的data_race错误  可以直接定位到var前后没有locks/

    ?死锁问题是尽量避免  对于helgrind可以检测出加锁解锁顺序出现问题导致的死锁问题    这个问题我们可以好好看下:
    ?首先 看下一个正常的程序

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_mutex_t mut_thread;

int var = 0;

void* child_fn ( void* arg ) {




return NULL;


int main ( void ) {

pthread_t child;

pthread_t child2;


pthread_create(&child,NULL, child_fn, NULL);




return 0;


正常加锁解锁  没有问题 

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_mutex_t mut_thread;

int var = 0;

void* child_fn ( void* arg ) {




return NULL;


int main ( void ) {

pthread_t child;

pthread_t child2;


pthread_create(&child,NULL, child_fn, NULL);




return 0;


看下这个helgrind打印出来的东西 【当然要杀死 不然会一直卡在那里动都不动一下】

==26534== Helgrind, a thread error detector

==26534== Copyright (C) 2007-2013, and GNU GPL‘d, by OpenWorks LLP et al.

==26534== Using Valgrind-3.9.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info

==26534== Command: ./deadlock_helgrind


==26534== ---Thread-Announcement------------------------------------------


==26534== Thread #2 was created

==26534==    at 0x415B3C8: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==26534== ----------------------------------------------------------------


==26534== Thread #2: Attempt to re-lock a non-recursive lock I already hold

==26534==    at 0x402E8E5: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:507)

==26534==    by 0x80485C6: child_fn (deadlock_helgrind.c:14)

==26534==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==26534==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26534==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26534==  Lock was previously acquired

==26534==    at 0x402E95D: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:518)

==26534==    by 0x80485AD: child_fn (deadlock_helgrind.c:12)

==26534==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==26534==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26534==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


^C==26534== ----------------------------------------------------------------


==26534== Thread #2: Exiting thread still holds 1 lock

==26534==    at 0x4001182: ??? (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26534==    by 0x405B4D1: __lll_lock_wait (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26534==    by 0x4056ED3: _L_lock_776 (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26534==    by 0x4056D11: pthread_mutex_lock (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26534==    by 0x402E914: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:510)

==26534==    by 0x80485C6: child_fn (deadlock_helgrind.c:14)

==26534==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==26534==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26534==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/



==26534== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v

==26534== Use --history-level=approx or =none to gain increased speed, at

==26534== the cost of reduced accuracy of conflicting-access information

==26534== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0
Lock was previously acquired   对于自身线程来讲  这样的做法明显出问题 它自身还在尝试获取这个lock 这样就导致死锁的发生。可以定位到==26534==    by 0x80485C6: child_fn (deadlock_helgrind.c:14)出问题了 所以这个helgrind解决这类问题时还是非常的厉害的~!
接下来看一个2 mutex导致的问题:

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_mutex_t mut_thread;

pthread_mutex_t mut_thread1;

int var = 0;

void* child_fn ( void* arg ) {






return NULL;


void* child_fn1(void *arg)







return NULL;


int main ( void ) {

pthread_t child;

pthread_t child2;



pthread_create(&child,NULL, child_fn, NULL);




return 0;



==26785== Helgrind, a thread error detector

==26785== Copyright (C) 2007-2013, and GNU GPL‘d, by OpenWorks LLP et al.

==26785== Using Valgrind-3.9.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info

==26785== Command: ./deadlock_helgrind


==26785== ---Thread-Announcement------------------------------------------


==26785== Thread #3 was created

==26785==    at 0x415B3C8: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==26785== ----------------------------------------------------------------


==26785== Thread #3: lock order "0x804A038 before 0x804A050" violated


==26785== Observed (incorrect) order is: acquisition of lock at 0x804A050

==26785==    at 0x402E95D: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:518)

==26785==    by 0x8048637: child_fn1 (deadlock_helgrind.c:22)

==26785==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==26785==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26785==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==26785==  followed by a later acquisition of lock at 0x804A038

==26785==    at 0x402E95D: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:518)

==26785==    by 0x8048643: child_fn1 (deadlock_helgrind.c:23)

==26785==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==26785==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26785==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==26785== Required order was established by acquisition of lock at 0x804A038

==26785==    at 0x402E95D: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:518)

==26785==    by 0x80485ED: child_fn (deadlock_helgrind.c:13)

==26785==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==26785==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26785==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/


==26785==  followed by a later acquisition of lock at 0x804A050

==26785==    at 0x402E95D: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:518)

==26785==    by 0x80485F9: child_fn (deadlock_helgrind.c:14)

==26785==    by 0x402E5F6: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:233)

