Completely change MACE timestamps?


One of my friends Sandy asked me about the possibility of completely change MACE timestamps. As everybody knows that some tools could change MAC timestamps only. I told her that a tool whose name is "Timestomp" could change MACE timestamps,including Entry Modified Time. She was very surprise and ask me how to use "Timestomp". I will show you as below:

1. A file - test.txt . Look at its MAC timestamps "10/29/2013 09:44:35".

2. Use Timestomp to show MACE timestamps.

3. Now I use Timestomp to change MACE timestamps to earlier time such as "10/08/2005 14:34:56". You could see the MACE timestamps change as exaclty what I want.

4.If you are not sure MACE do change or not, I use other tool to verify the MACE timestamp of this file test.txt again. It works! All timestamps become "10/08/2005 14:34:56".

5. My friend she wonder if suspect use Timestomp to change MACE timestamps, how could I figure it out? Fortunately, there are two kinds of timestamps in MFT. They are Standard info and Filename info. I dump an MFT to csv and you could see them clearly. Even Timestomp could change MACE timestamps, it could only change Sandard info attributes, not including Filename info attributes. So we could take a look at MFT dump results and see if there is any abnormal timestamps between those two timestamp attributes.

时间: 2024-07-30 01:26:22

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