PTA (Advanced Level)1001.A+B Format

Calculate a+b and output the sum in standard format -- that is, the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas (unless there are less than four digits).

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. Each case contains a pair of integers a and b where ?106≤a,b≤106. The numbers are separated by a space.

Output Specification:

For each test case, you should output the sum of a and b in one line. The sum must be written in the standard format.

Sample Input:
-1000000 9
Sample Output:
  • 将数字转换为字符串,每隔3个输出一个,,要注意的点写在代码注释里了
using namespace std;

int main()
    int a,b;
    cin >> a >> b;
    int ans = a + b;
    if(ans / 1000 == 0)     //只有3位
        cout << ans;
        vector<char> v;
        int cnt = 0;
        int t;
        char tmp;
        if(ans < 0)
            cout << '-';
            ans = -ans;
            t = ans % 10;
             tmp = t + '0';
            ans /= 10;
            if(cnt == 3 && ans)     //为了避免输出形如-,999,991这样的答案
                cnt = 0;
        for(int i=v.size()-1;i>=0;i--)
            cout << v[i];
    return 0;



时间: 2024-08-30 05:31:43

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