==26785==    by 0x4054D77: start_thread (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

==26785==    by 0x415B3DD: clone (in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/



==26785== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v

==26785== Use --history-level=approx or =none to gain increased speed, at

==26785== the cost of reduced accuracy of conflicting-access information

==26785== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 9 from 9

这是观察法得出的  加锁顺序出错导致了这种情况的发生。 
posix_thread erro这里就不列举了  这个完全是看基础。


时间: 2024-08-26 08:06:44



charles Linux下Web性能压力测试工具http_load linux 下的socket 调试工具 netcat Linux下四款Web服务器压力测试工具(http_load.webbench.ab.siege) 五个 Linux 下用户空间的调试工具: 'print' 语句 查询 (/proc, /sys 等) 跟踪 (strace/ltrace) Valgrind (memwatch) GDB linux-c/c++调试利器gdb.ddd小试:http://deepfuture.i

内存问题排查工具 --- valgrind

1. 概述 2. Valgrind 3. 内存泄漏监测 3.1. 示例代码 3.2. 编译它 3.3. 用Valgrind监测进程的内存泄漏 4. 悬挂指针 4.1. 示例代码 4.2. Valgrind运行结果 5. 多次释放同一个指针 5.1. 示例代码 5.2. Valgrind 监测 6. Valgrind的优缺点 6.1. Advantages 6.2. Disadvantages 7. Valgrind的其他工具 7.1. Cachegrind 7.2. Callgrind 7.3.

内存排查 valgrind

内存问题排查工具 --- valgrind 1. 概述 2. Valgrind 3. 内存泄漏监测 3.1. 示例代码 3.2. 编译它 3.3. 用Valgrind监测进程的内存泄漏 4. 悬挂指针 4.1. 示例代码 4.2. Valgrind运行结果 5. 多次释放同一个指针 5.1. 示例代码 5.2. Valgrind 监测 6. Valgrind的优缺点 6.1. Advantages 6.2. Disadvantages 7. Valgrind的其他工具 7.1. Cachegri


最近想着怎么把自己的知识体系进行整理起来,使用思维导图进行描述,对自己以后的发展也有一个更深的认识,更快的提升自己:看到了下面这篇文章,感觉非常实用,从语言到框架都非常全面,自己也可以继续补充,也是对自己知识体系的一个补充吧. 前言 成为一名专业程序员的道路上,需要坚持练习.学习与积累,技术方面既要有一定的广度,更要有自己的深度. 笔者作为一位tool mad,将工作以来用到的各种优秀资料.神器及框架整理在此,毕竟好记性不如烂键盘,此项目可以作为自己的不时之需. 本人喜欢折腾,记录的东西也比较杂


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好东西不是随便收集下,发篇博文,骗些点赞的!积累了5年多的东西,是时候放出来跟大家见见面了. 或许有的园友在14年的时候收藏过我的一篇"工欲善其事.必先利其器"的博文,时隔3年,已经做了N多更新,那篇文章也已被我删除,迁移至GitHub,重新进行管理. 这篇文章,大家可以推荐.收藏,让更多的人在园内看到,让福利普照. 因为这篇文章,我以后不会更新. 但项目依旧会更新,所以,更好的做法是,请到GitHub上Star:be-a-professional-programmer 前言 成为一名

FireFox VS Chrome 之 调试篇

一个完美的调试工具,FireBug! 精确跟踪每一步.只要按下图所示,选择"脚本",然后在下方选择脚本所在的文件即可对该文本的执行进行断点跟踪. 并且仅当一个线程运行结束后,才会去执行另外的线程的执行过程,这跟大多数多线程调试工具是一致的. Chrome 内置的调试功能,在某些情况下,并不能很好的把断点和实际断点代码对应起来,这种情况发生在 WebStore  中传入的断点的情况. 所以还是直接在 Chrome 中找到对应的文件,再次添加断点比较准确. 之所以想要使用 WebStore


我写代码已超过 20 年了,并且迄今为止也教了大约 6 门编程入门课,总课时已经 1000 多个小时了.以下是一些我跟学生至少说过一次的(入门编程的)建议,排名不分先后. 欢迎来到编程的世界! 1. 编程真的很难 无论你多擅长编程,唯一能降低开发速度的,就是学习和解决问题的能力.而当你越是擅长编程的时候,这种情况就可能越明显.这是一个非常吸引人的特质—你永远不会厌倦编程.如果你厌倦了,那么你的做法肯定是错的,你应该去总结思考你在重写的代码. 2. 编程也会是最令人沮丧的事情之一 编程的一般步骤是